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Colin Mcrae Celebration Service

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Posted (edited)

No words could express my pride for todays precedings. 134 cars on my last unofficial count before we left for Lanark in buses. Everyone was exceptionally well behaved, the convoy alone was a sight I will never see the likes of for the rest of my days. At one point going through the Valley, I looked into tthe horizon to see nothing but Impreza's and same for looking in front. The expressions on passers-by was immense, a feeling of true belonging swoll up inside my chest. Thank you to Ritchie who gave me the exception opportunity and privelege to run along with you guys today, as he picked me up this morning and brought me home.

Congratulations and well done to you all!

(P.S I have 140 pictures and 2 videos of today, I will pick the best and stick them in a photobucket account for all to see)

Edited by Andy

Brilliant day and well worth the drive. Superb organisation too by the Police and in the town centre.

View down the vally was spoiled slightly by some old boy in a caravan thhat took a while to realise he was in a convoy he shouldn't have been but eventually he cottened on and pulled over.

Loads more Subarus there who might not have been club members too, seemed to bhe a lot parked in the wee retail park where the buses were picking up from.

Thanks to Frank C for the black ribbon too!


Posted (edited)

A huge thanks to Ali B and Grant for their organising and working with others to organise our contribution to todays event. :thumbup:

The convoy filled me with pride and I had a lump in my throat as we drove in convoy from Happendon to Lanark through villages and passed people who had stopped @ the side of the road just to acknowledge our effforts.

As for the Service it was a very fitting and emotional tribute to one of Scotlands greatest and his son. :huh:

I didnt take any pics today but look forward to some great memorys being posted up here :huh:

You were ALL a credit to SIDC and Scottish Scoobies. Well done everyone :thumbup:

135 scoobies left Happendon and it is believed there were just over 150 parked at the Mart.

Credit to those who travelled a long distance to be there today and safe home.

Edited by Gus the Bus
Posted (edited)

hi guys was an awesome turn out today the sight of scoobies as far as the eye could see was stunning. Thought the planning etc was excellent and the service was a fitting tribute!

A send off to be proud of guys! :thumbup::thumbup:

oh and good run home with the P1!!! :huh:

Edited by rb5kev

A day i'll never forget, thanks to all involved in arranging.

Glad I was able to pay my respects and shed a wee tear amongst so many like minded people.

Where can I get the window stickers?

  rb5kev said:
hi guys was an awesome turn out today the sight of scoobies as far as the eye could see was stunning. Thought the planning etc was excellent and the service was a fitting tribute!

A send off to be proud of guys! :thumbup::thumbup:

oh and good run home with the P1!!! :huh:

Aye mate, your RB5 goes well! Great roads and a great day!


It was a turnout that was astonishing. Makes you proud to be a scoobie owner! Alan and I were very proud to be a part of today, and see so many friends from the SIDC site whom we hadn't seen in such a long time. Very many thanks to Imy who provided the black ribbon for our car, it was much appreciated, and a huge thanks to everyone who was involved in organising the convoy it will be a day we will never forget. We have never seen so many scoobie's, it really was amazing, and the feeling of camaraderie was unforgettable and brought a tear to our eyes. To see members of the public come out their homes to wave at us all was unforgettable, and cars pull over and take video of the convoy was so special.

Huge thanks to Grant for saying the words he did today before the convoy, did us all proud, and made a very memorable speach about Colin McRae.

A day that will never be forgotten.

I have no doubt that his Colin and Johnny's family would have appreciated our mark of respect to them both, and to Ben and Graham.

Alan, Jen + Hollie


Well what can I say - first of all thanks for the ribbon Imy :thumbup:

Lynda and I started off meeting some of the guys at Bothwell services, then we drove down to Happendon with some very interesting driving by other road users (no one in the club)!

The sight that welcomed us at Happendon was very special indeed. Grant your talk before setting off was spot on as well. When leaving Happendon and driving to Lanark was another special moment when all I could see till the end of the roads was Subaru after subaru after subaru...... to see the turn out and Happendon and then seeing us on the road made me proud to be a member.

