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sti pretender

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Everything posted by sti pretender

  1. The reason I bought a new (pre-reg) car was the fact I wanted a warranty for peace of mind. The reason I spent so much money on PPP and Prodrive springs was to keep the car's warranty safe, I could have got way more power and handling getting mods and a remap. I never blame the PPP fitting, the car was new apart from a geo setup and body warranty check at S&S nothing has been done except a dealership service and PPP. Only other things are a set of Defi's and brake pad change. My annoyance was as a loyal subaru owner and customer who has played it by the book and had everything done properly to maintain my warranty, when a fault occurs I expect it to be inspected and repaired under warranty. Subaru UK agree.
  2. Was annoying me so phoned Subaru. They agree there is a fault and the inspection and anything affected by the fault should be check free under warranty.
  3. Was driving home Friday night went to turn right and steering wouldn't move. Was only doing 30 but had to hit the brakes and force the wheel to turn to avoid hitting a road sign and tree. Only 100 yards from the house so gingerly drove to the house. Phone Subaru Assistance who sent 911 out to look at the car(was the same guy that recovered Jimser's car). Heatshield from the up-pipe had broken and dropped down and jammed the rack from turning right. Couldn't fix it or remove it so towed away to be delivered to Eaglesham on Saturday morning. Car was delivered promptly on Saturday morning and Eaglesham remove the heatsheild car was back for 12 noon. Drove the car last night for the first time and steering feels very light and not as sure footed as normal. Mandy noticed it also when she drove it home on Saturday. Phone Ian Grieve as it was serviced and had the PPP installed there, they will have a look at it but have said there might be a charge for inspecting the car. Now I got the car as a pre-reg last September with 11 miles on the clock, has now covered 16,500 miles and was service at 10k and PPP installed in May. Surely part don't fall of a car after a year, also the plate looks like it should bolt to something. Was also advised by 911 and Eaglesham that it I was luck I wasn't travelling at speed or a busy road as it was potentially dangerous. Should I wait and see what Ian Greive say and possibly get charged for inspecting it or contact Subaru UK just now and see what the propose? Having a great Monday morning car feels dodge and possible out of pocket through no fault of my own.
  4. I'm with KM but not on the database.
  5. Rear window sticker will be available for next Glasgow meet. SANTA CRUISE 2007 and SCOTTISH SCOOBIES same as last year £5 for a pair. After costs are covered any money made will be donated to this years chosen charity.
  6. Don't get the arches rolled it can weaken and crack the paint. Get them ground back to the spot welds then the edge painted and sealed. Had it done to my Civic years ago. Used Buchan Automotive (0141 647 4492) in Cambuslang it cost me about £120 from what I remember but it was 3 years ago.
  7. Still don't like the new impreza, everytime I see a Mazda 3 in there street I check to see its not the new Impreza. Also and Impreza shouldn't have door frames.
  8. Agree St3ph3n. Obviously which ever charity is chosen the sheet can be altered to suit. Think Imy had the finalised sheet for last year.
  9. Billy took the initative a week or so ago and talked to Ally-b regarding stickers/decals, though the simplest way was to get the same as last year, posted up to see if anyone had any objections but none so ordered them on Tuesday so should be here next week. The main reason was there was talk of getting them as early as possible to get better advertising this year, if we waited until vote was over and organised the sticker it would have been the 6th December before handing them out. 40 sets of SANTA CRUISE 2007 and SCOTTISH SCOOBIES and 4 SCOOBY SANTA with the Saltire ordered. Donation sheet - I think I have a copy of last year in my works computer will check tomorrow. Happy to help on the shopping trip.
  10. Interesting thread. Going down the import route for a track car myself so looking forward to seeing the progress of your car and picking up a few tips. No doubt be in touch for a few parts aswell.
  11. Chris, Go for the a Blobeye STI with PPP. I'm 329/310 with no boost or meth. I know I could have got more for my money with mods and an AndyF map but warranty was important to me. And silver is the best colour.
