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Everything posted by kaan_ors

  1. Weddings, birthdays and funerals are all pencilled into my diary just so that I can rub them out and do something more intersting instead.
  2. hello mate, you don't know me but I bought a scoobie recently and have been reading your forums for a few years. I now know what it must feel like to get your pride and joy stolen, as I totally love mine and I hope that the long arm of the law punishes them in a manner that really f**king hurts. Cutting off their hands is a good start.
  3. I didn't mean Japfest I meant Santapod! [:$]
  4. cool. pele has my email address so hopefully I will meet some of you before too long. I'm considering the Japfest on Sunday but I have things to do in the morning so won't be able to meet up at the Wharf but may try to get up there later on. Ps . good to see that I'm not the only person looking for conversation at 20 to midnight on a monday!!!!! And no, I'm not looking at anything else whilst I'm online!
  5. permission to hijack! I haven't met any of you yet but I get the slightest impression that you're all mad! []
  6. I must admit that I may struggle with the conversation as I don't know the first thing about cars! All I know is, that when I press the pedal on the right, I go faster and my smile gets bigger! However, there isn't anything I don't know about curry! By the way, I've been reading about your tunnel meet and I was wondering if you guys meet up most weekends? If so how do I find out where you will be and what you will be up to?
  7. Had to visit a number of garden centres yesterday and spotted on my travels: Blue 04 sportswagon with WRX in the number plate and possibly belonged to somebody called sue in the Wyevale garden centre in bromley On my way to Polhill I spotted what must have been an STi possibly having just come from Fox's as it was screaming down the dual carriage way section of the A21 towards Bromley And another wrx sitting in traffic again going towards bromley and the driver had black sunglasses on and waved back. By the way, does anyboby else spend more time and effort looking for scoobies coming the other way than they do on actually driving?!? I'm going to bump into the back of someone sooner or later!
  8. count me in! Fine food, intellectual conversation and a window table with a view over the carpark. What more could you ask for?!?
  9. Brand new STI seen in Westerham today at about 1pm. Didn't let me back out of my parking space!!
  10. Blimey, don't think much of that site! Hand bags at dawn in Maidstone! Glad to be with SIDC and kent scoobies - far friendlier bunch.
  11. I've already suggested she come to a meet but she insists that she has to iron her shoelaces on any of the dates that I suggest!!
  12. Looks good mate. It took me a few years to convince the wife to allow me to buy an impreza so hell would have to freeze over before she allowed graphics!!! Perhaps I'll see it in the flesh before too long.
  13. Thank you all for your warm welcome and at least I know that I can stare out of the window at her and not be considered a bit weird! If this means that I'm a geek then that's fine by me! I look forward to joining in on your discussions and meeting some of you soon and I've pencilled the birthday BBQ into my diary. Cheers.
  14. Funnily enough I spent months looking for one that had no modifications because I wanted to keep it nice and simple but having bought one I think I may be tempted in a few months to get some ideas off you all.
  15. Yeah, just went for a quick drive along the A21 to the M25 to suss out the performance which cost me a quarter of a tank. I could actually see the fuel gauge moving!! Bl**dy good fun though!
  16. After 6 years of spending all my savings on a wedding, honeymoon and house I finally gathered together all my pennies to buy an Impreza and the moment I had been dreaming about for all those years finally arrived yesterday! So I'd just like to say a big hello to everyone at Kent Scoobies as I have read your forums for many years now and have found them really useful and amusing and if anyone spots me driving my silver WRX Sportswagon with prodrive upgraded lights in the Bromley area then please give me a wave. You'll know its me because I'll be grining like a mad man!! Just one thing, is it normal to wake up at 5.30 in the morning and open the curtains to look at your new car or have I turned into a geek overnight? Look forward to meeting some of you over the next few years and I'll keep an eye out for meets in Kent.
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