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Posts posted by cullenmin

  1. I wouldnt pay it. You'd be mad to pay it. Seek advice from whoever it is that deals with this kind of stuff or ignore it.

    How do they knew YOU done the XXXX amount of mileage over what you said you would? What if it was your dad/mum/brother that done the extra mileage being insured under his/her own motor policy 3rd party or whatever???

    I'd imagine you had 10,000 miles annual or so (like normal) and not a very low limited mileage?


  2. saw it in the flesh today Rich and its looking awesome,thats a seriously heavy duty cage!! question is can you guess which pipe i put the kipper in..... :gay:

    and are you getting heated seats and steering wheel to go with the windscreen, ya softy!!

    Cheers min, looks a mess just now but will be smart when its all finished. The cage is a beast, safety first and all.

    Heated seats = heavy. And thats the opposite of what I am trying to achieve here so :wub:

    I'll kipper yi :D

  3. i would have removed the wiring before welding the cage!! sparks would just melt through wiring = wiring headache

    when i fit these cages everything is removed from the interior,so no accidents :D

    if anyone wants a price for fitting or supply and fitting of thses custom cages then drop me a pm :gay:

    Hello mate,

    are you an independant cage fitter or associated with a garage (just out of interest), any examples of your work?

    Point noted about wiring, i'll be talking to AWD tomorrow anyway so i'll ensure they are covering up the wiring whilst welding. Cheers


    edit - Ryan I am using a metal foil tape at the moment which works but is not permanent. There is the option of bungs or grommets but ideally they could be welded as said above.

  4. Remember everyone I said Rich would spend upwards of £20,000 on this project - I think thats a good start towards our grand total!!!! Gawn yersel Richie boy :huh: . Up the classics!!!!

    Its an expensive hobby sure enough

  5. Sweet mate. Who is fitting it? looks the nuts. How much did it cost to get fitted?

    AWD are doing the all the work. Many hours work involved in this one

    sweet as Rich but howre you going to get yer wee legs over the door bars?? :D

    A hop, leap and a jump. No fat boys or fat chicks allowed :huh:

    Coming along B)

    Mine is still a tip inside - needs a coat of paint LOL

    It'll all be getting painted once its finished too.

    Thanks for the comments lads

  6. nice Rich,been thinking about one of these for myself as ive been missing vtec since the teg went. nice colour choice too,whatever you do dont look at vtec direct or the modding rule will be straight out lol

    ps whatya up to next weekend?

    I didnt know you sold the teg, I'll give you a phone before the weekend, kinda workin most of it though :lol:

  7. the gear stick feels like its in the perfect position!! :)

    I do like the position of the gear stick, gives you a racey feel to it

    Won't be that bad on fuel if you stay out the V-Tec

    That might be a struggle :lol:

    nice i used to have an ek9 and love vtec but couldent deal with the fwd id recomend you upgrade to the jdm (they got a good lsd as standard) or mugen lsd to ceep it on the road tho mine dident like bends lol :P

    A lad at work was telling me about the lsd but tbh I dont think I will modify the car, save the mod £££ for the scooby.

    Thanks for all the comments, the car has low mileage and the bodywork is near perfect. I'll be sookin up to Wayne (sczscoob) and hopefully he will have a go with his garage full of goodies B)


  8. Treated myself to an early xmas present last week, sold my "pimp pimp" "drug dealer" bmw and went Japanese

    Old and relatively slow...


    New and nips on enough to give some of you standard Uk Turbo owners a fright...



    I'm starting to defeat the purpose of having a runaround as well as the type R scoob but hey ho. The scoob is being driven less and less as it becomes more of a dedicated track car, I was driving the beemer 95% of the time so my Need For Speed has made me do it :lol:

    Comments welcome, anyone else came from these civics to the scooby scene?


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