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Everything posted by craigy

  1. ping a before pic up mate be intresting to compare, they look good but do they look better lol
  2. hello folks i come bearing bad news this fella dint deserve this as hes a tip top man and some turd has his pride and joy, keep your eyes peeled folks link http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...=0#entry1141806 pics in here aswell cheers
  3. thats the one mate gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol
  4. Dave hope you had a great day mate still getting over last years drift so no need for a pressy lol all the best mate Craig Holly & Leo
  5. just a few pics of the lad he is growing so quick and starting to laugh and blow raspberrys lol got my faverate picture from the airshow at the bottom aswell! few weeks ago our new kitten love these thumbs up took these today here it is i love it cheers for looking craigy and leo
  6. 1. craigy 2. SHESCOOBY 3.Mr & Mrs Chickenstevens - Adam & Kerry 4.bling boy simon
  7. hello one and all i no its a bit late , i just dont no where the times gone lol were gonna have a meet at sturdys castle on the 25th may it would be great to see you all again and catch up i will be having a wee little conversation with a mr ben bockett as to arrange the new location for next months meet so for now the details are map at the bottom 25th may meet at 11:30 getting a table for 12:00 1. craigy 2. 3. 4.
  8. depends what age the car is really the clasics have on bord code reading connectors so you can find the codes yourself link http://www.saxonfields.freeserve.co.uk/Sco...Diag%20Page.htm
  9. craigy


    hello folks, unfortunatly im unable to attend this as funds are completly empty, but i have been asked by iain if i could get a oxon list together for the people that are going so he can sort things out cheers add your convoy times here aswell 1. 2. 3.
  10. glad you enjoyed it kaz, hope you get well soon
  11. and the stand pics, little convoy thanks again folks
  12. pictures all stolen lol cheers bailey great snaps mate cheers for coming , hope you enjoyed it ,at the early stages at least lol? craigy
  13. belting pictures buddy , glad you enjoyed the day mate
  14. great pics adam, i also managed to get burnt, so did little leo
  15. Well what can i say? for everyone that turned up i thank for such a great day, the show turned out to be so much better than even i expected, in fact it turned out that good that half hour before we all went i was offered the same spot for next year result, the weather turned out for us far enough we had a load of rain but it was still nice and warm, also it was great to see the famous Mustang plain flying about and what a noise that thing makes WoW.... garry & mat thanks for the last minute payments the organiser was chuffed that all payments were given in as some clubs try to blag the payments, well done to leigh for providing the kids with a snack room...ledgend, David & Chrissie im so plesed you took advantage of the pleasure flights and the tank rides it definatly a great experiance. I feels the stand looked great and everyone made the effort to get the cars clean after the mucky roads and dirty rain drops had dulled there looks so cheers all. once again thank you to everyone that made it a great day, i will keep you all up to date on how much was raised and if there will be enough funds for the event to go ahead next year. all my pics, and of the stand are at the end lol.
  16. david cheers for that mate, karyn is going to be about five minutes from that time but im sure you guys can wait for the secutary
  17. OK i just spoke kaz on phone, bicester lot meeting at esso 8:15 sharp, says her thats always late lol, lets motivate her to get the little lad ready that little bit earlyer bless her so bicester esso 8:15 1.shescooby
  18. i think karen is meeting in bicester.. you will have to look scroll through the pages mate
  19. with her stood next to them, they look like there 20" rims bless her
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