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About Johnuk300

  1. Happy new year to you all, hope that you all had a good one....
  2. Glad that you got the car sorted out okay. So then what have you all been up to then?
  3. When I went to look at it, it had Leather seats, Satnav and some other bits and bobs. Now I will just have to hope that the deal works outs but if it dont I still have the UK300 that is just as nice..
  4. Well I phoned Paul up at Slip End to give him my banck details, but seeing that it was Sunday he was not at work so will have to speak to him tomorrow.
  5. I just want to know what some of you would do. I have seen a Subaru RB320 for sale on the Subaru web site. I have got a UK300 and have been offerd good money for a trde in on the RB320. It comes with all the toys that a big kid could wont but at £32,995 would you say that it was over priced?
  6. Happy new year to all, sorry that i have not been on line for a long time but just got the new up and running. So then have you got somthing big pland this year as I will try and get back over to see you all.. Well speak to you soon John
  7. Okay hope that you get it to work, if not then call me on 221147.
  8. Do you want to see if my prodrive one fits on? If so let me know so that we can sort out a time to fit it.
  9. It is up sale I was going to take my cr there as that he wanted to bey it off me but not for what I was asking for it. He did say that he would give me what I wanted for it but I had to get a car from him. I did look at it but if I went for that that car then I would still be paying the same as what I am now. so what would you go for a 555 or keep the UK300.
  10. There will be one going there soon. If you like I will let you know when the add go's in the papper
  11. I am going over on the 20th of december on the night crossing. Donna as said that I can keep the car registered at her address, and then she will let me know when the tax is due so that I can send her over a the monny for it.
  12. Just so that you all know I am going to take a year or Two out and go back to the Uk. I will be keeping the car just got to sort out hw long I can keep it on manx plats before I have to put it on to UK one's. Speak to you all soon John
  13. Hope that you had a good day.
  14. Glad that you are loving the life on the rock.
  15. I got a small number plate you will need to go to a graphics design center who has got a plotter cutter. they will be able to make it as small as you would like
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