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Glasgow/strathclyde Santa Cruise '07 Report

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What a great day indeed, enjoyed every last minute of it.

Well done to all the organisers and especially Imy :)

Here's some of my piccies from today:




And a few of the bikers!




Well done to everyone who took part today and donated throughout the year. Cars were looking great, the tinsel brigade were doing well today didn't let the Subaru UK GB270 away without a bit of decoration and blitz Jac's car in 2 minutes flat. :)

Thanks to Karps for letting me take on the roll of Santa it was an honour and a privilege to represent the SIDC. A special thanks to Billyboy for lending me the suit.

Glad to see we didn't lose anyone on the way, the advice I was given to lead was to try to make sure everyone was behind, unfortunately due to the amount of tinsel, light-up signs and other decorations I couldn't see a thing behind me, so kept a steady pace and hoped for the best.

Yorkhill were wonderful sorting presents so we could visit one of the wards. Snow White and I were luck enough to visit the Orthopeadics Ward, the staff were brilliant putting names to the presents and taking us to see all the kids. It is a very humbling experience but also very rewarding, in total we were able to see about 10 children, I was able to spent a few minutes at each childs bedside and all were happy to see Santa and receive a present. Star of the day had to be a wee girl Caitlyn who had the biggest smile when she saw Santa, she obviously had had major treatment to her leg but was a joy to talk to and an extremely brave little girl.

Bikers did a sterling job as well although I missed the ride-by.

Yorkhill really appreciated the effort we made and say the present will go along way to make this Christmas better for the children.

A special thanks to Grant for moving my car, I know is against his religion to drive an Impreza other than a Classic, but swallowed his pride and got behing the wheel of a Newage. ;)

Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year. Ho Ho Ho

A special note for Jac, Santa has been back to his workshop, unfortunately the elves aren't to sure what a turbo is. Santa has instructed his research and development department to start a Tuning and Modifying Programme for next year. If your looking for more power I'm sure I can lend you Rudolph and another couple of reindeer for your next trip to Crail. :brickwall:


yes welldone to each and everyone of yous to help out this big day for Yorkhill hospital and am sure the kids will enjoy their toys over the christmas period.

i too couldn't have raised the money for this event without the help of SIDC and the kind donations made by yous.

yous all deserve a clap in the back...

Roll on next year :)


Yes dear i am sticking to the diet i havent had a mince pie all day

Hi AndyF...i need more information about a new turbo for Jac's xmas prezzie

Posted (edited)
the children phoning in their christmas wish list since found santa's number thro google on the web


what do you mean, theres no way you can tell my sacks are bulging in these tight trousers :)

ill get my coat

pat on the back for everybodys effort

Edited by G.T.
Posted (edited)

Well done all!!! cracking job!!!


I was hoping that I could have made both runs but by the time that we left the Hospital there really was no time to make it along to Glasgow... shame, but at least I made one other!

Edited by thefastone

Great day out and a top bunch of peeps. Emma was well happy to go round the ward as a number of the kids were having similar operations to ones she has had herself and having been in hospital when santa came round she enjoyed being able to do it for others.

Top class Santa action. Big thanks to Subaru too for their support.

I only have a couple of pics but will get em' up asap.



Brilliant day out and a big thanks to everyone for their effort and organisation. Its nice

to know there will be a smile on the kids faces when they open there presses on Christmas day.

Robert Santa, some home work for the elves for next year www.axispowerracing.net/motor235.html :crying:

Please, please, please, can i have one for Christmas next year :angry:



I have no excuse for not turning up to either this or the Edinburgh one other than beers were consumed Saturday night and I'm paranoid about the morning after affect. My licence is more important to me. Very well done to all. :angry:


Superb folks, simply superb ! I actually saw you guys heading out of the Clyde Tunnel as I was heading back with my family. Sounded sublime and was tinsel tastic'

Great effort all round !


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