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sti pretender

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Everything posted by sti pretender

  1. I've seen it running about as well, my kids would love it. They want subarus as they first cars, they are only 6 & 4 so I've a long time to save for the insurance.
  2. 7.00 for 7.30pm at the Harvester Hilington, Glasgow.
  3. What about Cusco graphics blue to match the wheels with white or light blue.
  4. Improving the club stand was discussed at the last Glasgow and Central Meets. The big problem is it costs money to develop our ideas, I have contacted Phil about hopefully securing some funds and the possibility of sponsorship from dealers/tuners. I have an idea for a display stand for car details, hopefully making one new week. Display boards for our activities but again down to money. Leaflets have been discussed on the RO's forum nothing concrete yet. Once we know what we can afford or raise by sponsorship it would let us plan our events/stand better.
  5. No came as standard, if you need any of the add-ons replace the the dealer has to talk to Subaru UK as they aren't on the standard Subaru database. Only now this as as I had to replace the brake light in the rear spoiler.
  6. Hi and welcome, I started with a GX Sport Special. It came with morrette lights, aftermarket rear spoiler (fitted by subaru UK) momo steering wheel and think the interior was different from the normal 2.0 GX. Had standard 15" alloys but I changed to WRX ones.
  7. Glasgow/Strathclyde Meet, Harvester Hillington 7 for 7.30pm. New and old members always welcome. Robert
  8. The Auto DCCD is ok in the snow but locking the diffs give far more grip I find. Also classics are better in the snow as the ABS isn't as sensitive. Let the debate begin.
  9. I have a spare one, Grant's dad handed me an extra one at the Gathering for being a marshall. Can bring it to the next Glasgow meet if you can make it.
  10. Can’t believe Santa Cruise has come and gone already. Ally-b started the ball rolling this year in October but unfortunately had to stand down as R.O., which threw me in at the deep end taking over the position. Thankfully the Glasgow/Strathclyde members true to form pulled out all the stops to help. Last year saw a smaller scale Santa Cruise with the McRae Gathering being the main charity event, so everyone seemed eager to make this years event a major part of the SIDC calendar again. Ally was great help letting me know who needed to contact and what needed done. Fraser (Scoobysailor) contacted and liaised with the police and hospital, Imy (Micra-WRC) sorted the raffle tickets and Ed (Ed-209) made the stickers. Karps contacted Asda and volunteered to be our other Santa. Peter (FAI17) our favourite Chinese restaurant owner did us proud as usual and not only hosted our charity meal but contacted loads Subaru tuners and dealers to get some amazing prizes. Two of the prizes were so good we auctioned them of and a big thanks to Racedynamix and Andy Forrest Performance. I’d like to thank everyone that made and collected donations, especially Mark at Lateral Performance. All the members who bought tickets, stickers, donated to the raffle and joined in the great night at Peter’s. To all our shoppers on both trips and Terzo Neil for sorting the storage. The run was an amazing sight with 21 cars all decorated (even if some refused) showering the M80 and M8 with tinsel, then shaking the buildings with the noise as we convoyed round George Square on our way to Yorkhill. The hospital were so grateful for the present as this year has see a real shortage of donations and although they know SIDC and the bikers have their runs they didn’t know how many presents we would be delivering, or whether there would be enough for all the children. So how much did we raise?…………………………….. £3,796. Presents ranged from DVD’s to games consoles and an LCD TV. The children I had the pleasure of deliver gifts to were overjoyed, which really made it all worth while. Thanks to my two elves for coming to deliver the presents, funniest thing of the day was the looks they got in Asda as they shopped for tinsel. All that left to do is a few thank you and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Santa Ho-Ho-Ho The companies that donated. Racedynamix (Dynamix) Andy Forrest Performace (AndyF) S&S (Subaru dealer) Hypertech Greersport Meercat Roger Clark Motorsport AS Performance Harvey Smith Pennine Subaru Lateral Performance Kwang Tung Link to pics of this year http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=142031
  11. £3,796 A big thanks to everyone who bought tickets and stickers donated prizes collected money and joined in the charity meal. This has been an amazing effort by Scottish Scoobies. Roll on tomorrow. I'll post up a wee write up of the event once it's all over. Thanks Robert
  12. Great night and thanks to everyone for making it a success. I had the prizes for Frankyboy and Scoobysailor I'll bring them tomorrow. Seafar99 I have your prize and will arrange to get it to you. I will let Duncan at Hypertech know who the winners are.
  13. Could just be bad luck but I'd always stick with a scooby specialist for work and mapping. Must say Extreme were very professional at the RR day we had a couple of years ago, talked to him about working on and mapping scoobies and said he would do up to about 350 anything over was more a specialist tuner.
  14. I'll bring your tickets tonight. Jac & Davy I touch goats.
  15. Thanks to everyone for helping last night. Sorry to Laura out checkout assistant who almost fainted when we rang through £1300. For Asda for cheapest deals on consoles and then getting a multibuy discount. Next year I think we'll talk to Hamley's, ELC and a few other shops to see what deals we can get and a wee email to Toysrus for having no Christmas spirit.
  16. Thanks to Toysrus for not offering us a discount or goodwill gesture. The attitude of 'we have customers who spend more than that and they don't get a discount' was really helpful. Felt like telling they guy he could shove it and we'll take our money elsewhere. Think I'll put him on the naughty list.
  17. We usually have one volunteer to accompany Santa round the ward. It can be hard seeing the children but it is ultimately rewarding.
  18. Just quick update on the current standing. Date now confirmed by hospital as 13th December 2009. (Biker run is the 20th this year) Route checked police have acknowledged run but no plans to attend. Santa's have reported for duty. Karps has contacted Asda. Toysrus have been contacted to see if we get a discount. Donations have been flooding in. Stickers have sold well and more will be available on Sunday morning if anyone needs. Meal at Peter's almost fully booked 3 spaces left. 28 raffle prizes and their not all drink. Auctions have now closed raising £340. (Thanks to Racedynamix and Andy F) Shopping trips 9th and 12th December. Storage of present sorted. Prize for best decorated - SIDC umbrella (trying to change the prize every year so it's not the usual remote or model car. Were looking at over £2,000 just now with more to come from donations, raffle tickets and the meal at Peter's. We'd like to see a few more cars for Sunday please add you name to the list in events. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=141549
  19. I change pads at 18-20k and moved to Ferrodo DS2500. Just changed to Godspeed discs and a new set of ferrodo pads but I'm now on 40k. But as you say is a lot to do with how you drive it.
  20. I think although you don't like newages it would be worth driving both as a comparison. Classics and Newages are completely different beasts so don't judge the Evo against your RB5. Check the service intervals on the Evo heard they can be every 5000 miles. Hope you stay on the right side but personal choice wins. And we'll never talk to you again.
  21. I just replaced the discs on my 06 STI really depends on mileage and how hard you drive it.
  22. Discs and pads are fairly easy to do. Two bolts hold the caliper to the backplate, the disc just pulls of the hub. Rear discs will need you to adjust the handbrake to slide the disc off. As long as your confident you can do it then give it a go. Some owners manuals that might help. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...9&hl=manual As for where to buy I always use Godspeed but others use AS Performance http://www.asperformance.com/.
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