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Tis true, if I'd spent the money on the engine instead of cosmetics then chances are it'd one of the fastest Scoobies ever!

I spent enuf money on the engine to get sufficient power out of it without having to push for more and end up upgrading internals.

I'm heavily motivated by Jap Street Racing and so my ideas for mods stem from that, hence the aggressive looks and over sized diffuser. Its a work in progress so many, many more changes will occur month by month. Sometimes you dont get it rite 1st time with custom mods, but over time you can smooth out those rough edges and eventually end up with what you invisiged. The front end has been changed so many times over the past yr and originally it looked poo, but now IMO its become exactly how I want it.

I need comments good and bad to find out where I'm over looking things - takes outside eyes to spot things the creator over looks.

I've wanted a Scooby for over 10yrs and finally got one - its the best thing I've ever had in life and it means more to me than anything else! I love it and I am personalising it in my own way, which may or may not be to everyones taste, but thats cool coz if we all like the same stuff then it'd be a bornin place no?!



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