The service itself was very moving, it was very well put together between the service and clips etc... something I will not forget at all.

The day was put together so well and big thank you to Strathyclyde Police for stopping traffice etc... and giving us right of way over the bridge :thumbup: Transport to and from the event was spot on as well.

It was nice to meet some of you folk today and I hope to meet more of you soon.

Alan + Lynda

I'd also like to put down in writing, something that struck me today too, Grant said that it was our love of the man and car that first brought us together in a common interest. It was his death that brought us together as a community. I was proud today, to be a part of that too. Lynda

Posted (edited)

Just in after the Service.

Well done Grant for the few words he gave before we set off, for organising the Cumbrian and Tyne Tees scoobs - think Lord Harding brought 25 scoobs with him, loved the white Classic RA with full front rally-style lights :huh: and also for directing the stragglers that were running late or got caught up in traffic

Well done Ally B for liaising with the police and event organisers - the convoy went very smoothly and it felt so good driving along in the police escort and seeing the traffic stopped for us.

Thanks too, to Strathclyde Police, they have been so cooperative and friendly in the run up and during this.

Thanks to those that travelled from England and Wales to meet us, even had a v2 555 from West Midlands, complete with the rally livery stickered up with the full monty New Zealand rally '95.

Thanks to ScoUK for providing and fitting the stickers for me, and also the fella from Cumbrian Scoobs that gave me the long ribbon for my aerial :thumbup:

The convoy to Lanark was an unbelievable sight, a snake of scoobs winding its way through the valley. It brought a lump to my throat and i found it difficult to keep my eyes on the police traffic car in front of me :thumbup:

The Service aptly celebrated the lives of Colin and Johnny and it was a privelage to watch some family footage of them, at christmas time and also Johnny in his school nativity play. It made me smile to see Johnny donut-ing his wee buggy when prompted by his dad :huh:

It was very emotional but also a very happy service.

Pleased to be a part of it, I think we made scooby history today.

Rest In Peace Colin, Johnny, Ben and Graeme

Edited by micra_wrc
Posted (edited)

Firstly ,

I made a point of thanking the Police Sgt , on behalf of SIDC/Scottish scoobies , who helped us in the last couple of weeks to organise our meet and convoy from Happendon to Lanark .

I was asked by him to thank each and every one of you who turned up today for helping make everything go so smoothly and hassle-free .

I also want to thank Marjory from Lawrie + Symington (Lanark market) who kept us updated with any info she could in the last two weeks .

We couldn't have done it without the help of these two folk :thumbup:

Secondly ,

The sight of all the Subarus rolling into the carpark at Happendon , from every corner of the UK , really was something to behold - and the view down the valley of the road full of Subarus was something I don't think any of us will ever forget.

Finally ,

The service was absolutly perfect . I was welling-up one minute and laughing out loud the next .

The speeches from Dave Richards , Ari Vatanen and Campbell Roy proved just what a true sportsman and gentleman Colin was .

Wee Johnnys schoolteachers had me chuckling - he sounds like he was a real wee charactar .

The choice of music and the videos was also spot on .

What a tribute and send-off for a true HERO .


PS, When we arrived back to the carpark we noticed that , above us , there was a neat saltire formed by white clouds on a perfect blue sky . . . . . . .

Edited by ally-b

:D with everything!

Well, not much more I can add to the other posts. Being a Blobeye (c'mon the wagons!)

I was relatively far along the convoy so had a great view.

I felt like a fish with a 3 second memory because everytime I looked in my mirrors I

was like, 'WOW'....as if I was seeing it for the first time!!! :D

For the organistion etc...arise Sirs Ally and Squiggle :thumbup::thumbup:

Delighted there was such a great turn out in Lanark.

The service and clips were great. Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars :huh::huh:

Great job by my colleagues in blue/black.

Today I was immensely proud to be a Scooby owner, a member of the SIDC and being able to

take part in today.

Posted (edited)

A day that I will certainly remember as long as i live,the convoy was unbelievable.Have been through the emotional ringer,not too proud to admit I shed more than a few tears.

