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Everything posted by craigy

  1. oh what rotton luck sorry to see that and i hope the repairs dont come to a great wedge chin up
  2. tho the ride in the stobart focus seemed to fill his pants abit lol lets see abit more driving please
  3. nice one , keep an eye on the oxon section for the next meet in febuary , it will be held in this location untill the new location is sorted cheers craigy
  4. best mod people can do if they aint on it already top draw mate
  5. on a serious note, that looks awsome with they lights on in oh yes (or is it a good photoshop pmsl) nice one mate craigy
  6. are you still going then kaz?
  7. through lacl of interest im gonna have to cancell, cant afford to eat on me own lol
  8. nice one, just thought i would give a ickle warning lol craig
  9. get your boost checked mate , when i bought my car i was running at 1.7 boost without realising, but the car was bladdy quick, then cos of that it blew up, now running it at0.6
  10. if your maf fails you will get an engine light come up if not then run the car and disconnet the maf if the engine cuts out then your maf aint quite rite but bareing in mind your running a full decat your fuel will go quicker
  11. thats why im so p****d before my maf went down i was getting 300
  12. at the moment 160-180 ish, all cos my maf sensor is beggered and cant get a new one grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  13. i thought you took a new job a few months back?
  14. i really wont no untill last minute on this one, is it ok if i get penciled in so to speek then let ya no however it might be an idea if we join our meet up with this as our new location will be set for the following month??? craig
  15. you might see the odd bit of tumble weed in here mate how are you?
  16. yeah get that done in red cant notice there blue at the mo but i think it will look class
  17. lol i was gonna say get the wheels in white but dint want to offend, weird that do it mate that would look sweet as
  18. looking good iain, i always like them in white, whats next for her then?
  19. jeesh im in oxford , donny think he will travel that far oh man
  20. spot on mate, but where is he based?
  21. where is andy f based and how much did this cost pm if you want
  22. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=110511
  23. wish i lived there, oh so jealous great shoot there mate
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