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...this has to be the funniest post by the biggest bunch of right wing B.N.P posters that i've ever read.

so let's clarify this: smokers, duff drivers, orkney weather, immigrants, blah, blah, blah, people who

drop stitches in their knitting. C'mon ra TALIBAN.

It`s good to get things off of your chest from time to time isnt it, I think we should do these threads more often, maybe make it a monthly thing if possible :P


1. people who don't pull over to the slower lane on the motorway when there blatantly a que of cars behind them. It outrageous.

2. BMW drivers, 85% of them will do something stupid whilst in your field of vision, 100% of the time.

thats it for now.


It`s good to get things off of your chest from time to time isnt it, I think we should do these threads more often, maybe make it a monthly thing if possible :P

Monthly .... is that not meant to be a female thing :) maybe it's catching LOL


Young neds in classic's thinking they have a fast car because it's loud and has a turbo. There are faster cars on the road you know!

People that buy big engined, gas guzzling cars then moan about petrol prices.


Offshore workers that think they earn more than you do.


People who drive people carrriers with"baby or Children onboard" stickers that either pass you at 120 mph (in snow) or sit up your @rse with the sprogs bouncing about inside. :D

Posted (edited)

People who walk in the middle of the road and look at you as if to say "what are you driving on the road for". Use the feckin pavement!!

Neds who drive that close to your back bumper in there corsas you can't see their reg plate, when you have your kid in the car!!

The north sea in the Winter!!

Neds who think fighting in gangs makes them hard!!

Neds in general!

Hangovers (especially the ones that hit you in the afternoon)

The lack of V power on the isle of bute!

Edited by Joe G

Able bodied people who use disabled parking bays :D:huh:B):D:mad::mad::mad::mad:

People who sit at 50mph in the MIDDLE lane of the motorway when the inside lane is clear

People who don't stay in they're lane on roundabouts

People who don't merge onto motorway and then try to join from a standing start

People who overtake you then slow down

People who drive right up my ar$e especially when the kids are with me

Taxi drivers

Posted (edited)

Last orders................(unless you cant remember it :D )

Going back to work

Bad drivers

Taxes & the government

Edited by Cullenmin
Able bodied people who use disabled parking bays :D:huh:B):D:mad::mad::mad::mad:

I was at Braehead retail park once with my (able bodied) mate. Not content with parking in a disabled space, he actually made a point of parking diagonally across two of them. To say that I was a bit embarrassed would be rather like saying that Pol Pot was a wee bit mean-spirited...


Another few to get off my chest:

  • Traffic 'calming' islands.
  • Speed humps.
  • New roundabouts, especially those that take in the region of two years to build... (the Empire State Building took less than 14 months to erect!).

Another few to get off my chest:

  • Traffic 'calming' islands.
  • Speed humps.
  • New roundabouts, especially those that take in the region of two years to build... (the Empire State Building took less than 14 months to erect!).

Think you need a few :D:huh:


Having to walk past smokers standing outside their office blocks polluting my clean air

People who dont work but think the country owes them something

Giving drug addicts sympathy

Cyclists who run through red lights and then moan when they get flattened by a car

Motor cyclists who drive in between the lanes of a traffic queue

The bored housewife with her bleached hair who drives about in her Audi Q7 and such like all day

James May out of top gear.Wat a big girls blouse he is!!

Why do mp's not get the jail and be made to pay back all their fraudulant expense claims??

Think you need a few :D:mad:

I reckon you're right... but I don't think I need a swallae half as much as some of the Daily Mail readership that appear to have turned out for the thread... :D:mad: (don't mention single mothers or diminishing pension funds to them - like a red rag to a bull B)).

Never mind, some choice ales lined up at the bottom of the fridge tonight :huh:


Sunday drivers.........you know the ones that do 40mph for no reason at all!

Citroen Saxo's. ENOUGH SAID!

Boy Racers ( Girl racers too!! dont want to be sexist! ) who presume because you drive a subaru impreza, you'll race them.

toooooo many to list!! :D

Posted (edited)

1) Pregnant woman who smoke

2) People who don't strap kids in the car and let them jump all over the place

3) Tailgators

4) People who drive at 40 in the fast lane with no one in the slow lane

5) Price footballers get paid when they are s**t

6) Small boys who think they are god in a crappy 1.2 then crash

7) The price of a Mcdonalds (what happened to the 59p cheeseburger)

8) Same as Gav people who want to play in my demo sti and cant drive

Edited by gordi82

Oh man, some of these are cracking me up!!!!

More from me:

Students who come in late

Students who dont attend

Students who play with their phone when you are trying to teach classes

Students who dive on to Facebook or Bebo when I am taking a breath during a lecture

Students who think they know it all

Students who talk when I'm talking

Students who are thick



Travelling home from work if its far away.....

Like at the min, coming back from Sakhalin.....7 hours in a Kamas......14 hours on a train.....then three plane flights home with waiting in between all of it.....in total 3 days!!! :D Thats all thats getting on my wick at the min!!!



those signs that flash your speed up or tell you to slow down. they make me want to see how fast i can go before they dont work

(not that ive tried )

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