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Posts posted by jamesm

  1. There are a lot of people go to rallies wearing Subaru gear, most of whom I would assume don't even own a Subaru.

    I was at stage 5 from before it started to the bitter end. There were crowds of people walking in carrying in huge cases of beers. Then the same people would walk out empty handed, so obviously just left the rubbish lying about. Where I was stnding people were leaving stuff on the gound.

    It does seem to be more of a problem on the Snowman than other rallies, but you do get it everywhere.

    Unfortunatly it give us all a bad name, but everyone should not be tarred with the same brush.

  2. Some good pics there.

    Not been on here since the weekend.

    Had good day. Went to Stage 1, spectator access area. Didn't like the look of the official car park as field too boggy. Tried to park on the verge with all wheels well off the road but got moved on by an unpleasant marshal in a Pug 607, despite I was out the way of everyone. Parked further along which he seemed to he happy with and walked in. Decent enough spot. Couldn't believe the number of people drinking in the stage at 10.30 in the morning. Some people were absolutely trollied and staggering about! Dunno why you always get more of this on the Snowman than anywhere else.

    Saw a good number though and went to stage 3. Returned to the car and found 5 cars parked where I was originally moved on from!

    Staged 3 seemed a very long way north. Parked half way up the access road and avoided going further up where dozens upon dozens of cars had managed to get themselves double parked and completely blocked in.

    Then headed to the end of stage 5. Lots of people pushing on, and plenty action at the deep ditch. Hats off to the marshals who managed to keep control of everyone. Never seen so many people out with the world championship!

    Only got a point a click camera but will post pics if anything decent.

  3. I have a 12 year old 106 diesel to commute in and use for the bulk of my business mileage.

    I must admit I have always partly thought the opposite. I find people are more courteous towards me. People let me out at junctions, let me filter into queues and are generally more polite towards me. Maybe it is the fact that people see an old battered, smoking 106 heading towards their nice fancy, shiny motor and are more willing to let me in etc as it looks like I couldn’t give a stuff whether I hit anything or not.

    What I find however is, like The Welsho, I find I am no longer in control as it is just so slow. I can’t overtake, I get out accelerated by Transit vans and struggled to shake off a bread lorry the other morning. I do find people really sit on my tail when I am trying to accelerate away from, for example, a roundabout in the outside lane, people tailgate me as I am so slow. That is what I don’t like. I get the last laugh though because all the time they are doing that, they are getting a face full of diesel smoke.

    The smaller the car the more vulnerable you feel and I would probably look for something a bit bigger for my next cheap commuter.

  4. Doesn't the newage have a 60litre tank? That's still another 5.01 litres you coudl have used!! Most I had was 57litre full up.. that was driving about 35-40 (careful) miles with the light on.. until I found a V-Power station..

    Must do as I once filled up long after the light came on, the needle had even gone beyond the empty mark. It took over 56 litres on that occasion.

  5. When I bought mine from a main dealer, they had changed the front tyres only. They were a different brand with a completely different tread pattern as well as the obvious difference in tread depth.

    Handled like a pig though, but probably as the fronts were a pretty cheap set. I changed all 4 when the rears needed done.

    If the main dealers do it, can't imagine it will do it too much harm.

  6. Worth pursuing, even on a 'if you don't ask, you don't get' basis. You don't know if you don't try

    Agree though that the roads are getting worse and worse. The road I commute on is a disgrace. Every hole I see, I just report it to the Council. I think they are getting fed up with me, but they must act on any complaint. Last year Renfrewshire Council made the mistake of sending me a letter agreeing the road condition is unacceptable. I have that tucked away for future use! :P

    Hope you get it sorted soon.

  7. Give Gary at Keith Michaels a try. A lot of people on here use him, there is also a discount for paid up SIDC members. Recent new customer myself and he saved a chunk off my renewal price.

    Difficult to get hold of but worth persevering.

  8. I have also just changed to Keith Michaels from Elephant.

    2002 WRX

    I am 28, 5 years protected NCB but an at fault claim last year, no points, centre section and back box, alloys, covered for business class 1, two named drivers and a dodgy postcode. All for £670

    I was pleased with that! :D

  9. I will definitely be there.

    I am sure the camping will be great fun with lots of banter etc but the problem with camping isn't so much needing a comfy bed after a long drive, but needing a half decent nights sleep for the long drive home on Sunday night!

    So it’s the Premier Inn for me and whilst £77 is pretty steep, I don't mind paying it just this once!

  10. I must admit that I like that. The red lights on that white one work really well.

    I spent quite some time staring at the rear end of a new base model Impreza heading south on the A77 on Hogmanay, and I didn't think it looked as bad as in the pictures.

    Still looking forward to seeing the STI for real but there more I see it in pictures, the more it grows on me. With the right grille, splitter, spoiler, wheels etc, and in a dark colour all polished up, I think it could look the dogs danglies. :banana2:

  11. Well, it is that time of the year again and the insurance renewal came in from Elephant. Despite the fact I had an at fault claim earlier last year, it was £40 cheaper than I paid last time around! :o And a few quotes from the usual suspects revealed that the renewal price was substantially cheaper than I could get anywhere else.

    When I had to claim I was not at all impressed with Elephant so decided to give Gary at Keith Michaels a try.

    Took a few goes to get hold of him (well about 10) but eventually managed it today. Despite saying the renewal from Elephant was very good and doubting he could do much better, he still managed to save me almost £80. :P:banana2:

    Difficult man to get hold of but well worth persevering with it. Hopefully he will save me a few more notes on my daily runner next month! :D

  12. Just been reading on the BBC website that the 2008 Dakar Rally has been cancelled at the last minute due to "direct threats against the race issued by terrorist groups".

    Sad state of affairs when motorsport events are being cancelled due to the threats and actions of terrorists! Who says we are not letting them win?! :hello::)

  13. don't go near halfrauds for blades, I just got a set of bosch ones, and they are the wrong size (even though the guys and the book says the are correct). Muppets.

    Yup, I got a set from there out of necessity more than anything else as the rubber came off one of my blades and needed to get a replacement fast. The box said it would fit the car but it just didn't seem to, and they were generally pretty useless. I took them back.

    Currently got a £2 set out of Tesco on, and they do the job perfectly! :angry:

  14. Seems a bit OTT. I would have thought he would have got a warning and a 'fix it ticket' before they started dishing out points.

    But, rules is rules and if the coppers decide it is best dealt with by way of points and a fine, then I suppose they can. :thumbup:

  15. I`m I showing my age or am I rightly concerned? Rant over. ;)

    Rightly concerned!

    I was watching some programme on ITV last night about boy racers who film themselves racing/speeding/generally arsing about, and then put on the net. Unfortunately, during the half hour prog, I counted 5 Imprezas. Equally there was a motorcyclist featured who, on a busy single carriageway, clocked 176 in a 60!

    Even in the office here I get it from time to time. One of my colleagues was recently passed by an Impreza who undertook him using the end of a slip road.

    I find the young Corsa/Clio/Saxo etc boy (and girl) racer brigade to be worse, but then there are perhaps more of them.

    I am sure we all drive fast from time to time, but hopefully when it is safe to do so and outwith built up areas.

    Bottom line is, if someone wants to drive like a tit, they will do so, regardless what they are in.

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