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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. huuu ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............
  2. [y]
  3. That is a really lovely picture of you and Jaq, Ed. [y]
  4. Yes i have! I might inflate them in my room and have a disco [] We are going to have to pick those up soon but ed is not at work for a week or so - but i will need them sooner (b*****) Ok pokie, Im free whole of saterday, if we could arrange a time to meet? or on monday tues weds too []
  5. []Well you did use all my credit being on stinking Orange hahahaha
  6. Yeh i know there video and photographic proof too lol.
  7. Dammit, guess ill be missing this one, i couldent get cover in time. [] But ill be at Swindon meet and Tatton []
  8. I think my brain just frozen lol, i dont understand what you mean hun, Scooby all dressed up? The teddy or do you mean the cars. ... . . . Ahhhhh its alll so confusing.
  9. Lol, I want me and Parker eating Crackers and one of the Scooby doooooo.....
  10. Yes i have! I might inflate them in my room and have a disco []
  11. Yeh, I love it!, I think the Hassel hoff scean is the BEST part through out the film []
  12. Why dont i make a weekend of it ay? Ill have my HKS SSQV (Boy racer....emmm nope) And my Blitz exhust fitted by then [] Cant wait! Im going to do a shift swap and get the time off! Think we can arrange for some DD lot to pop on up?
  13. Aww Spongbob the movie was awwsome!!
  14. Radiator (that has been supplied) to be put in car, = I think this can be fitted labour free buy a friend, its just the coolant and bleeding the rad that be the greef. Gearbox (that has been supplied) to be put in car, = Would thought a garage could do this [Y] Break calipers unseized with possible new break pads (Break pads would be supplied), = mintex roughly £88 quid(RCM), Ferodo £109.99(Scooby world), BLackdiamond £44.99(Scooby world) **Prices are front Pads only!!!** Decatted pipes off and catted ones on (only for MOT) = Free if you got a jack and set of tools. Decatted pipes back on = Same as above [] M.O.T done = £40.00 (staff dicount rate) New front windscreen fitted = Full service done = Engine bay clean = Donated by Monki P1 Any other detailing, like samco/autobhan88, chrome header tank ect could be fitted at same time as the rad. (As no coolant would be presant) Graphics (only poss) = Approx £650! Back window tints (only poss) =
  15. Glad i found this thread, great info on the pullys, as i was looking at buying some rcm pullys quite soon! Just got to decide on colour lol.
  16. I havent really had a godo look to when it is on, but i got a iffy feeling ill be on shift. My work usally needs almost a month in advance to organise cover if i book holiday. Inless i can pull a favour, []
  17. Going to be a very good day, Think people from around other regions be interested im joining us too?
  18. Great minds think alike as they say. Well not long now till dinner time []
  19. Yeh i know we all like to help each other out when it comes to meets and shows. But theres nothing to say i can't just cut and paste our meet/times, as everyones welcome, and more the merryer. Which i think SP would most probably agree. But ill better ask first just in case lol.
  20. Aww craigy cant beleve you mutilated your rim's. Strange thing our brains are. Mine usally compells me to leave the car unlocked for unknown reasons!,
  21. I think that pictures says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come to me mee sponge!!!! *Hummmm of the force resonates*
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