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Everything posted by nanaki

  1. I touch goats mate
  2. whats sleep?
  3. I managed to destroy a set of pads after 4000 miles. bit to spirited with my cornering and breaking at times. going a lot easier with this set.
  4. Don't worrie mate I intend to. Your advice has been noted.
  5. Ok so I got the car checked over by s&s this morning. Total cost of repairs is £1150. Asda are paying £700 for the damage caused by them which leave me paying £450 When you consider my excess is £250 then its costing me £200 more than it would have on my insurance to save my no claims. Well worth it. The car goes in on Monday for a few days so I should be a happy camper by this time next week with any luck. Thanks for all those who posted advice and the PM's. Will get the pics up once its done.
  6. now that is nice. someone has had a merry christmas. I also spy a facelifted front fitted as well.
  7. Asda have stated they are willing to pay out still for the repair work they were quoted for so I just need to see what S&S will add on top to cover the rest of the repairs. they are going to have a look at it wednesday morning when the actual car guys are back in (just the sales guys when I went in on saturday) It was a halfords car park mate in kilmarnock this time. Most expensive tyre preassure gauge I'll ever buy. A mate owes me some cash so the £400 back from his should help out here.
  8. I feel for you mate. December is definatly turning out to be a bad month for quite a few of us on here. Hope you catch the twats who did it.
  9. I touch goats peter
  10. does anyone know if all classic model car doors are the same? is there a difference between european and japanese? would the ones from a wagon fit? I have so many questions and no idea right now. Here is a pic of the sill damage when the skirt is held back in place. The initial impact was where the skirt joins so it caused it to pop right off and it is relativly undamaged. Just needs some new mounts. As for the sill as you can seet hat is going to be a bugger to fix.
  11. Right folks here is the damage. And here is the thing I hit to cause it all. Trust me not all that damage to it was me. I am clearly not the first person to do this. Dosn't make it less painful (or expensive) mind you. Was leaving the halfords carpark after buying a tyre preassue gauge. Didnt go far enough out from the space before turning and then crunch. was one of those oh f**k moments. Let the jokes commence.
  12. they did g.mac but there damage would have been repairable. I've since that occasion managed to take the damage to a whole new level unfortunatly. cheers peter. right now I don't really know what I want. my head is spinning.
  13. Ok so I have have completly destroyed the NSR door and put a hefty scratch in the NSF door. The passenger side skirt is also destroyed. I'm only 22 and have 2 years no claims. If I claim on my insurance then the premium goes up, I end up with 0 years no claims and I have a £250 excess. What I would like to know is should I claim it on the insurance and it gets the job done right but I end up back at square one with an even bigger insurance bill. or Try and source some doors from a breakers and just replace them myself. It is just the bodywork that is damaged so I could transfer the window and the electrics if I had to but it would be easier of course if I didn't. Any thoughts? How hard would replacing the doors be anyway? Is it even worst trying or would it cost a lot more than my excess would be anyway. As I am the only party involved I figured I could delay phoning the insurance company a couple of days to get your opinions. Pics to follow later this evening. Thanks in advance.
  14. I think there is more chance of a bank error in my favour than me winning the lottery mate. Last night I did what I always do when I feel like crap. I went out for a drive at 2am. Was interesting going some of my favourite roads at night. Completely changes things. Took some pics as well so you can all see the damage later when I get home (at work right now)
  15. The back door is completly crushed. Would cost more to repair than to replace. As for the front well thats up to the insurance company. Oh well there goes the no claimes bonus. Time to start adding it up again.
  16. I have now gone and completly done it. I have just had the 4 tyres changes so no problems there. I went round to Halfords and got a digital tyre preassue gauge. All is well in the world till I leave the carpark and forget that I am next to the stupid trolly bay. I then suceed to drive off and turn to soon to the left thus impaling the side of the car against the solid steel frame. I have gone and completly messed up the 2 side doors on the same side as the asda guy scraped and dented with the trolly. I had to go and completly mangle them. Not a happy chappy right now. I have also destroyed the side scirt and dented the frame of the car. Roll on 2007 indeed. I'm going to have to spend the first few months trying to get this sorted. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! I am a stupid idiot I know but it dosn't stop me being angry with myself.
  17. Thats is just plain f**cked up and bank out of order. Hope whoever responsible has the worst christmas ever cause I'd feel like crap if I did that to someone else. Best of luck getting the video evidence and getting it fixed mate. Looks liks the damage is limited to the wing at least. On my dunt they got the front wing and the two side doors.
  18. Christmas is just round the corner and I am hoping that Santa is going to bring me some better luck regarding this car. So far this month the following has happened. Low: Beginning of December the back left window starts to leak and the front left wheel bearing goes. High: After the december meet I pick up some new tires of Ally-B (Cheers mate) Low: After Santa Cruise my car is hit by a muppt pushing trollies in an Asda car park. £700 of damage. High: I buy a Ninja II backbox from Stripe which I get fitted 2 days later. Bring on the burble!!! Low: Asda are messing around and not doing anything. Not returning calls. High: Car goes in to get the wheel bearing and window fixed under warranty. Low: Car needs new front pads and disks: Not covered under warranty. That hurt. Lower: Asda are taking forever to return my calls although at least there speaking to me. May be because I visited them again. No communication internally there. Asking me same questions a week after I answer them. Lowest: Today on my way back to work after buying lunch my back left tyre blows. Big nail in it. Managed to crawl the car back to work as the side wall held out. Currently the car is in the work carpark with the wonderfully swave low profile spare fitted. Do they have to be a bright yellow (It also happens to be the cleanest bit of the car right now). The joy of 50mph on the way home! woho! There dosn't appear to be any damage to the allow which I am relieved about as I can't afford to get them reconditioned. Won't know properly till I get it checked though. The only real thing I have going right now is that I hadn't fitted the tyres I got from Ally yet so I've still got them in the house however it is going to be fun though trying to find a garage open between christmas and new year that won't charge me a small fortune for the work due to the time of year. Sorry rant over but I'm having a bad day.[:S] Merry Christmas.
  19. If you use passowrd manager properly then you can delete cookies and still have the browser remember the logins for websites. Password managers are just to big a security rick though I feel.
  20. excellent piece of work there mate. good choice of music as well. It just helps to sum up all the hard work put in by so many this year to make the santa cruise the success it is now. Long may it continue.
  21. Looks like all concerned had a great day. Nice to see the weather behaving as well for a change. BTW is central a Blue Scooby only club or what?
  22. great the one photo you can see my car in and im getting more tinsel out the boot. typical good pics so far... must be more some where?
  23. I do take up two spaces at the far end of the car park (as I did on this occasion as well) as I to worrie about people hitting the car while I'm not there. What makes this one different is that i got hit by an Asda employee while I was in the car driving out the car park. I didn't hear back from them yesterday so I'm going to call them when I finish work and get an update on what there insurance is saying as I gave them the quote on Monday.
  24. Fixed them for you. Suspicious lot by the burgundy Mondeo.
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