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Everything posted by craigy

  1. that i hope lol, if in doubt leave a little earlyer lol
  2. ok hello folks, cheers for that david, i need EVERYONE to meet at the tescos really as i have had the passes delivered to me today if you click this link http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?utm_campaign...m=google%20maps the type in tescos abingdon thats our meeting point cheers all
  3. anyone from swindon just need to head down the a34 and get off at the junction after the didcot one, im off out at the mo but will look in depth abit more wen i return craigy
  4. ok i have just had my last meeting with the chap and this is the meeting times were all going to meet at tescos in abingdon at 8:45am planning to leave there at 9:00am but can hold on for another 15 mins as the airfield closes at 9:45 for the clubs hope this is all ok with you, not to early aswell, result lol i think karyn will be at the esso in bicester im sure she will put a time up cheers all craigy
  5. hello mate i yhink were out of time, but leave it with me and i will see wat i can do, firstly i will need your details reg number and name asap i will send a pm now cheers
  6. i was off work ill today but will try get hold of him then put the details up matey
  7. 1. Craigy and Family = payment recieved 2. SHESCOOBY & Family = payment received 3. JKSCOOB = payment received 4. wimpy = payment received 5. Tyreman = payment received 6. Bailey and family = payment received 7. Sisubaru = payment received 8. TJ_666 & Family = payment received 9. jason751 + Family = payment received 10.sp, edmondo = payment received 11. Woodcote and probably family = payment received 12. Giboman and Julie = payment received 13. Chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) = payment received 14 Kev BE = payment received 15. deano boy and helen = payment recieved 16. hairyDJ & chrissie = payment received 17. Spiderman = payment recieved 18. Turboted 19. simon = payment received
  8. 1. Craigy and Family = payment recieved 2. SHESCOOBY & Family = payment received 3. JKSCOOB = payment received 4. wimpy = payment received 5. Tyreman = payment received 6. Bailey and family = payment received 7. Sisubaru = payment received 8. TJ_666 & Family = payment received 9. jason751 + Family = payment received 10.sp, edmondo = payment received 11. Woodcote and probably family = payment received 12. Giboman and Julie = payment received 13. Chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) = payment received 14 Kev BE = payment received 15. deano boy and helen = payment recieved 16. hairyDJ & chrissie = payment received 17. Spiderman 18. Turboted 19. simon = payment received ok folks its my final meeting with the chap tomoz and were doing a little run up to the airfield so times will be posted tomorrow evening cheers all craigy
  9. DAVE - theses pants cost me a pound, i got 50 pence worth stuck up my a***!
  10. i will get to the layby at 7:50 mate , hopefully no issues from leo lol cheers
  11. right its time for my first sorry folks. When i got asked to do the parade lap it was due to a event pulling out and i was told that if they were to re apply themselves into the day then our slot will have to be filled. Well this is whats happened. Im really sorry folks. I guesse we can now enjoy the day more if were not shifting cars about anyhow. Again im really sorry hope this doesnt change your minds about the day. The organiser says sorry too but i will point him out on the day so we can stick the boot in craigy
  12. waste of eyesight just by looking at the dam thing
  13. you nailed it ben, as long as everyone is good then so am i , i will park up in a layby in between abbo and didcot so if you slow down for me i will pick it up there mate cheers mr ben
  14. 1. Craigy and Family = payment recieved 2. SHESCOOBY & Family = payment received 3. JKSCOOB = payment received 4. wimpy = payment received 5. Tyreman = payment received 6. Bailey and family = payment received 7. Sisubaru = payment received 8. TJ_666 & Family = payment received 9. jason751 + Family = payment received 10.sp, edmondo = payment received 11. Woodcote and probably family = payment received 12. Giboman and Julie = payment received 13. Chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) = payment received 14 Kev BE = payment received 15. deano boy and helen = payment recieved 16. hairyDJ & chrissie = payment received 17. Spiderman 18. Turboted OK guys met him early and heres what were gonna do were not going to issue the tickets until were in the airfield this is due o the amount of cars we have and it a country road where the entrance is, however we will be giving the passes out just before we leave tescos, we will be meeting at the tescos in abingdon I'm not 100% sure what time yet but i will let all no when i no, also as your aware of the prices, they have been slashed for us, now the payment has been collected from me it was going to cost US full price on the gate if any of us decide to bring extra people that are not paid for, i have managed to get the price down to £5 on the day but we will sort that once the cars are parked up. David i am still working on the parade lap mate details to follow thanks all for you patients
  15. i would mate but i can only afford to go to the reading show
  16. rite im having a meet up with the organiser tommorow night so will get the times up after any other questions???????????????????? cheers folks
  17. me too as for the links david put up, i approve as i have tryed and tested them
  18. nice job on those wheels mate, i agree now that you have got them done that black did not suit it top job my friend top job
  19. hello david im squeezing away mate lol jason if your planning on bringing extra people then it will have to be full payment on the gate as payments have been processed, as it stands you have yourself and 3 passengers paid for cheers dude i will update the parade lap list tomorrow as for the tickets, you will all be meeting me at tescos in abingdon as its a easy meeting point for me to pass out the tickets plus passes cheers all craigy
  20. hello folks i have managed to get 3-4 more cars for the parade lap so add your names to the list, as for people that i havnt managed to get details and or payments from can you pm me your car details than i can figure something out
  21. belting news, at least if it was stored ready to be shipped somewhere, then there went to many unnecessary miles added to it glad to here good news does happen all the best
  22. parade lap 1.The Giboman 2. Ed 3. Bailey 4. jason 751 5. craigy im gonna ask if we can get a few more for this cheers
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