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Everything posted by craigy

  1. pmsl im sorry holly told me too craig: oh im spitting feathers here holly: drink that bulmers in the fridge craig: na thats benny boys holly: sod ben its our frigging fridge craig: ok pishhh the cap was off and i was guzzling
  2. 1. Craigy and Family = payment recieved 2. SHESCOOBY & Family 3. JKSCOOB 4. wimpy = payment recieved 5. Tyreman = payment recieved 6. Bailey and family = payment recieved 7. Sisubaru 8. TJ_666 & Family = payment recieved 9. jason751 + Family 10.sp, edmondo 11. Woodcote and probably family 12. Giboman and Julie 13. Chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) 14 Kev BE = payment recieved 15. deano boy and helen payment recieved
  3. nice one sp hope all is well
  4. 1. SHESCOOBY 2. Craigy 3. wimpy 4.chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) + wheelchair just in case !! 5. bockett 6. The three Amigo's - s.p, Edmondo, and S.I.D.C Mum - s.p being the only possible skater 7. David (not skating) & Chrissy (going for it) 8. Bailey and family (Poss) and that includes sam b so im told
  5. short on sleep. you could say that lol, as a perant you understand lol sssoooooryyyy ben my old fruit do your work on the dog and bone
  6. 1. SHESCOOBY 2. Craigy 3. wimpy 4.chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) + wheelchair just in case !! 5. bockett 6. The three Amigo's - s.p, Edmondo, and S.I.D.C Mum - s.p being the only possible skater 7. David (not skating) & Chrissy (going for it) 8. Bailey and family (Poss) 9. sam b
  7. right you are just put a little mention in there summit like ello lol , i will do it now
  8. 1. Craigy and Family = payment recieved 2. SHESCOOBY & Family 3. JKSCOOB 4. wimpy = payment recieved 5. Tyreman = payment recieved 6. Bailey and family = payment recieved 7. Sisubaru 8. TJ_666 & Family = payment recieved 9. jason751 + Family 10.sp, edmondo 11 Budgie(tbc due to birthday) 12. Woodcote and probably family 13. Giboman and Julie 14. Chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) 15 Kev BE = payment recieved
  9. 1. Craigy and Family = payment recieved 2. SHESCOOBY & Family 3. JKSCOOB 4. wimpy = payment recieved 5. Tyreman = payment recieved 6. Bailey and family = payment recieved 7. Sisubaru 8. TJ_666 & Family 9. jason751 + Family 10.sp, edmondo 11 Budgie(tbc due to birthday) 12. Woodcote and probably family 13. Giboman and Julie 14. Chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) 15 Kev BE = payment recieved
  10. nice one mate , good to meet you to
  11. thats the one mate , i think some might hope for the early bath but ya never no lol
  12. looks like a great project there. bet you wish you had more than one bank holiday tho.
  13. would they not come a cropper if they dont change it?
  14. chalk= well mannered, good looking , clever, and inteligent cheese = crazy fool
  15. well done to you all tis hard work tho, but what joy
  16. looks loads better does that, nice touch
  17. ok folks were going to go for the slot of 14:00-16:00 so if we all meet at the rink at half 1 then we can park up and get sorted, parking is £5 for 2-3 hours, and for skating its £5.60 for the session, afterwards we will nip to the pub for a drink so hopefully the weather will be as good as last time , so we will see you there. cheers craigy
  18. cheers lovey , this was a top laugh last time im sure sp will agree, im bound to fall now , cheers sp details http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=112293&hl=
  19. got to stick up for BOCKETT here, from across the border we call you lot south west section,,,,,,,, thats how we roll
  20. your just have to put her across your knee for that mate sorry folks im unable to attend this one but will see you at the rink on the sunday cheers craigy
  21. write you are sp , nice one
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