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cant find my scoobie

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there is 4 cars outside completely snowed in, mine should be in there somewhere , very bad in aberdeen at moment, i saw a rx8 going down a hill sideways yesterday and i dont think the driver ment it due to the expression on their face when they finally stopped, definatly not risking getting pranged by an over enthusiastic driver dying to get to work.the fools


About 5 inches of snow on the car this morning, just over night.

I love snow, but this is taking the piss. There is 14 inches in the back garden now and thats in the centre of town![H]


It really is going beyond a joke now !!! We even had thunder and

lightning this morning, Northsound took a direct hit and were off air

for around an hour.


Aye that thunder and lightning was awesome. Got a video of a flash and rumble on my digital camera this morning, with the snow dinging down [H] There's hardly anyone at work this morning.


dont get me wrong i love the snow great fun, what disgusts me is the council had at least a weeks warning for this weather and what happens on the day the snow first fell, nothing they couldn't drag their sorry a*** out with the ploughs and gritters


Humidity up in Inverness/Aberdeen is up near 90% where in Glasgow its round about the 50% mark so no snow here. 

Getting steadily higher in Lothians and Ayrshire area so some wind could bring some in.

And now for the sport.........................


Seen a black newage Sti on the back of a recovery wagon up in Aberdeen yesterday..bit smashed at the front. [:P]

Weather was pretty grim up there, and not too good here now.


I cant even see out my window anymore (velux one)

its covered in snow

same here, it's chucking it down. No car today, so I'm safe [:P]


I'm double pist off with the snow. Firstly,  not only can I not get out to play in the scoob(well I suppose I could if I really wanted to) but also, due to the seasonal nature of my job, the only day I'm working (therefore the only opportunity to make any dosh) at the moment is tomorrow.  No chance I think!  Anyone fancy some cut-price Arbroath Smokies!


It is really coming down in Edinburgh now. Any reports from the M8 corridor would be appreciated so I can plan an escape if I need to.

It is really coming down in Edinburgh now. Any reports from the M8 corridor would be appreciated so I can plan an escape if I need to.

I live not far from the M8. Can't see it from ma hoose, but my area is pure white (including the roads), no gritters as yet.

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