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Everything posted by stripe

  1. Now that is the biggest p***k that ever walked, ALMOST (but not quite) as irritating as that Barry Scott w****r from the Cilit Bang adverts............"HI IM BARRY SCOTT...BANG AND THE STAIN IS GONE" Would quite happily keep him airborne with uppercuts!
  2. Try not to worry about it mate, sounds as though the cops you spoke to were fair with you, and you with them so that will go in your favour too. Best of luck with it bud, hope it goes well for you
  3. The maximum penalties (and this is maximum, not probable) for Careless driving is £2500 fine, and between 3-9 points. Dangerous driving is a bit more extreme, the max for dangerous driving (and again this is the Maximum allowed by law) is 2 years in prison, an unlimited fine and an obligatory ban. When you get your licence back after the ban for Dangerous driving, you must sit an extended retest. Like a say mate theese are the maximum allowed in the courts, and would only be applied to the most extreme cases of each. Again, depending on the circumstances of the situation you may get a small fine and some points, but like a say bud there are so many factors involved. As for your insurance im not totally sure, they would consider it more of a risk than an SP30, however again just depends on the circumstances. I am really not trying to scare you bud (and hope I am not!!) just giving you the facts
  4. To prove a charge of Dangerous/Careless driving you don't need to prove a speed, you just need to prove (In this case the two cops speaking to it) that the manner of driving was below what is expected of a safe level. It's different from proving a speeding charge
  5. It was probabily Section 3 RTA 1988, careless driving. Depends on what the circumstances of the incident were, how busy the road was, road conditions exactly how were your driving etc. To be honest it's now just a waiting game until you get the dreaded letter through the door.
  6. st3ph3n yes I will be at the meet tonight bud so that would be great
  7. Well me thinks I will be keeping the black bits black then! I will be spending a bit of cash getting a few stone chips sorted in the near future. Anyone know a good place in the Glasgow area to carry out some paint work?
  8. That's a good idea mate, can anyone colour code the skirts, handles, mirrors and rear corner splitters in white for me please?
  9. Thanks for the comments guys! So what do we think then, should I get it completely colour coded?
  10. I am finally 100% happy with my Scooby, here is how I got there! How she looked when I first bought her in March this year..... 33 days later I melted a piston......not a happy chappie! Off she went to Arnold Clark, who eventually (after a few heated discussions and threats of legal action) replaced the engine free of charge! How she looked after I got her back complete with new exhaust! New exhaust too loud, and too broken aswell after an encounter with a speed mountain. So I then stuck a Magnex 6x4 oval on, and......well, a couple of other slight modifications too......can you spot them? Then decided that a UK Classic in white was too rare to change spoilers and scoops on, and so decided to go as standard as possible. So after many months of good (and f*****g really bad) times, I am now very happy with how she looks! All that's left to do is colour code all the black bits.....and fit my new exhaust! Ok, maybe am not 100% finished, but getting there!
  11. The CF one I sold Greegsy was an STI8 scoop mate, and like a say was very easy to fit, I would give Scoobyworld a shout, they are good too
  12. The Scoop is a piece of p*ss mate, just a case of removing some bolts, taking off the old one putting new one on and putting the bolts back on, very easy mate
  13. ha ha ha, the Scoob will ALWAYS triumph! Glad your keeping her mate, it's a fantastic motor you have!
  14. Cool, thanks again for your help!
  15. Thanks for that! So I take it the standard 2001 WRX 17's would be ok for 4pot's aswell then?
  16. Would these fit over AP 4 pots? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Subaru-Impreza-gold-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. Fantastic photo's mate!
  18. How shi*e does my list look now[:$]
  19. Actually forget that one it's crap! Here is a few I have in my favourates! http://www.centralsubaru.co.uk/ http://www.glenburgie-subaru.co.uk/ http://www.grahamgoode.com/ http://www.scoobybits.co.uk/home.htm http://www.tsl-motorsport.co.uk http://www.scoobypedia.co.uk/ http://www.foresterspares.co.uk/ http://www.haywardandscott.co.uk/ http://www.scoobysport.co.uk/ http://andyforrestperformance.co.uk/ http://www.hypertechscotland.co.uk/
  20. This one might save you a bit of time! http://www.strictlycars.com/topsubarusites/index.html
  21. Welcome mate.......piccies??????
  22. Very nice! A have them in gold on mine, here is some photos
  23. Welcome to the SIDC matey[] Get some piccies of the Scoob up!
  24. Thats a total p*sser Vicki, really sorry to hear this. Hope you get your baby back soon
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