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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. BTT, Also its a good idea paying for membership £35,(Not just for the True grip mag, cought cough parker lol) But also you get a-number of items in the welcome pack, ranging from a SIDC members card,10% discount, window stickers ect. Also your avatar and the "Members section" becomes available too. Monki.
  2. Ok maybe Micro scooter(Fold down type) and plastic swords with a rubber cork on the end to maximise safty. Plz plz plz.
  3. Ok its a deal ill clean the engine bay, while the works being done provided i can see Jess again []
  4. Make me find out the hard way eh eh? nudge nudge lol.
  5. Ahhhh but no one mentions going into the caves []
  6. He has taken some really good quality pictures there!. Looking forward to seeing the car pics.
  7. Im sure all the lads at the next car show should all lean against each car bonnet posing wth our 6pack of tires/beer hanging out []
  8. I may have short legs, but i got a big heart....Awww rubbish here i go all emotional again lol
  9. Reminising over the show isit Parker lol.
  10. Ohhh good choice!, Has anyone told Bailey we played our very oen tribute song for Bailey while he was missed at SWMS?
  11. Im deffo comming to SBO, As i had a "GOOD" letter for my insurance company. I got a months rest from paying insurance next month because i "Overpaid" them this month! So now ill have a bit extra dosh to paly around with! []
  12. See you all later, im off to Clevdom to meet a lady form work, Dont wait up lol.
  13. Ill be sick eating cockles i hate it!!!!, But mini motos and jousting [] could get a tad violant lol.
  14. I cant see no pics []
  15. Cheers for publishing pics of my car Craigy [Y] Done a good job on tho's photos. As im sure the rest of the lads/ladies are thankful for!
  16. Everything still working fine Craigy mate? Nice to see you and the pinky again! (The new nick name iv just given your car! [])
  17. How much would it cost roughly Craigy? Is it nere the end fo the show season?
  18. Sorry to hear it was canceled, im sure i would have put my name down money and work permitting. Im sure Edmondo and a few of us at South west would have loved to join in!
  19. Yeh i would like to get up there early, Gate open at 10:30 i think, So 4am start should do it [] Would anyone know a good pub we could meet up at in Weston? Or pub just out side Weston, and form there we could take a cruze to Weston its self or towards Chedder after a Sunday roast................HHHMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Yummy!
  20. 12quid a ticket [] Got almost first dibbs as the P1woc was aware of the tour bout 2 or 3 days before the ticket went on sale back in feb/march?
  21. So there is a show and shine? Dammit im so bloody confused lol.
  22. My favourite two what Lou im confused lol.
  23. I concure! They are whores lol. But mind you i thnk i posted a bit to much last night [:s]
  24. Poke me in the eye, the milages is very low for a classic, Lower than mine! Anylower price and you be giving it away!
  25. Monki nuts. pmsl Well you have both met me first hand im sure you can make a sencable conclusion to the last sentance.......haha
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