If its a fresh import to the country odds are Its not going to be mapped for our fuel. I would suggest running the good old V-power in the mean time.
Glad hes got a new car and get some pics up soon
I had a good weekends 32 hour shift, then 8 hour rest back in for 8 hours, seen my mum, went out with my mates, washed the car in the am lol.
Been putting in over 300 hours a month so i havent been around much lol.
Evening all. How are ye alll old muckers all well I hope?
Why is it that when I come on SIDc I feel that no one really cares about how much bhp your running or what your subaru looks like, but the feeling of friendship and appreceiation for what each other has?
Or am i Drunk again haha.
Monki Nuts!
Yeh I have notice this acouple of times recently, And Im no chav and i am a young un but hey ho, F**k them If no body can be assed to flash and wave back!
All that car needs is a good clean and a few odds, and she be running nice new And If seeing Petes car and his workman ship no doubt the car be ready next week