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Posts posted by jamesm

  1. Hmmm... think it speaks a lot about the hatch looks when they chose the saloon to display at the launch party.

    In some lights the saloon doesn't look just as bad as the original pics looked... still not a great fan but I think I may have to reserve final judgemnt until I see one in the flesh.

    The launch was the American spec car and the Yanks don't like hatchbacks so it makes sense to launch the saloon there. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    The move to the hatch is because the rally car is going to be the hatch and they assume that everyone will want to drive the 'rally car'.

    There is no WRX as they want to sell more normally aspirated cars and reduce their range’s average CO2 emissions [:S]. So STI only and I will reserve judgment until I see it in the flesh as I still think with the styling beefed up it could look ok.

    But for us WRX drivers the only option is to upgrade to a STI, which pushes my budget too far. But I am a few years off that yet!


  2. Found myself looking at the pictures in the mag and thinking that with a decent set of wheels, body kit, and rear spoiler, it might just look passable........!! [:o]<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

    [^o)]  need some help mate? [:D]

    Well, it has been a long day! [:S]

    Whilst the saloon does look better, it is not so much the fact it is a hatchback that I don't like as there are lots of hatchbacks I do like, it is the fact it looks so bland, unimaginative and un-impreza like.

    If it drives, handles, performs etc like the Impreza we all know, and it is possible to tart it up a bit and make it look more aggressive and more Impreza like, then I will be interested so see, come 2 years, how many people end up buying one?

    Still not decided if Subaru have been very clever, or very stupid. Only time, and future sales, will tell.

    I am still sticking with my Bugeye which 5 years ago, I hated the look of, but now I have one, I love it! [;)]

  3. Auto Express says that the new STI is unveiled in October at the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Tokyo motor show, so possibly a bit of a wait for that one yet. Still think that it might just be ok if it looks as the pics previously that have been about.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    It also implies that the WRX is going to be available here. Found myself looking at the pictures in the mag and thinking that with a decent set of wheels, body kit, and rear spoiler, it might just look passable........!! [;)]

  4. The sedan looks a bit better and might be ok with the correct styling tweaks and wheels etc, but it is North American market only. What we are seeing is the American versions of the car. Maybe the European and Jap versions will have some styling tweaks but it will still be the same car. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Subaru seem to be trying to widen the appeal of the Impreza, tempt the Focus, Civic etc buyers. I salute Subaru for being bold, trying something new but I think they have really missed the opportunity to take the Impreza forward by trying something really radical that would appeal to both current and potential new owners. What they have produced seems to be a warmed up Mazda 3.

    In the current market and economic climate, I suspect that the rally programme has to justify itself and therefore the appeal of the car needs to be widened and creating a hatchback to do that is all very well if it is well styled etc, but I think they have missed the balance between trying to widen the appeal, and appeal to the current generation of Impreza faithful.

    The WRX, being a hatch is more of a competitor for the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />

    Focus ST
    , Civic Type R, S3, Golf GTi, Leon Cupra etc etc. I understand it won't be available here anyway, and looking like that, I wouldn't buy one anyway (this from a Bugeye owner.). All of the above are aesthetically, nicer looking cars.

    The STi is maybe different, I like the car in the pics in the link below and depending on the guts of the car and what it looks like in the flesh, I would have one. But then, I would have a STi at the moment if I could afford one! How many people will this price out the game?

    Not seen any comments from anyone who works in a dealer about what we should expect here?


  5. Jen

    They are great, i had to get another set as i reversed over one at an Auto cross in a field [:$] As others stood and watched too[:o]

    But they come with all the fittings and st.stl brackets for fitting, and fitting takes about 20 mins[Y]

    They have 2 height settings and i had them on the lowest and then the car was lowered, hence the reverse oops.....

    Was thinking of getting the Performance Creations ones myself. I presume they come with instructions on how to fit etc? Any new holes required on a 2002 WRX as the thought of wielding a drill anywhere near it fills me with dread! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  6.  I wouldn't have thought it will affect any of the genuine enthusiasts but it is articles like this that give the marque a bad name.

    Probably just a typical mis-informed tabloid article. It is not a problem just related to Subarus and it is unfortunate if they are now falling into the hands of the boy racers. Not sure why single out Subarus though as I am sure the same 'problem' exists with early Evos, Pulsers, Starlets, GT4s and then what about old Beemers etc etc.. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

     Equally, I have just encountered a ned in an Astra with a silly body kit and daft exhaust racing through the centre of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Greenock, so why not add Astras onto the list? The most irresponsible driver I repeatedly encounter in Renfrewshire drives a Citroen AX, better add them too.

    Insurance companies, you would think, should be able to correctly police who they give policies to. Is a ned who gets hold of a Subaru any worse than worse than one who gets hold of for example an old tail happy M3 or something similar? No.

    We will soon all be driving a sensible hatchback anyway. [:S]


  7. There is nothing better than driving a really clean and polished car. I enjoy cleaning the car and can quite happily spend hours cleaning it and keeping the paint in good condition so it looks good when I am driving it and generally showing it off.

     But afterall, you buy them to drive and if it gets dirty so be it. You can always clean it again.

  8. It is certianly different. The biggest thing is the move away from the saloon to the hatch, makes it look more run of the mill, just like any other hatch. I don't mind the front end, but it needs a boot at the back!! [:S]

    My Bugeye isn't perhaps the prettiest car on the road but that didn't bother me, but had it been a hatch then I would have probably bought an Evo. Is the new Evo a hatch, can only picture the front end?

    Having only just bought a Bugeye, I think I am a long way off even being in a position to buy the new model anyway. [;)]

    But then surely we buy these for how they drive.....?

  9. Where about are you mate?

    My girlfriend lives on the South Side so mine is parked in that area a fair bit.

    Just got to keep the keys hidden away in the house. Although some would rather they didn't know someone had broken in at night, rather than being woken up for the keys. Mine has a tracker so fingers crossed it would be recovered.

    Hope you are ok after the break in.

  10. I hate gritters, mine got battered twice on Sunday parked outside my parents house. Was going to move it after the first time but my sister conviced me that they only ever get one gritter a day. So sure enough, three hours later, it came along again.

    Hope you get it sorted soon mate.

  11. As far as I can gather cars registered between 2001 and 2005 fall into band F, which goes up from £190 to £205, then £210 and £215 in the following years.

    Cars registered 2006 and after are in band G, which goes from £210 up to £300, then £400 in the following two years.

    Not sure about pre 2001 cars.

  12. Luckily i only need to fill up about once every 2 weeks but it's always v-power

    I get through more or less a full tank every Monday to Friday, then even more at weekends! Hence the search for a cheap set of wheels for work and commuting. Use a mix of V-Power or Tesco 99.  

  13. Its french therefor..................its knackered, may repair it but thought it woulld be an oppertunity to replace when the MOT expired.Looking for a punto at around £700 but geez they are all knackered

     Want a cheap car to run to work myself and saw a 9 year old Punto yesterday. He wanted £850 ish. Despite it being absolutely knackered, the faked tax disc put me off. And I am sure it was clocked. Their ain't half a load of rubbish in this part of the car market.

     As for the Highland run, it is going back to the bodyshop on Monday for a 'debate' about the non-matching colour they have sprayed half of it. Didn't want to risk doing anything to it today, especially given my recent record on icy roads!

  14. I wave to most, as long as I am paying attention and see them in time!! [:(] Probably about 50/50 between those who wave back and those who don't.

     I did get a wave from the first one I passed the first time I had it out in Falkirk on the trade plates!!

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