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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. If its the footage im thinking of its going to be awwsum,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Must have time on your hands Parker to type all that!. Rand just to clarify, you was parked to my right with the green wagon wasnt you?
  3. Lol, Has no body mentioned my 115mph undertake in the slow lain to ther services lol. Trust Ed to have missed the Exit pmsl, I can just imagine the surprise on his face when he realised []
  4. Lol the first pic of the day ay!! Go on RAND!!!!!
  5. Still it amazes me how Tubby got 1st place for newage and put on one coat (Didnt even try) of my Zymol car wax and won!. Wish someone had a pic of his face when his name was annouced []
  6. Im sure Ken put a substantual amount of money towards it after buying loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads of raffel tickets to win that scooby-doo! Which is currently tucked away in my boot ready to give back to Jaq in Ed!
  7. Yeh good job in the camera work, editing, and making each car "special". Just like my new special bog / wheel brush!, []
  8. I wondered why it took you a whole 30seconds to catch us up on the motorway, you was dawwdaling showing off your fancy bits []
  9. lol Why am i not alloud to think Ed? Or isit the suggestion that might give a head ache .
  10. Hopefully we will have more interest in Taunton from other club members after we all had a brilliant day yesterday!. With respect to people who couldent make it due to familey, work, ect. Monki,
  11. I think we could organise a stand, but its up to the R/O. I know our regiaon has alot on next month, but im sure other members form around the country would be up for joing in too!.
  12. Definatly worth it for Charity. And a bit of fun too []
  13. Hmmmmm going for a Smartie break soon with my friend Leanne. But back to the topic at hand. Will most Swindon meets ne held in the Sun Inn? Its a lovely bar, with a few nice bar maides too []
  14. lol Ed, I think Tubbys after a blitz now after your car blitzing passed us both on the M5 lol. Looking forward to going to the next meet when my shifts allow. Monki.
  15. Well regarind Eds comment, iv got the 14th and 15th booked off for Prodrive/Taunton. Looks like me and Bailey will be posting all over during your meet! lol.
  16. IM ON NIGHTS NOOOOOOOO, Oh well give me a chance to boost my post count. []
  17. Im glad that both you and jenni had a good day - will tell you about scooby doo later! - Im also very grateful for your help taking the stuff up in the car - thank you so very much No worries chuck more than happy to lend a hand [] Although i'm a little lost on the Scooby Doo thing [*-)] What did you want to tell me? Hey Ken, Enjoyed seeing you buddie, Also the drive to the show was class. Will you be posting any vid's on youtube? Monki. Was a fun little cruise, Jenny thought I was making other road users a bit worried buy closing in on you guys when you we're in lanes 1&2 with me behind stradling both lanes [] As for the video, depends if I can edit it to a format that can be posted. I didn't get much in all fairness, not to sure how much Tubbie got on his phone [] Yeh the cruze up was well fun, I think we all had a 7th sence as to the formations we was driving in at times and road awareness. But i think we only got away with it because ti was very early in the morning!. I got a couple of vids, and i think tubby did too!.
  18. No show in shine? Hmmmmmm I just had a idea lol.
  19. Hey look at it this way! You got two fathersdays []
  20. Hey Ken, Enjoyed seeing you buddie, Also the drive to the show was class. Will you be posting any vid's on youtube? Monki.
  21. Borrant - NOOTTT!!!! lol.[]
  22. I missed you Darren [{]
  23. I was chuffing to be apart fo a great club, With a great atmosphier, Really great putting names to faces, and cars to people []
  24. I loved it today, what a awwsome day!, if this is how most shows will be like im definatly going to try and come to most of them!!!!! Cheers for a bloody good day guys!
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