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Everything posted by kaan_ors

  1. Cheers Granby, right back at ya with the PM. Just to be on the safe side (so i don't keep going around and around and around Crittals corner) shall we meet at the McDonalds on the A20 at 10?
  2. I'm picking my nephews up from Chelsfield (they loved the last tunnel run so much that they want to come on another jolly) and as I'm not 100% sure where Nottcuts is does anyone want to meet in Orpington (perhaps Sevenoaks Way or Crittals Corner somewhere) to form a mini convoy and help me from getting lost! I don't know how long it takes to get there either so perhaps you can suggest a meet time and place. Cheers.
  3. I was admiring the pictures whilst I was at work yesterday and I just want to add that it looks MINT!! Can't wait to see it in the flesh.
  4. Mmmmm......I have been working out lately so I'll need one about five sizes too small. [H]
  5. I just want to add that I don't care what colour they are, what design they have or what they are made out of, I just want a Kent Scoobies T-shirt I can wear with pride! (I would prefer black with white logos on though - just kidding! [])
  6. Blimey, I think I'll scoop some coffee granules into mine as well to see if I can match their performance! I'm assuming that's what they were doing.
  7. Afternoon everybody, can I have one of those useful little links that shows me the way to Notcutts and then I will save it in my favourites and never bother anyone for it again!
  8. Baz, I've got to go over to the Ruxley garden centre over Sidcup way and then I'll be putting the car through the washer at the Jag garage before going off to Chelsfield. I may be able to sneak in a few extra miles before the wife notices how long I've gone! What sort of route were you thinking of?
  9. Fantastic pictures, it's just a shame I couldn't make it as it looked like a good turn out. Quick question, does RM03SUB live in bromley as I have seen him drive down my road a few times and on Chatterton road?
  10. Been playing with the vacuum pump again have we?!? []
  11. I think it actually looks alright, especially the Sti. With regards to it looking like a Ford, dare I say it, but the Focus is a nice looking car. I'm going to duck for cover now! [li]
  12. Silver classic with gold wheels and driver with a very bright illuminous green jacket on at about 5pm tonight larkfield roundabout junction 4 of the m20 heading down into kent. Silver wagon approaching queens marys roundabout in sidcup from chislehurst at about 5.20pm. Red wrx with gold wheels just past traffic lights at royal parade chislehurst heading towards sidcup.
  13. Blue WRX bugeye with prodrive lamp conversion, prodrive stickers on the side of the front bumper and blue mud flaps at about 10.45 hours this morning on the A21 Bromley Common by the entrance to Norman Park. I crossed the road one car in front of you and turned around to have a good look as you went past. I think I then heard you a minute later speeding down Hayes Lane. If so, sounded good!!
  14. I said I'm sorry!! []
  15. I live just up from the garage and have had a quick look at it. Its the one after the bug eye and is an Sti but I reckon you can get the price down because their cars tend to sit there for ages.
  16. How embarrasing!!! [:$] [:$] [:$] I'm so sorry! It was a classic with two pink stripes over the top and down the boot with pink scoobie stickers down the side. I'm sure it said pink lady on it but I may be mistaken. I think I'll have to get a pair of glasses or just learn how to read properly!
  17. Never judge a book by its cover. I'm sure when Granby is pulling 30G's he's thankful that he keeps in tip top shape. And remember, round is a shape as well!!
  18. I know this is old news now but I just got all my membership through at the weekend and the January copy of true grip and I couldn't help but notice that the 555 Wagon Squadron didn't have a bug eye version. I thought the RAF (Really Awful Flyers) were meant to be an equal opportunities organisation. Granby, do you have any details of the application process and what sort of fitness levels are expected in order to join this elite force?
  19. Not wishing to hijack the string or anything but Pink Lady, I think I saw you on the M40 (possibly Warwickshire) yesterday at about 3.30pm London bound. I wasn't in my Scooby I was in a RAV4. I did look over but you were too busy smoking your fag!!
  20. Subtle! []
  21. Yippee, my first spot! I've been driving around sidcup all week in the hope of being spotted!
  22. I object your honour! I was simply trying to reach as many people as possible and realised that a new string had been started and felt that the old one would be ignored. It is simply not plausible to suggest that I would be so dishonourable as to present myself as a whench or a whoooore. I, sir, challenge you to a duel. [8o|]
  23. Yeah Baz, mines a silver wagon as well but a bugeye (replaced with prodrives) not a classic. I did see a blue one as well that was all stickered up and looked pretty cool.
  24. Silver bugeye wagon. If only I had a KentScoobies sweatshirt then everyone would know who I am!!! [] I think I might just buy a plain one and write KentScoobies on it in blue biro and maybe draw a picture of Kent on it as well.
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