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Everything posted by craigy

  1. hi iain things might have settled down for me a wee bit now as littlun is getting used to the teething pain , but while i have been busy i forgot to get my sticker , bailey has ordered me one but touch and go if it arrives in time, i will only be able to do the sunday also but im unsure on the complete plans for that day would you be able to pm me the breakdown of that day if you have a tick. heres hoping for the posty cheers craigy
  2. hopefully all is sorted thanks to the ledgend that is bailey thanks dude your a true gent
  3. i have been a bit of a muppet and left it to late to buy my sticker for the gathering, time goes to fast for me at the mo lol unfortunatly i cant pay for stuff online due to me only having a cash caed not a visa ect, is there a gem out there who is willing to get me a sticker and i either send the tenna via post or pay on the day on hand over, anyone who is willing to help i will be very greatfull too. cut off date is 14th so im cutting it very fine to even attend many thanks craigy
  4. got mine for free due to my ledgend of a brother, but they stop me on a knife edge, seen them offen on P1s but not sure where they originated from or price im afraid but maybe someone can enlighten us.? pics aswell cheers
  5. thats horrible, claim for every thing mate and a valet
  6. hee hee lol that would look pretty funny tho, i ment on 20s car
  7. cheers i like using photoshop, hard to use but fun will do u a pic if you wantski
  8. ah with ya now lol this is a better pink lol but like i said, im biast
  9. me to 20 but im biest lol , im partially pink , i do a pic lic that about a year back, just dug it out too
  10. happy birthday mate , was it you that wanted a four of you in one picture done, give me a buzz if so, could be wrong mind having a good day i hope craigy
  11. im slowly becoming less of a fan of the pod, bit of a mud bath too offen
  12. either way mate wen its done your gonna wallop the times down
  13. stu mate there some cracking times for what the car is running at bet you cant wait to get her finished?
  14. good man that will be nice for you to get back to them all but im sure your gonna miss the auto land lol thanks for leos pezzy mate your a top geeza
  15. like said mate its the sole reason i stepped down from ro is i feel i have missed out on so much already what with work
  16. thanks everyone , i must have clocked up a huge amount of pics of him lol
  17. will probably see alot more plain clothed/cars due to the removed speed camera, there not gonna take away them without putting it other measure be safe folks
  18. you got there mate well done great pics craigy
  19. Let me be the first to welcom Iain AKA Big 'D' back into the drivers seat of OXON R/O, he done a grand job before and will do the same from now im sure, lets all welcome him back and wish him luck for the future, see you at next months meet mate looking forward to it cheers craigy
  20. as much as i love my car and there will be future things done to it but this is the main reason i need more time, i do shift work so when im on lates i dont get to see my little lad all week, took these tonight craigy
  21. i wish mate, take a gander at the profile not been on in an age lol
  22. no website my friend but this will do, great to see someone getting back into it after a bad experiance look forward to seeing you at local meets, get yourself rigged up with a SIDC membership there are plenty of perks that come with see you soon and welcome abord craigy oh and get some pics up
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