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Everything posted by kaan_ors

  1. sorry, don't mean to be stupid but details of what? [:$]
  2. I'd like to get a pair, I did text Tony for some but he appears to have disappeared. Does anybody have a photo of what they look like before I put my name on the list. Cheers.
  3. Day, time and place?
  4. OMG. only today i was thinking off pulling the whole pillar off to try and get to the annoying squeak. Didn't realise it was such a problem. Might try the pledge idea first before I start dismantling things.
  5. cool, well in that case count me in. I'll even take my car to the Jag garage at Tesco's and stick it through the posh wash! Just name a time. By the way, when I mentioned the head light conversion it was just for your info as I wasn't sure if you wanted them to be unmodified or not.
  6. Got a bug eye wagon with prodrive headlight conversion if you're interested. I'm around all day tomorrow and available this weekend. You're only 10 mins away from me on a good run.
  7. I don't doubt that for a second!! [|-)] + [au] = []
  8. I'm on nights then but I live 30 seconds from the entrance to Norman Park so will try and pop over to say hello assuming I can drag myself out of bed.
  9. I'm easy, I do agree perhaps it would be more sensible to go with a family theme. Although it's always handy to have a small child around in order to rest your beer on its head. I'm happy to go with the flow.
  10. That's good. I'll think up a few more rules, run a risk assessment and run it up the flag pole and see who salutes it!
  11. Has a date been mentioned?
  12. I think a Trevor wardbrobe raid could be in order so as to get everyone kitted out! []
  13. Is it worth considering hiring a mini bus? By the way, there will be fines for anybody that drinks with their non glove hand.
  14. A pub crawl AND a good cause. What more could you ask for? [:S]. I suggest people get sponsored per hole so that it's in your interest to make as many of the pubs as possible!! [+o(]
  15. Did you see the fella today who fell 15,000 feet as his parachute had only partly opened. It was all caught on camera by himself and his mate that had jumped behind him. Amazingly he survived but the funniest thing about the whole incident was, listen out for it if you watch it on the news, the first thing his mate said to him when he managed to find him was "Are you okay?" to which he replied "No"!!!! How many people can you ask that to that have just fallen 15,000 feet? Anyway, definately no to a parachute jump but like the idea of the naked point to point. Just make sure it's in the summer and prey you don't brake down or get a flat. [] How about an 18 hole pub crawl? (bagsey not a designated driver!) If you've never played it before each pub / hole is different, some have a hole in one (ie down your drink in one) some have water hazards where you can't use the toilet and if anyones interested I'll create a set of rules and possible handicaps. You either have 1/2 a pint or a spirit of your choice so hoppefully most people will manage at least nine holes er pubs.
  16. Blue newage monday night at about 7.30 drove up behind me just before Bromley college. Would have stayed out to play but had the wife in the car. I think I've seen you a few times before but i've always been on foot.
  17. I agree. Even the wife enjoys watching it. I also couldn't stop laughing at the hamster crashing into captain slows car. They're just a bunch of big kids. What a charmed life they live!
  18. Spotted. Blue classic with gold wheels heading up towards Orpington Station on Station Road. Got a wave. Silver newage wagon, Southlands Road, Bickley. Got no wave.
  19. However, Clarkson with a cow on his car had to be the best bit of comedy TV i've seen in a long time. I just pitty the poor people tomorrow morning having to deal with all the complaints from the nations veggies!
  20. Yeah I agree, the Hamsters near death experience wasn't anywhere close enough! []
  21. I find it very worrying that they are totally unwilling to accept anybody that doesn't fit in with what they believe. Perhaps I'm being too critical as not all Americans are the same as what I've just seen on Top Gear but OMG it's scary!
  22. I've always liked the Americans and regarded them as no more than great big stupid puppy dogs with no sense whatsoever. However, I've just discovered that they are the most uneducated tw*ts imagineable!!
  23. I took mine to Walldonway to get my pads and discs looked at about 3 weesk ago and they had a good rummage around but were honest and said that there was nothing wrong with them. They also didn't charge me, which is nice! I dealt with Bruce and whilst this probably wasn't the ultimate test of their service I'm going to take mine there in the summer for its annual service but i'm confident that they are up to scratch.
  24. Yeah thats a good point. I'll have to ask for the costs to be refunded to my account for the month i've not been able to use any of the services.
  25. I'm not really into the whole compensation culture cos these things happen , however, I just got my mobile phone bill this morning and had to be revived by the wife!! [] I'm definately going to get somebody to pay for that though!!! By the way, the phones still not working so the next bill should be a treat as well.[:'(]
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