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This guy is definately suffering from a problem relating to the "level of intellect and taste to available cash ratio" methinks it could be due to a number of issues.....

A) 5 numbers and the bonus came up, but the winnings were sub £5k - instead of adding a conservatory to his council house he decided on some new sleek car mods to impress the Scooby community...

:D He deals W33d and can't put the cash in the bank, or the plod will be on to him and his Giro will be stopped.

C) He sells quality Burberry tartan caps, jackets and the like at the Barra's/Ingleston, and his 5 zillion other chav mates girlfriends have beczme pregant with their 4th/5th children and needed to buy more clothes for their new infants, thus the resulting boom in sales have netted him enough to make another pathetic mod.

I hate these people and I sincerely wish God would come down from heaven and wipe turds like him off the face of the planet (yes, excerpt from Bill Hicks rant)

Just ma twa bauwbs worth...but I hate these c*nts!

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I think I have just woken up after the worst scoobie nightmare I have ever had.

It's actually so embarrassing that he has brutally butchered a perfectly beautiful masterpice into the carnage of stick on plastic and paint.

Hang on, ---- Hang on ---- stay with me here ----- sploosh !

Ahhh, thats better. I feel a lot better now.

Muy tipying istn to good rihgt now as I pick up chuneks of peuk off my kebyoard...


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Ok, Agreed?

Next SIDC day out is to hunt this Scoobie down, once found, remove the owners keys, give him a slap, tie him naked to a local tree for a while, return the abnormality back to Subaru for evaluation/crushing etc, and raise some funds for the guy for psycotherapy (still picking chunks oot me keybaord) and possibly a smallish go-kart.

Slap him again, and let him know, that :-

If he waved at you, would you wave back ! ?

This Scoobie exists people !  But where ?




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Precisely mate,

Youd be lucky to get the price of the botch-up job in return.

A complete waste of a good lookin' motor.

I think I saw a thing on TopGear once when a guy spent £50,000 on his Clio.

I seem to remember the remark coming back to him being. Why didn't you just buy a Porshe Boxter instead - it would have been cheaper?  He then retaliated saying that he loved his Clio so much, he would spend even more on it !

Buy a Scoobie and youve got the Porsch engine numpty.

There are no teling these people.

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