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Richie Cross

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Everything posted by Richie Cross

  1. Cheers Kenny, Had a look at the site but still don't know if it's a must?
  2. Hi folks, I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my BC BR Series coilovers and it was only yesterday I read someone mentioning the Whiteline front roll centre adjustment kit. Something about roll joints wearing out eventually? So....should I get this fitted at the same time? Is it a must or just advisable? With regards to the splitter. Eventually looking at getting one and wondered how much the HT Autos one lowered the front end. I think someone mentioned about an inch although I'm sure I read 10cms!!! Thought I'd check. Thanks
  3. Reminds me that I should get a front splitter for my wagon! Looks great.....even in a colour that I didn't think I'd fancy.
  4. I've used them for a crack in my wife's car and it was fine. Drove to one of their centres and waited until they had replaced the glass. Didn't take too long either.
  5. I too have an 05 WRX wagon!!! and as suggested I spoke with Alyn at AS Performance. Ended up with Ferodo DS2500's on the front and OEM+ on the rear. Alyn said the Ferodo had 25% more friction(?) than standard with the OEM+ having 10% over standard. I think it was £135 for the Ferodo and about £40 for the rear. Really like the Ferodo. No squeal etc.
  6. It really does amaze me sometimes. Pulled onto the A737 at Howwood heading towards Beith and a yellow transit pulled out behind me. It was about 4.30pm so anyone who knows the road also knows that it's pretty much nose to tail all the way. That didn't stop this a*** driving so close that I couldn't even see his number plate in my rear view mirror. I know he didn't know but having my 18mth old daughter in the back seat didn't help my anger!!! He was getting so close that I had a dab on the brakes...even to light them up but not slow much.... and even though he was driving like that, he then thought it was his right to get on the horn, flash his lights, keep his full been on and give me the finger!!! All this time the traffic was still doing 40mph! He pulled off towards Dunlop giving me the full beam as he did so. I wish another adult had been in the car so I could've reported him for careless driving!!! ..............................and breath....... Thanks for listening
  7. Not as much as I'd like!!! I've been thinking that I should've done the brakes by now!!! I thought I didn't necessaryily need them......my driving has obviously been way too conservative!!! As for Crail, only been once Peter and I would like to go back (didn't run my car that time) but I'd also like to go to your place for food again....it's just seeing at the time with the wife's work/looking after Abi etc.
  8. I used Camskill to get my Eagle F1 Asymmetric which have stronger sidewalls than the previous F1. Going from Pirelli P7000's, I really noticed the difference. Do a Google search for tyre reviews
  9. Hi, Haven't heard of them. Have you thought of someone like Godspeed? If I remember, his front discs are about £89 a pair and you get a 12mth warranty. Ian recommends that you stick with grooved only if it's for road use. He also does a 335mm conversion kit. As for pads, give Alyn as AS Performance a call. I've got the Ferodo DS2500 pads on the front with the OEM discs and better than OEM pads but not as good as Ferodos on the rear. Noticed the difference over the standard pads and no squeal etc. Think I'm going for the 335mm conversion soon
  10. That was another option. There was a group buy going on Scoobynet for the 8 pot kit (calipers/discs/pads/hoses) for £699. Is that a no brainer compared to the £575 for the Goodspeed?
  11. Hi folks, Looking to see if anyone has had the above fitted. Had a search and found people have used Godspeed discs but I was specifically looking for the conversion. Ian said he could do the kit and oversize pads for £575 and said the braking performance is comparable with the 330mm AP 4 pot set up. I like the idea of having the larger discs (it's as close as I'll get to a 'big brake' set up). Had considered the DBA4000 which are standard size...similar price. Cheers
  12. Hello and welcome Cut up the credit cards!!! You in a good part of Balloch or bordering on Jamestown/Haldane?!!!! Spend your Sat nights in Nightmares?? The Glasgow meets are the first Thurs of every month and will appear in the Events section. Meet at The Harvester in Hillington. Unfortunately, due to the early hours of darkness, the runs have finished for the year so we just have a blether and start planning Christmas stuff. Don't know if that seems far for you but there are a couple of members out Helensburgh way...and beyond...so you'd have a convoy back!!!
  13. Yeah, my daughter is now 17mths old and I was watching Youtube clips for us meeting at Happendon for the convoy through to Lanark and didn't think any of that was that long ago!!! I do wonder where the time has gone! I think it's the older you get, the quicker the time goes!
  14. It's really just luck when it comes to number plates. Along with the size, there are a lot with illegal spacing etc but some traffic boys say that as long as they can read it, or ANPR can, then it's not an issue. But it does leave you open for a ticket if your driving does something to make you stand out! And it is an easy ticket for those who like doing traffic!!!
  15. Yep, got a VF34 myself....but just on the 2L. Great kick!! Did you get the interchangeable low/high boost via the rear demister??
  16. Another vote from me for the Asymmetrics. Moved over from horrendous Pirelli P7000s and I really notice the difference on roundabouts...especially in the wet when I would expect a bit of a slide with the Pirellis. Have never had any other F1's though.
  17. Ooh..nice figures. Nice amount of torque from the 2.5 Wish I had one!!
  18. Ah yes, the old 'upgrading by stealth'
  19. Mmmm.....really daft question but if you have that money to spend, is it possible to make your RB5 bombproof with a portion of that? Would you still be happy keeping it if it was running fine or are these problems a good excuse to move on? All your possible choices are great. Type 20 Sorry.....nearly all your choices!!!
  20. OMFG!!!! Even for the dark side, that is seriously fooked up!!! To do that to an Evo or similar to a Scoob tells me they have no real love or understanding of what that car is all about!!!
  21. So Mark.....you've been, said you're happy but tell us how your day went and what figures you got?
  22. Didn't realise how long this has been going on, but saying as your tax disc ran out at the end of April that was a reminder!!!! I know you don't have a choice but I'd be desperate to get it back by now!! Oh, and you'll turn up with a new tax disc on collection day will you?
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