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Posts posted by jamesm

  1. Adding to the number of topics on cleaning, I spent a last weekend cleaning and polishing. For one reason and another I have really neglected washing and cleaning and you could really tell.

    So having recently acquired a Megs G220 and various goodies from Polished Bliss I finally got round to trying them out.

    Whilst not everyone’s idea of a fun weekend, it needed doing and I actually quite enjoyed myself.




    Began by taking the wheels off, cleaning out the arches with Megs Super Degreaser and washing and claying the wheels. The wheels were pretty easy as they haven't long been powdercoated. Finished them with Poorboys Wheel Sealant before putting them back on.


    Next it was washed and then clayed to remove the vast amount of bonded contaminants. The chips were touched up and gone over lightly with some 2500 then 3000 grade Meguiars Unigrit Finishing Paper to flatten them out.


    Next step was the machine polish which was initially done with Menzerna Intensive Polish to get most of the swirls, scratches and scuffs out, before being finished with Menzerna Final Finish.

    To finish, I went over the car with Blackfire Wet Diamond All Finish Paint Protection.

    Finally, I sprayed up the sills which were looking pretty battered.

    The whole process probably took about 12 hours, but I was staggered with the finish I got.







    Really pleased with the look of the car now, so all that is left is to work out how to make it go faster…………

    As a practice with the machine, I had a go on my 12 year old runabout. Same process and products and the results again were pretty amazing.



    This is what was left after washing.


  2. Why is it $120+ /barrel? What makes it shoot up to that price in a few weeks?

    It is a combination of factors.

    Firstly it is simply supply and demand. As demand increases from the likes of China etc, the price goes up. However, the economic situation is a major factor at the moment. Oil is priced in US$ and with the current economic situation and the very weak dollar, oil it cheap for investors and this demand is pushing up prices. Additionally, investors are sinking their money into commodities rather than currencies etc as they are a much safer bet.

    OPEC could ease the situation but they have refused to increase production, pushing the price up higher. The market is so finely balanced that every supply problem, no matter how minor, pushed up prices. If a certain country reports a reduction in stockpiles, the price is pushed up higher. The cost of extraction is also increasing.

    In this country we get hammered at the pumps due to the tax. The government are making a mint because whilst fuel duty is fixed, VAT is a percentage of the price. They also gain on the tax of oil which is again a percentage.

    Unfortunately, it looks like something we are going to have to live with for the medium term! Today oil has reached $135 a barrel :angry:

  3. I like it, and I don't mind the new concept of the new colours. I think the scheme they have come up with is a wee bit unimaginative though.

    I didn't think you had to homologate WRC cars. You don't get a 2.0 turbo Focus road car for example. I thought it was only group N that got homologation. I think that's one of the reasons the Japs still use the 2.0 engine, instead of the 2.5 we have.

    WRC cars do need to go though the homologation process. However, the regs the are built to don't require an exact road going equivalent like in the case of group N or like the old group A cars. The WRC cars don’t need to adhere exactly to the road going equivalent, i.e. body tweaks, no 4x4 turbo versions etc.

    So the new Impreza WRC can run without the scoop seen on the road cars.

  4. Stunning job mate. B)

    What is so good about this stuff?

    Where do you get it?

    Much is it?

    Pretty sure the Zymol stuff is seriously pricey. Possibly pushing as much as £100 a pot? Although I stand to be corrected!

  5. Looking good there :thumbup:

    This cleaning/polishing/waxing lark is hard work and I have always enjoyed it. Have just spend almost 2 and a half days with my new G220 on the Scoob and on my cheap runaround and whilst I was absolutely knackered at the end of it, the results really made it all worth while. Will post some pics once I get them downloaded.

    But 30 hours on one car so far? That is some going!

  6. Well done mate. Was on the PB website yesterday and wondered whose it was. Looking really good ;)

    Just about to start on mine which is looking a bit sorry for itself at the moment. It will be my first go with the G220. Hopefully the weather will hold over the next few days.

  7. Welcome mate. Get some pics up, we all like pics. :icon_salut:

    We are a friendly bunch round these parts. There is a Glasgow/Strathclyde meet on the first Thursday of each month with evening runs out through the summer, with a BBQ run in June to get yourself along to that and meet a few of us.

    Peter has the Chinese in Paisley although I don't even pretend that I understand all his mods. :) I am sure he will be along soon though.

  8. was told best option was to print out a copy of the email with the ref number and leave on dash board, if a warden see's that he/she would normally check the ref number before giving the ticket

    That is what I did last month. Was only for 2 days or so. Printed the email and displayed the reference number with 'Tax in Post' written on it. All very Del Boy like! :rotfl:

  9. A recent happy Chameleon customer here too. Just had my heavily kerbed and generally knackered wheels done and they exceeded all my expectations. I couldn't fault the job. :D

    I would highly recommend them to anyone. You get an SIDC discount of £5 per wheel so it is £35 a corner without refitting and balancing, or £40 with.

    Should have posted a few pics up but didn't get a chance to take any photos and now they are covered in brake dust again! Will get some pics up once I have given them a wipe down! I should also thank 'The Welsho' for the kind loaning of his spare wheels whilst mine were being done. ;)

  10. Yes from halfrauds... could be the answer

    ment to say its only at 55mph+

    Yup, exact same as me.

    Take them back, protest, jump up and down and tell them you want a refund and you are not the only one this has happened to.

  11. Drivers side window wiper making a really load click as it hits the top of its movement :rotfl:

    They are new wiper blades - but this should not cause that noise, it sounds like a really load crack :rotfl:

    Any ideas of what it is?

    My car is a 2005 WRX.



    Are these from Halfords by any chance?

    I recently bought a set from for my 2002 WRX from Halfrauds, which had the fin or spoiler (or however you want to describe it) built into the driver’s wiper. This for some reason seemed to knock against the glass towards the top of the movement.

    Ended up replacing it with one from Tesco with no fin. That solved the problem although the Tesco ones are on their last legs after only 3 months.

  12. As per the title.

    I am looking for a set of wheels to fit a 2002 WRX on a short term loan (couple of weeks maybe) whilst I get mine refurbished.

    Condition and tyre tread are unimportant as they are only for the car to sit on whilst parked on the driveway. Whilst I could get them done in a day, I would need to take a day off work etc and it would be much easier and less hassle to just leave them at the powder coaters for a few days.

    Many thanks in advance. :thumbup:


  13. Whats the deal!

    My postcode (pa2) its coming up 2500Quid "Paisley" And the mates postcode 1820Quid for Houston (pa5). I know Paisleys full of scavaging savages! Thou 600 odd jump in price?


    neone want to lend me there postcode and garage ? :occasion14:


    That is a hefty quote. What is the car, age, NCB etc?

    I live in Houston and park the car on the drive. I have a 2002 WRX am 28, 5 years NCB, business use and an at fault claim last year and I pay £680 with Keith Michaels. Can't fault them so far. Gary takes a bit of getting hold of sometimes, but worth persevering.

    Used to be with Elephant but had no end of hassle when I claimed and Keith Michaels beat their renewal by £80 anyway.

  14. Why in gods name are we standing for this crap??? We need to revolt!

    Well, we can all vote them out at the next election. But will the alternative give us anything different? Can't see it to be honest.

    The Greenies have won.

    Interestingly enough, I was reading an article in the Sunday Times at the weekend in which they took a BMW 520D and a Prius from London to Geneva (545 miles). The Prius averaged 48.1mpg and the Beemer 50.3mpg. And the Government want us all to drive about in Prius's?? :(

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