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I reckon you're right... but I don't think I need a swallae half as much as some of the Daily Mail readership that appear to have turned out for the thread... B):mad: (don't mention single mothers or diminishing pension funds to them - like a red rag to a bull :huh:).

Never mind, some choice ales lined up at the bottom of the fridge tonight :D

Me too but for tonight ...Saturday lol (dont ask why i am up this late sober!) :D

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Sorry but its called filtering and it is legal.

I thought so too... as long as the traffic is pretty much stop-start? To be fair though, the thread's not so much about what's legal and what's not - more about what gets on your respective goats :huh:

I'm more concerned about those Kamikaze bikalists who think it prudent to squeeze between a lorry and a car on a free-flowing motorway at 90mph :D

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I thought so too... as long as the traffic is pretty much stop-start? To be fair though, the thread's not so much about what's legal and what's not - more about what gets on your respective goats B)

I'm more concerned about those Kamikaze bikalists who think it prudent to squeeze between a lorry and a car on a free-flowing motorway at 90mph :huh:

Fair play. It used to get on my tts before i had a bike. :D

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Brilliant thread. An excuse to be grumpy. (Not that I need an excuse.)

People who pull up at night and leave their headlights on, particularly if they're on the nearside.

Bus lanes.

People who join the motorway, head for lane 2 and fall asleep.

I'll agree with others about the 40 in a 60 limit - particularly when they then come to a 30 and continue at 40.

Oh, and Simon Cowell.

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The folks that think you're a maniac on the roads when they find out you drive a Scooby. The same ones who flash you and shake the coffee beans at you even though they've been doing 50 for miles and you've overtaken on a clear stretch of road without cutting them up or bothering them in any way.

On this - the ones who are coming the other way but are half a mile up the road when you're overtaking and feel the need to flash the lights at you even though you're back onto your own side with a 1/4 mile to spare!

People that refuse to overtake and cause huge queues of folks, none of which will overtake.

People that are on the roads at 7am (presumably heading to work) but sit at 40. Friday was not a good day.

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cracking thread...........ok if us southern softies join in..............good!


People who take life and themselves too seriously

This bloody recession

BMW Drivers - most I have come across drive like idiots............too fast or too slow

Miserable gits............life is for living

Nuts............no idea why

people who have "titles" that are meaningless in the real world

central heating........wife has to have it on for 6 months of the year

ex smokers who moan at us smokers

the group of lads at Trax who slagged my car off.........

people who have no honour

that'll do for now but might be back later for some more :D

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You know when you try and be a courteous driver, given the marques reputaion, so you stick to correct lanes at roundabout ques, etc even when others are diving down the empty lanes and cutting in.

I get this swelling feeling of injustice in my stomach and I'm watching my wing mirrors just waiting for the next tw4t to do it. I'm determined to not let it get the better of me.. The antidote to this feeling is to dive down and cut in, only propogating the rudeness. Some Zen-like deep breathing is in order to get through it and do the right thing.

particularly at roadwork lane closures when the polite British majority start queing with half a mile to go when really, we should use both lanes right up to the narrowing point, then "merge like a zip" as the do in New Zealand.

there they have signs saying that, and there's no opportunity for disorder.


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FFS cant believe i missed out on these ones, they are probably my biggest gripes ever, If theres one thing that makes my blood boil is sitting five cars back doing 40 in a 60 with a clear road and none of the other cars making an attempt to pass the moron in front (usually some old granny in a nissan micra) these type of people are as dangerous as the morons who drive like idiots and when you do overtake its all flashing lights and bloody horns even if the opposite side of the road is clear for miles

The folks that think you're a maniac on the roads when they find out you drive a Scooby. The same ones who flash you and shake the coffee beans at you even though they've been doing 50 for miles and you've overtaken on a clear stretch of road without cutting them up or bothering them in any way.

On this - the ones who are coming the other way but are half a mile up the road when you're overtaking and feel the need to flash the lights at you even though you're back onto your own side with a 1/4 mile to spare!

People that refuse to overtake and cause huge queues of folks, none of which will overtake.

People that are on the roads at 7am (presumably heading to work) but sit at 40. Friday was not a good day.

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Now that I have read more of this thread since last night, I have come to realise that there is so much stuff that gets on my goat! Especailly the sthe speed mountains people who don't over take when granny Micra-driver is holding everyone up and the non mergers in a lane-closure situation! GRRRRRR!


eBay scammers B):D

The Peter and Katie contest!

Golf :huh:

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ok if us southern softies join in..............good!
Of course! The more the merrier - erm, I mean - grumpier :D
People who take life and themselves too seriously

Also, bad manners get on my wick, e.g.

  • People who don't show gratitude when you hold a door open for them.
  • People who don't place the 'Next Customer Please' bar on the conveyor belt behind their shopping in the supermarket.
  • Non-waving Scooby drivers!

Edited by Mystery Machine
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Of course! The more the merrier - erm, I mean - grumpier :D


Also, bad manners get on my wick, e.g.

  • People who don't show gratitude when you hold a door open for them.
  • People who don't place the 'Next Customer Please' bar on the conveyor belt behind their shopping in the supermarket.
  • Non-waving Scooby drivers!

totally agree with the above also:

People who belch as loud as possible in a public place

people who wont let me out of a junction cos I am in a Scooby - never happens in my battered old Mondeo

people who have to overtake me cos I am in a Scooby

having the Full Sky Package yet sometimes there is nothing worth watching

paying Road Tax when half the roads are appaling

people who drive when they are untaxed and uninsured

that'll do for the mo :huh:

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Lol no was at the pictures but the rain was so heavy coming home I should have took an oar with me in the scooby :huh:

What did you see, and was it any good? If not, then feel free to punt it into SIDC Room 101 :D

And if we're binning movies, I'll drop "Bowfinger", "The Fast and the Furious", "Rocky IV" and any 2000s remake of any of the classics B)

Edited by Mystery Machine
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right a few more

High cost of Fuel

Supermarkets who advertise cheap booze and when I get there they have run out


trick or treaters - had about 20 kids here tonight

paying more for a pint of coke than a pint of beer at meets

political correctness

Thats it for now :D

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