Did you see the fella today who fell 15,000 feet as his parachute had only partly opened. It was all caught on camera by himself and his mate that had jumped behind him. Amazingly he survived but the funniest thing about the whole incident was, listen out for it if you watch it on the news, the first thing his mate said to him when he managed to find him was "Are you okay?" to which he replied "No"!!!!
How many people can you ask that to that have just fallen 15,000 feet?
Anyway, definately no to a parachute jump but like the idea of the naked point to point. Just make sure it's in the summer and prey you don't brake down or get a flat. []
How about an 18 hole pub crawl? (bagsey not a designated driver!) If you've never played it before each pub / hole is different, some have a hole in one (ie down your drink in one) some have water hazards where you can't use the toilet and if anyones interested I'll create a set of rules and possible handicaps. You either have 1/2 a pint or a spirit of your choice so hoppefully most people will manage at least nine holes er pubs.