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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. lol, Well I seen one of the pics in Kent Scoobies and wondered what they had to say about it. Sounds like the driver was a plonker my self. Also my mate has a evo4 and anything to put his car down
  2. A quick link to the pics on how to sucessfully roll a car while on a circuit! http://www.lancerregister.com/showthread.php?t=216726 Laughing ym self with all the technology and inferior YAw control he still managed to do it lol. Monki.
  3. Yeh my cars having a very quick fluid change on the 20th ready for Mcrae! Just so i know it be ok, as it hasnt moved much recently!
  4. Im glad alot of the classic parts for pre face lift and face lift fit (Why not same chassis lol). Be thankful it wasnt a newage Altornator as if thats Ka - put its alot more money than the normal type. As the altornators in the newages are "Smart". They only charge the batterie if they detect a drain on the batterie. Glad its all sorted
  5. Ill lend you a £5r, . . . . . . . actully on second thoughts, I rather buy beer
  6. Would you be attending at all Jd? Take you a age getting there with out your monster lol.
  7. Weston the whole place is inbred hehe. . . . . . . .
  8. Lol seen one "Pink" scooby in Bristol once, my sister was with me and said "Why dont you get your impreza sprayed pink it look well cool" Well at that point I walked away got in the car and drove off lol. Top photoshopping Craigy, most i have ever done with it, is cut and past cropping, and using the clone tool lol. Apart from that iv either destroyed my pictures lol or crashed my Pc due to it being heavey on system resources lol. Monki.
  9. Loving the flock, not sure if the blue contrasts to much but it is certainly daring and different! Wouldent mine getting my dash done one day but ill probably get a new a-hole ripped for spoiling my car lol. Monki.
  10. I would love a set of Alcons on my motor awsome stopping power for 4pots! Also having Prodrive branded on the side makes them look the dogs
  11. Yup Police had to cordon off at the time 50ft around the peir. I hope this year when we go to Weston, likelast year they cordon off half the parking space's for that, mini show they had on the sea front, i remember the two pics of one of me in front of Parker, and the next me in the distance where i just booted it down the length of the sea front parking
  12. But its not a Impreza, lol, But suppoose the odd Justys is welcome haha joking, i was going to bring my Vectra to a meet so i cant say much my self lol. They are neat reliable little cars too!
  13. Next he be saying he can map a car using a gameboy advance and pokemon
  14. Well being honest Andy I wish the Internet had better encription for viewing web pages than SIDC. Its funny how WEP isnt secure at all in a wireless environment! But then thats going off at a tangent and another storie lol.
  15. Fair play to you SP. You have allways treated us with respect and i hope you feel the same way about us. Yes we have our friendly banter but it never goes above board. I feel between SIDC and P1woc they have been the two most reliable, helpful, friendly, car clubs I have been proud to be accociated with. Over the last year and 5months there have been members here who have helped me, guided me, advised me on things to do with cars and my personnal life. I feel i have made some good life friends.
  16. For you maybe haha.
  17. Sounds like it IIRC Banburys quite small and has a good OAP population
  18. Glad you agree Andy, I would have done the hands down icon like on crappy net but we dont have one, so i gave you a thumbs up instead This forum isnt a cheap one then? As some forums iv been the pleasure of runnning (Clan gaming ect) has had like a overal mod control setting's where you can view peoples accounts and setting ect (Maybe play the odd practical joke). But iirc iv never had a facility to view peoples PM's. Must be a forum add on script like what some of these free forums like php bb2 or Smf can run. - Unless some one ratteled out and cut and pasted th epm to a moderator? Even then that can be altered lol. monki.
  19. What going down the motor way pmsl, unless the whoel convoy strikes it lucky by having a few drunken girls flashing there tits while over taking the convoy i doubt it hehe
  20. Can be done, same AWD like any other scooby Many be a bit of fettling but a JDM 279bhp lump will go in there, albeit the engine mounts may need altering and exhust may have to be cute short by a million feet lol.
  21. Oh sorry, I wasnt thinking 4th dimensionally, I was just compairing it to how I would feel if it happened to me on a forum.
  22. No wonder Shells profits have doubled
  23. Maybe a newage SN?
  24. Yeh and JD being acoused of cohursing me to post on there. pmsl, Think some people have inferiority complex my self pmsl. But going in to peoples pm box's and reading there mail just to get dirt on them - thats sick, If I found out any moderator done that here to work it to there advantage, Ill kick off and revoke any membership I had and close my account due to invasion of privacy.
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