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Everything posted by craigy

  1. cheers mate i would have yours any day of the week tho , thats wot i want , but to be fair i done alot to mine and with the baby due i dont want to spand more lol one day tho one day
  2. still mate, it looks the nuts,,, heres my pink bits lol, my missis loves it
  3. please do mate put pink stickers on it im kidding i got um lol
  4. not my best work but it gives you a good idea, hope you like
  5. i will see wot i can do mate, onit now mate
  6. nothing was wrong with your avator its just why not have that one it looks awsome mate, so good infact i set it as my screen saver feel proud lol
  7. omg i love your car have you a side on pic of your new wheels?? i would love to do a pic for ya , car is the bomb, please excuse the teenager slang lol craigy
  8. hmmm im not liking the sound of this at all, i think it would be wise for someone to put a link up so fellow owners or potential new owner Can steer well clear of this vehicle if its not of a standard we desire in no it would help me cos im alwways looking for a new one
  9. very smart my friend that looks well smart get your avator as that mate looks mint
  10. no probs sam, hope all is ok with you folk im unable to make the ace meet due to a works doo january meet perhaps althouh we will be on baby alert lol craigy
  11. hello all just goes to show that if only 2 cars turn up then its not all doom and gloom dave and chrissy once again i thank you for a good laugh and hope to see you again some time soon i think the location might be a bit of a begger for some people to get to anyhow so i will look into getting a new location for the january meet as the december one will be joint with bucks to head over to the london meet cheers again craigy
  12. are we all still going ?????? craigy
  13. ok mate it dont look like many of us will be there hopefully it will pick up in the new year
  14. this will be held at the longwall in oxford, look in the oxon section for the details cheers, craigy
  15. as our meets for the oxon section are on the 3rd sunday of the month that leaves it too close to the visit from santa so, wimpy has come up with a belter of an idea which is to meet up at the london meet on the 9th of december im trying to make this myself but its not looking good as im busy that weekend , this is our december option tho so get your names down it will be a great day. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=108623&hl= cheers craigy
  16. hello i have managed to sucure a laod of tickets for chubby brown next year on the 9th of may which is a friday, at the apollo theater in oxford more details to be added as soon as i no , all i no so far is the payment will cost only 20 pound and payment end date is end of jan , sorry about the lack of details but they will follow trust me, . so to secure a ticket you will have to put your name down i will mention when sold out. 1. craigy (you fat b*****d)
  17. unable to go im affraid but yous lot have a goodun
  18. oh dear wots wrong, i aint been aboot to much, can you rally some troops up tho????
  19. would you look at that. cheers dave spot on mate, are you and the loverly chrissy joing us for this one??? is say we meet up there at 11:45 so to park as a group then mayby head in for grub at 12:15 how does that sound??? cheers all get yer names down NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol craigy
  20. ok benny boy, as we were saying mate i have decided to give the longwall a bash, im popping up there tommorrow to have a chat to them, but hopefully all will be tip top. for those of you not to sure where the longwall is its near the cowley BMW works i shall get he post code tomoz then put it up hope you can all come along cheers craigy 1. craigy 2. Bockett+Mrs Bockett
  21. hello all how are you all keeping??? ok so we have our oxon meet on the 25th of this month and its going to be held at the longwall near the bmw works its a restraunt and they do bars snacks aswell its good food i no as i used to work there, im popping in there tomoz to have a chat to them in regards to a few cars coming could you please put your name down if you are up for attending???? http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...p;#entry1055999 cheers all craigy
  22. hello all it seems i havent seen people in ages due to the shows dieing off for another season so looking forward to next year now. how the devil are you all??? right for our next meet we are going to change the location im not 100% sure where but im going to have a look around tomoz to see where is good for food so if you could bare with me i will get it posted up as soon as i have found a decent food gaff if you are definatly free on this date and want to put yer name down then please do, i would love to see you all , many thanks craigy 1. craigy
  23. more than welcome mate glad all is ok with the car now loverly burble cheers craigy
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