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Are Subaru Out Of Wrc?

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Did I just hear correctly?

Subaru withdrawn from WRC?

What will happen to prodrive? Will they run private ones? Gronholm comeback?

Oh dear. Next year will be the FORD World Championship. Oh, and those pesky Citroens!!

Edited by badbaz
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Well I know for a fact that they need to pull their fingers out for next year...

New rules should make it very interesting for all involved!! Hopefully there's still a few anufacturers involved in 2010??

It's such a shame that Suzuki has pulled out! The car was starting to get there! PG Drove well in wales to finish where he did in an underpowered overweight car! Guess it all comes down to lack of money global demise of the automotive industry!!

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what about the new rules wrc to become s2000 based http://www.wrc.com/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=101&a...ails%20revealed

I think it's probably a good step to getting some of the big names back in. I'm not really sure how the rules work because they assume naturally aspirated engines for the base cars that makes S2000. Then the new S2000 based rules stipulate the performance package to include the turbo. Quite how Subaru fit in with this I'm not so sure. Obviously they have the 2.0R which I'm guessing the new Rally Car would have to be based on as it's non-turbo.

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Agree.. Subaru really need to ditch the hatchback and start from scratch again.. They got it wrong... from what I've seen the old car was just as competitive.. Interesting that on the Scottish Rally CHampionshop whenever a new model impreza was launched it featured on the SRC! Drivers were really up-beat about how drivable each new car was! Yet I don't recall a hatchback being entered this year (unless it was on one of the later events)... WOnder why......... :lol:

Part of the problem is that the WRC has moved on in a technical point of view and it's all about fancy active diffs and "precision driving".. Yet the Impreza is a "drivable" car it's allows you you to drive it the way you want and it'll help you out! Generally works best when sideways.. THis new precision stuff doesn't suit subaru.. and it shows..

Chris Atkinson has done good job given the equipment, petter.. WE'll he's a far better driver than we've seen this year IMHO.. And after having a brief chat with David Richards at the McRae Gathering it seems Petter just doesn't have the drive for the new car.. With the old one if he saw a change he'd give 110% to achieve the win.. But the new car isn't really settling in well. Couple of times he's shown how good it can be with decent stage times but overall.. Just not enough..

I really hope thew new regulations in a couple of years bring subaru back on form... But next year will be just as tough (hopeless?) as this year IMHO *sigh*

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Agree.. Subaru really need to ditch the hatchback and start from scratch again.. They got it wrong... from what I've seen the old car was just as competitive.. Interesting that on the Scottish Rally CHampionshop whenever a new model impreza was launched it featured on the SRC! Drivers were really up-beat about how drivable each new car was! Yet I don't recall a hatchback being entered this year (unless it was on one of the later events)... WOnder why......... :lol:

Part of the problem is that the WRC has moved on in a technical point of view and it's all about fancy active diffs and "precision driving".. Yet the Impreza is a "drivable" car it's allows you you to drive it the way you want and it'll help you out! Generally works best when sideways.. THis new precision stuff doesn't suit subaru.. and it shows..

Chris Atkinson has done good job given the equipment, petter.. WE'll he's a far better driver than we've seen this year IMHO.. And after having a brief chat with David Richards at the McRae Gathering it seems Petter just doesn't have the drive for the new car.. With the old one if he saw a change he'd give 110% to achieve the win.. But the new car isn't really settling in well. Couple of times he's shown how good it can be with decent stage times but overall.. Just not enough..

I really hope thew new regulations in a couple of years bring subaru back on form... But next year will be just as tough (hopeless?) as this year IMHO *sigh*

Here's a way to start a good argument! I don't think (bare in mind this is my opinion) that Chris and Petter aren't up to the job! I think they should put Marcus in the car and someone young like Patrick Flodin or even Wilks / Meeke? Open to suggestions really

Yes Petter may have been world champion but i don't think either Petter or Chris show that true leadership or spark that a McRae / Makkinen / Loeb / Sainz showed?

The only rally outside the WRC that an S14 competed on was the Burns Memorial with Markko and Robert Reid? Could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that was the only event?

The cars not as bad as it seems, it's only let down in a couple of areas and drivers seem to be one part of the issue (IMHO)? Petter and Chris need to have a rocket up them! No good moaning about things when there not on it. It's clear to be seen that the likes of a customer car being on the same pace or quicker.

Whilst your not going to make massive leaps in terms of speed with the rules the way they are, a new car by the end of the year however should clearly be in front of a year old customer example. Or is that the difference in dampers and drivers?

On another note (bobble hat on again) WR cars haven't been active for the last 3 years. Well they run an active centre diff such as what's in the road car but having active front and rear diffs was banned after 2005.

I hope they get the thing sorted and give the WR Cars a good send off before S2000 + comes in! I think we'd all like to see them winning again!

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Hi All,

Just found this on the press pages on google.

Suzuki quit WRC

10 hours ago

Suzuki have announced they are pulling out of the World Rally Championship due to the worldwide economic crisis.

The Japanese company, who only joined the championship in 2008 after several successful seasons in the junior category, have decided to maximise funds for "core business functions".

A statement from Suzuki read: "In responding to the contraction of the automotive sales caused by recent global economic turmoil, Suzuki has been promptly taking possible countermeasures including the reassessment of its global production output."

The statement continued: "The company, however, foresees the shrinking trend in longer periods of time rather than a short-term phenomenon.

"To secure its own business environment for tomorrow, the organisation reviews every aspect of the operation and decided to focus on the core business functions such as the manufacturing system, environment technologies and development of new-generation powertrains.

"As a result, Suzuki concluded to suspend WRC activities from 2009."

Rival Japanese manufacturer Honda announced earlier this month that they were pulling out of Formula One for financial reasons.

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Bad news indeed... feel sorry for the drivers who find themselves at a bit of a loose end now. Hopefully a years solid development in 2009 will make the Subaru stronger competition in WRC 2010.



You never know what will happen. although as i mentioned in the other thread on this matter I feel sorry for the lads who will lose their jobs over this, especially those with children and mortgages...

Petter and Chris are both wealthy men... It won't do them any great harm to be out of work... May actually make them stronger by having to fight for a drive and then get the results to keep it!!

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You never know what will happen. although as i mentioned in the other thread on this matter I feel sorry for the lads who will lose their jobs over this, especially those with children and mortgages...

True, its all a bit up in the air, however in the autosport article Dave Richards says that the WRC team will be re-assigned to other Prodrive duties at the time.. which hopefully means that there wont be any job losses as Richards has always come across as a straight talking guy so doesnt strike me as the kind of person to bullsh!t about this type of thing.

Petter and Chris are both wealthy men... It won't do them any great harm to be out of work... May actually make them stronger by having to fight for a drive and then get the results to keep it!!

Also very true, a bit of pressure will sort the men from the boys and show who really wants it. :lol:



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With a major budget cut i'm sure there will be job losses... The Aston Martin Race team already have a full workforce and they only do one race a year. Some of the lads will move over to the customer side. Which will greatly assist the likes of Adapta and any other team / Drivers looking at M2 options or running in Ireland or Holland with WRC's. Also i'm sure they'll put some more effort over in the group N side as they have been struggling somewhat with the latest N14.

There a great bunch of lads and i hope most of them are able to stay. I know what it was like when i left the place and being in an unknown situation such as thiers must be awful! Especially at this time of year

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