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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. But a daddy long legs has 6? And i have Two!!!
  2. Im yoda's younger brother? ok dokie lol, at 300years you be, look as good, you will not!!!! [][][]
  3. Shame we can't all pop to the storage where it is kept, and spend a weekend as a team fixing the car or at least get the engine started, and possable gearbox working. I Myself would want to do this because I enjoy getting my hands dirty and im hands on. Monki.
  4. BTT MrH Ed / SP/liz Stewart Layzel Stewarts Partner Ken ( sorting out shift)
  5. [] I think a lads groupshot over a car bonnect would have a comical picture too. []
  6. I could take a pic of my slightly peeling shoulders but thats just rank! lol, Hows the sunburn Lou? used any aftersun recently?
  7. LOL, You like teasing dont you Mr P,
  8. Yeh i know i would have flintched a awfull lot being pelted in the face with a sponge. You,Ben and Jaq done well sitting there and being splatted (Litrally) []
  9. Awww I got no hoola girls over my car. But then if there was such a pic, im sure the lads would say somthing along the lines of "Monki you have to clean your car after the ladies have been led over the bonnet!" *Cough cough Parker* Yeh Ken had taken some very creative and interesting pics. Definatly good with a camera!. I hope Jen enjoyed the show, we certainly had the day for it. Monki.
  10. West country, i wondered why we found a old city in our back garden, in the pond, with the fish, and forgs. Oh god weired spell comming on!! lol.
  11. Quality video clip that Lou lol.
  12. Sounds very good, But i wouldent like to track my car, doubt i could afford the insurance for one days worht of track sessions!. lol
  13. Welcome mate! Hope to meet you soon at any meets!.
  14. Im back in work now! Another crappy day!
  15. Top videos Rand, I commented on both on you tube!, Quality vids and pics, and i enjoyed the captions too! Yop job mate!
  16. WEEELlLLllllllll......................I left work at 18:13, Got home by 18:30, Got scaired of lightning and hid under the bed for a while....Once that stoped i went down staires ate tea while watching Big Rands wicked photoslide and Videos, Got a bit restless so when out for a drive in the scooby. Drive past a chev meet by Bristol city ground, I promtly drive past and parked nere KFC for a bite to eat (Again). Followed a 07 Ford Fiesta that was in front of me partly on the way home, Two chavs dressed in burbury, driving like he litrally owned the road. Swerving, cutting into traffic that sort of thing. Came home with a 4pack of beers, put on Hotfuzz. Fell asleep lol. What about your self Mr P?
  17. This Video was really wicked! Loved seeing all the cars, and the footage was deffiant worth the wait! Welldone To both of you for very good filming! Hope to see u both soon!
  18. Very bad and smelly gas may i point out lol.
  19. Well thats a deffenatly what it is about mucker!. Crap just noticed my post count [:$] Might have to slow down for tonight.
  20. Nope as alot of Prodrive stuff is top secret, They built the first usable short shift paddle dog box thingy if im correct, SP has a interesting storie to tell about Craigy on that one. LOL
  21. sp can you put up all the abrieviations again, i keep forgetting what they mean to lol Parker its just you getting old lol. Afternoon Rand, Managed to upload the vid []
  22. And i wont have time to use the bog brusth either on the wheels lol. Is anyone else in the SWMS Video?
  23. Could generate interesting results lol,
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