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Everything posted by craigy

  1. so is everyone still a go go go???
  2. hmmmm not sure why its louder , but sit mine next to a S my god there is a difference, ya need to look for the R now then mate , shame
  3. yes mate there is a difference so much so kaz choose to ditch her S and buy an R this was due to how louder the R is i think if she read this then would confirm but then again a S is good for a more suttle burble i suppose craigy
  4. the one just off the a34 mate if you leave a little earlyer mate then we can make sure you find us also folks look at this link http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=115563&hl=
  5. well i was invited down to the airfield tonight to show me where our stand is going to be, looks good we are right under the display and at the top of the runway, i was a bit worried that the whole thing was too small in comparison to the shows we go to but i think that this is of a reasonable size and its just the thing i enjoy so i hope you will too? also there is going to be a great show of MGs i think as they have a good length stand going on looking forward to seeing them bad boys, the beauty of having our stand where it is, is there will still be plains coming in so we will be seeing them land, spot on. anyway while i was there i was allowed to take a whole bunch of pictures, i wont put to many up as it will kinda spoil it for you all but i got the pic i dreamed of, my car next to a merlin HT2 i will put the rest up after the event see you in the morn folks craigy
  6. hello all i have just been invited down to the irfield so im off there in 15 mins, will give me a taste of wats inline for us, some sneaky pics too lol, just to clarify tho folks were all going to meet at tescos in abingdon at 8:45am planning to leave there at 9:00am but can hold on for another 15 mins as the airfield closes at 9:45 for the clubs
  7. cheers mate, the sun is out now gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  8. so you should, it defo looks loads better with those wheels my pics
  9. forgot to say aswell mate, your car looks mint, good effort that man how rude of me, my pics on the way anyhow
  10. finished mine about an hour ago, just this min steped out the door fo some pics, then stared raining oh man
  11. well i reckon its going to be a fine fine day so i wont need to take the blame whoop whoop
  12. i dont want the blame please no please lol
  13. hello all, after buying holly 2 little kittens, one of them decided to bite my phone charger in half, now the battery is dead and my replacement was due yesterday, so I'm on a different number temporarily, if you think your going to need it for tomorrows show pm me and i will pm you back with it as its a borrowed phone thanks all, i will be on and off all day as the car cleaning commences in t minus 5 minute cheers craigy
  14. glad to see all is well in the end
  15. heres hoping for good weather
  16. good effort mate , if your unhappy get out, i did
  17. im having no end of problems with my MAF so get the code thrown up all the time which is 23 so sounds to me it might just be a dodgy oxy sensor
  18. there is defo a o2 sensor in the downpipe, there is also a different sensor in the same pipe but thats alot smaller and is a cat on fire warning sensor , cant remember if the is one in the center section
  19. here a good web page for ya??? http://www.saxonfields.freeserve.co.uk/Sco...Diag%20Page.htm
  20. 1. Craigy and Family = payment recieved 2. SHESCOOBY & Family = payment received 3. JKSCOOB = payment received 4. wimpy = payment received 5. Tyreman = payment received 6. Bailey and family = payment received 7. Sisubaru = payment received 8. TJ_666 & Family = payment received 9. jason751 + Family = payment received 10.sp, edmondo = payment received 11. Woodcote and probably family = payment received 12. Giboman and Julie = payment received 13. Chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) = payment received 14 Kev BE = payment received 15. hairyDJ & chrissie = payment received 16. Spiderman = payment recieved 17. Turboted 18. simon = payment received 19.garry = payment to be sorted on the day ok folks that is our lot were unable to get any spaces as its closed for clubsbut i have been told that were going to be the biggest club, but its not a comp its a different day out i hope you all enjoy cheers craigy
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