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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. great pics i had the evo police car behind me going to comb, Great pics folks
  2. For that kinda money Ill want a house
  3. I got new underpants
  4. sounds good matty, how much ddid it set you back? and good morning all
  5. If its a fresh import to the country odds are Its not going to be mapped for our fuel. I would suggest running the good old V-power in the mean time. Glad hes got a new car and get some pics up soon
  6. you moved the pics Pete? I cant see them But from looking at the cream seats in one of the last pics they look lush
  7. Graphics looking well smart! The graphics you got seem to be the new fashion recently, And definate improvement over the old ones
  8. I had a good weekends 32 hour shift, then 8 hour rest back in for 8 hours, seen my mum, went out with my mates, washed the car in the am lol. Been putting in over 300 hours a month so i havent been around much lol.
  9. The STI rears ARE VERY NICE BUT BLOODY COSTLY. I got mine from CHEAM SUBARU. Deffintaly a better look to the rear and de-stickered looks the nuts
  10. looking the dogs now bud! Looks the part
  11. Thank you for the invite i might pop up once i get my new flywheel and clutch fitted in the morning
  12. Aww god sake im on days the 1st of march and im only a half hour drive if that from cheddar I could have met you all grrrrr!
  13. Evening all. How are ye alll old muckers all well I hope? Why is it that when I come on SIDc I feel that no one really cares about how much bhp your running or what your subaru looks like, but the feeling of friendship and appreceiation for what each other has? Or am i Drunk again haha. Monki Nuts!
  14. 1) Ed and S.p 2) Pez + Missus 3)MonkiP1 + Misses and PARKER if he wants to come?
  15. fancy fitting my flywheel and clutch for me bud lol
  16. I say Ahmen to that bud! And When I turn the key i never worrie bout it popping, Its to be driven not to be treated like a chine vase lol.
  17. Try 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th and 5th Anyone fancy fitting a new clutch and flywheel pm me hahaha
  18. When i renew my membership do i get a new welcome pack
  19. Yeh I have notice this acouple of times recently, And Im no chav and i am a young un but hey ho, F**k them If no body can be assed to flash and wave back!
  20. All that car needs is a good clean and a few odds, and she be running nice new And If seeing Petes car and his workman ship no doubt the car be ready next week Monki,.
  21. Missed a spot on yer engine bay Looking good, I had a good read of that articul when I got TI through the post. Looks a minter.
  22. Morning how are things?
  23. I also need a good body shop, quoted just over £450 for a door dent to be put right including blending on the front and rear wings
  24. Loving the scoobies so many variations
  25. Morning ALL
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