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Everything posted by craigy

  1. one day i will be allowed money to put in it
  2. i just knocked these up aswell
  3. once again thanks everyone craigy
  4. well here they are folks mani you done a good job here matey
  5. Well what can i say folks, we had a great turn out today and it also looks like everyone washed there cars lol i would like to thank each and every one of you for turning up also the weather cheers to Leigh for sorting the membership form out lol i lost a bit of weight while trying to find my ones lol also great to get a new member on Bord in Simon, very nice guy and i must apologize to his patner as i did not catch your name im uploading the pictures now so wont be long thanks again to one and all and i look forward to the next one craigy
  6. tip top guy is dave

    helpfull in every shape of the word

  7. time is here, see you all shortly
  8. looking forward to this folks see you all sunday
  9. well put pics up after, use the show and shine trick that the helet miester type r pete tought me which is, get your brightest yellow cloth and put it in you zorst for that extra shine look craigy
  10. come see me on rally day then matey which mate??
  11. no mate i have never had issues with it, well the pics speek for themselves, give it a go mate
  12. and how class is that feature, designed to prevent the forum having pointless threads lol
  13. wat event are you at next mate, i have a spare yellow cloth matey
  14. looks fantastic ben, get a touch of pride wen you get it up that clean dont it clean the inside of you zorst and stick a bright yellow cloth inside it for pics i used thoose brillo pads with the pink stuff in it(top tip from frenchy) then auto sol mate and boy do they sound class? well done ben me ol mate it looks proper class mate
  15. lol great pics there hun im supprised they dint let me go lol
  16. im deffo up for this come on oxon folk get yer names down THIS IS A BROWN PANTS RIDE lol
  17. Oxon Monthly Meet Held at Sturdys Castle all details here http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=100976 everyone and anyone welcome the food is great
  18. well hear my attempts just for ideas for you cheers
  19. no problem mate. i use those brillo pads with the pink stuff in them, then use auto sol
  20. are avalible but wont fit mate sorry
  21. top man john, we will see you there mate craigy,mrs craigy pezza shescooby&smilie Wimpy & Crew Tyreman & wife HairyDJ & Chrissy SiSubaru and Ali deanoboy shortyscooby in her new rainbow beast giboman & chaz TJ_666 & Family JKscoob
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