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Posts posted by jamesm

  1. Looking good there. [Y]  Yup, visits to the petrol shop will be a lot more frequent but you will never tire of the acceleration when you drop it down a gear. Well I haven't anyway! [:(]


    And there is nothing wrong with gold wheels!!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  2. Sorry to hear, at least it looks only cosmetic. With the oil there it appears pretty lethal. Grew up in Cumbernauld and my parents still live there, so know the place well. Not been in that car park for years though.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  3. Thats not good to hear James, Im not very happy with Elephant insurance either and doubt we will use them again.

    At least your car is finally booked in, wheres it going to?

     Off to Glasgow Audi.

    Had the same assessor look at it as you had, but he came down to Greenock under protest. Problem with mine was the fact it would be cheaper to cut off the bent bit and weld a new bit on. Both me and the estimator were in agreement that it was to be straightened which is apparently more labour. Assessor agreed.

  4. Elephant Insurance offers the following advice to avoid accidents.

    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    "On arrival at a corner, slow to walking pace, proceed at this pace around the corner to check that there are no stationary vehicles, objects, cows, elephants or anything else blocking the road. Then drive away safe in the knowledge that you can be no way held responsible for the 10 car pile up that has just occurred behind you. On reaching the next corner repeat the above." [:S]


    Their claim assessor openly admits this is wholly impractical but they won't fight the claim in case they lose and it costs them too much money. Equally, they don't like authorising works at reputable repairers because they cost more.


     The old saying that things are cheap for a reason springs to mind.


     At least it is now finally booked into get fixed and will be done by the end of the month.

  5. Thanks to GaryD for this.[:P][:D]


    And got this fitted a wee while ago and the car is a different beast all together....boost coming in @3K and pulling like a chinese sky rocket by 4.5K.[:P][au]..i would recommend AVCR to anyone running a bigger turbo as mines was quite laggy before it was fitted.Now seeing 1.8bar with ease and had it seeing near 2bar[:D]


    Looking good [;)]

    I noticed that Gary and Lesley's car was sporting a nice set of gold alloys in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Greenock yesterday. Temporary swap to avoid the eyes of the dreaded Elephant assessor perhaps? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Got the joys of the man from Elephant myself next week, but at least he knows about the STI wheels.  Why can't they just authorise the work and be done with it? [8o|]

  6. Ive got a 52 plate sti type uk, Im 26 with 5 years NCB, im with elephant insurance and pay about £490 fully comp with protected no claims, and gary as a named driver.


    Amazing the difference a postcode makes.

    I have a MY02 standard WRX, with tracker, parked on drive in Houston. 5 years no claims (protected). Just renewed with Elephant for £694, with my girlfriend as a named driver (reduces the quote by almost £120 [*-)] ) If I still lived with my parents in and kept the car in Cumbernauld, the price would be another £100 less.

    Excess is £400, and I have just had to claim! Now where did I put that credit card?


  7. sorry to hear about the car mate but the main thing is that you are unhurt.

    members of my retained firestation were called to an RTC on the lugton road yesterday a guy had left the road in his evo8 , he was unhurt but  the passenger was killed .

    the accident you were talking about was at the flyover at the airport i think, i was just talking to my neighbour there and his boss lost his son in said accident

    be careful out there guys


    Got caught up on Lugton Road yesterday afternoon, but didn't know what had happened. Puts things into perspective. Cars and body panels can be replaced after all!

  8. Having had my car 4 months, I discovered that icy weather plus Renfrewshire Council's gritting abilities equals danger, and I ended up in a hedge. [:'(]<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    On the way to work and was on the back road from Langbank to Port Glasgow as the A8 was solid due to an accident there. Road hadn't seen a gritter and was driving along carefully behind a van. The van disappeared round a corner and the next I saw of him he was spinning round. I braked but it made no difference at all and I hit the side of the can with the front of mine before ending up in the hedge.

    These things ain't half built like brick lavatory houses, assuming the worst it came out the hedge under its own steam and damage appears fairly minor. Amazed really as it seemed a very big bang. Not sure if anything worse underneath that I can't see though.

     I managed to wreck the van, a cheap French thing, and it had to be taken away on a lorry.

    As there was another car involved I had to tell the insurance so may as well get it done at a main dealer. Pretty gutted though as it was such a mint car, but I know I couldn't have done anything. Needed a wash anyway!! 

    Still can't seem to be able to post photos. Do you need to be a full member or something? Just waiting for that to come though.







     Having said that, it once got serviced by a non Arnie Clark Vauxhall dealer, who 'forgot' to change the timing belt. It was on the back of a lorry within 4,000 miles after the thing broke!


    Ouch. Who ended up paying for that one?

    The dealer that didn't change it footed the bill. Wasn't as bad as it could have been as the belt went ping when I started the car, rather then when it was being driven. But it went away for 2 weeks and never had a problem after it came back.

  10. The Astra I had before the Scoob was bought from Arnie Clark and sales wise I couldn't fault them, once you get a salesman who will actually listed to what you want! The servicing etc was the problem.

    Two incidents that means I will never use them again, the service they charged me for, didn't really do, before sending me home with defective brakes was the first one. The second one came after I swapped ends and walloped a van who pulled out in front of me, the Insurance sent it to Arnie for repairs. Couldn't believe the state it came back in, there were bits of trim they hadn't even bothered to attach to the car and it came back with dents it didn't have when it went in!

     Having said that, it once got serviced by a non Arnie Clark Vauxhall dealer, who 'forgot' to change the timing belt. It was on the back of a lorry within 4,000 miles after the thing broke!

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