  12. John, Would it not be worth getting it on a RR to identify when and what the cause might be. When we had the day at Extreme the information they gained about the car was good. Might be another approach for you to identify the problem. We all know how well there Evo runs - when its running
  13. 1.Kebab Nemisis 2.Mrs Kebab Nemisis 3.Cusco Kid 4.Mrs Cusco Kid 5. Mr Gus the Bus 6. Terzo Neil 7. Ed-209 8.young-buck27 9.mrs young-buck27(and her bump) 10.whitelightning 11.mrs whitelightning 12. Playsatan 13. Mrs Playsatan 14. JohnnyR6 15. Mrs JohnnyR6 16. Coulty 17. Coultette 18. Squiggle 19. uRaBu5 20. Mrs uRaBu5 21.jimser 22. G.Mac 23. Dougie C 24. marky.t.s 25. scary mary 26. st3ph3n 27. Nicola 28. teocalli 29. Mrs teocalli 30. Des 31. Maz 32.Ally-b 33. GaryD 34. Lesley 35. Mr scoobymark 36. Mrs scoobymark 37. Master scoobymark 38. STI Pretender 39. Mrs STI Pretender - Mandy
  14. Just got 2 Goodyear F1's at Prestige Tyres (located in Busby) last week. Friendly, good service and a reasonable price.
  15. Contacted Ally-b tonight regarding the stickers for Santa Cruise, I arrange the stickers for Glasgow/Strathclyde last year and am happy to do so again. I got to thinking if we wait for the vote, then the next meeting, contact the guy I used last year, get a price, then once I order them let the Royal Mail delay them with strikes and then get caught up in the Christmas post it will be the 6th December before we can distribute them. I know we had discussed getting them and adveristing as early as possible so does anyone have any objections to using the same format as last year. SANTA CRUISE 2007 and SCOTTISH SCOOBIES In know we are currently voting to see which charities will receive our support but this way it is more general and we advertise early. Ally-b has given me the green light to post if no one has any objection I will talk to the guy on Monday. Maybe even arrange a courier instead just to be safe. Robert
  16. I did the same on my sport fitted a headunit and screen adjusted the bracket by about 4mm with a dremel also had to trim 2mm of each side of the opening, Stanley knife for the straight line and then carefully ground away with the dremel up to the line. Take your time to get a perfect, it is worth it.
  17. You got a bargain there Imy, and I thought you were happy with your horses.
  18. John after all that work time and effort it would be a shame to let your car go. I know you've had a few problems but your car is stunning and defo stands out from the crowd.
  19. The vote was taken prior to the meeting on Thursday as the donation sheets handed out at the meeting. Since the meeting last week I have had time to think and, while I have no problem raising money for either charity I don't think you can completely cut-off your support of Yorkhill and Robin House. There should probably have been more discussion on the matter and even a members vote as to where the money should have been donated. We are a community and as such every member should have a right be involved in decision making. I understand that recent events have brought about the choice of the Jerviswood Trust, however there may be members that hold Yorkhill and Robin House closer to there hearts. If I had a vote I'd say both, whatever is received will be greatly appreciated by all the charities.
  20. Try http://www.nengun.com they do the red Defi's and pods. I know Jimser used them and didn't have any problems.
  21. Prefer the facelift model, would have gone for a 5/6 if I was going for power, looking for something for track days. After a good discussion with Squiggle our resident expert on all things classic I opted for a V3. Stewart suggested an early V4 which by the time it comes from Japan won't need SVA'd (although he can sort that out). People are buying more 1997's just now to avoid the SVA so V4's can be be a better price.
  22. Contact Chapman81 if your looking to import. He's currently looking for V3 or early V4 STI RA for me. He can get hold of a V2 that his dealer has in stock. Know of a fresh import V3 STI good condition 57K guy rebuilds the bottom end as standard when he imports them £5k but you could get a deal as he is looking for a quick sale.
  23. Was talking to Stewart last night about importing and mentioned your car sound like he got you a great motor. After seeing whats on offer for my budget in the UK importing is definately the way to go.
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