Thought Ari Vatanan's tribute/speech was brilliant,very much from the heart.

Very fitting tribute to a Great Champ, Great Guy and to a wee Boy obviously so full of character and adventure.

Very well done to those who organised the Meet and Convoy..and thanks to the Polis to :thumbup:

Edited by CJK

What a day, What a sight. I arrived at happendon as the convoy rolled out. What an immense feeling of pride sitting watching all the cars roll out before i took my place within the blob eyes. fantastic service no more than the great man deserved. I hope all the families hear of the masses of people outside and of the amazing site and sound of the scoobies through the valley.

Thank you to the organisers for all their hard work. Well done Strathclyde police. well done the convoy.

Will cherish this day for many years.

Posted (edited)

Good point on thanks actually. Being a recent member can't say i know you Ally but well done for the day too! (already thanked everyone else)

Ari was great i thought.

The tribute window decals some cars were sporting looked great too. Anyone know who is doing those? I assume they are donating to charity and it isn't that i don't trust random seller on ebay, its just that i don't trust random sellers on ebay!

oh and up the blobeye wagons :thumbup:


Edited by fivetide

Ok here we go. Bae with me I have a lot of photos, so Im just going to post up a few I thik are the best and then upload a video to youtube of most of the cars right up to the blobeyes that left from Happendon.





























An incredibly moving day. A phenomenal turn-out and mention must go to those who came from afar - Wales, Teeside, Cumbria, Elgin, Aberdeen and the others I've undoubtedly missed.

With my steed being a Hawkeye, I was relatively near the back of the convoy. In front of me lay one of the most impressive sights I have ever seen. Like a multi-coloured snake glinting in the afternoon Lanarkshire sun, it was Subaru after Subaru as far as the eye could see - and even further. Many times I've called my sanity into question taking on the SIDC website project. Today cast every single doubt I had aside. I felt incredibly proud to be part of this Club.

The service was, I thought, very appropriate. Heartbreaking, but raised a few smiles and laughs too. The home videos of Johnny were soul-destroying. :(

For those who weren't there, Ari Vatanen gave a very moving speech and included the following poem which Colin had given to Alison to explain the reason why he did what he did so well. I think it's probably something we could all take something from:


Author Unknown

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.

To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.

To reach for another is to risk involvement.

To expose your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk their loss.

To love is to risk not being loved in return.

To live is to risk dying.

To believe is to risk despair.

To try is to risk failure.

But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

The people who risk nothing, do nothing, have nothing, are nothing.

They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.

Chained by their attitudes they are slaves; they have forfeited their freedom.

Only a person who risks is free.

My own personal thanks go to Grant who, despite his own grieving for his Idol, has been the driving force in everything that's happened since the tragic events of 15th September, to Glasgow RO Ally-b for his co-ordination of today event and his liaison with Strathclyde Police, to Strathclyde Police themselves who have been fantastic throughout - allowing us to leave our tributes at Jerviswood; the incredibly moving gesture of the officers on duty saluting the coffins as they left Jerviswood and mostly for today where not only did we enjoy some good banter and laughs with the officers assigned to us, but the way the force has worked with us and accomodated us.

Most thanks, however, must go to the McRae family for allowing today to take place and allowing us to pay our respects. After three funerals I'm sure the last thing they needed was another service and another reminder of what has happened as they attempt to come to terms with this tragedy and somehow rebuild their lives. The fact they did shows their strength as a family.

I'll be returning the site logos back to normal tomorrow. I will, however, be replacing the image of the "classic" Scoob in the SIDC logo with an image of L555 BAT as a permanent memorial.


As far as the poem goes.....I didn't mind appearing sentimental today!

Great photos Stewart. I'm still loving the one looking backwards on the convoy with the C. McRae

sticker on show in my back window.

The car park at Lanark looked like a dealership forecourt....mind you with that many, more like the

Subaru factory waiting for them to be shipped out!!

How did 'THAT' Forester sneak in there???!! :(


What an awesome day, today was the first time i have taken part in anything subaru organised or be part of a convoy :D

I thought the sight at happendon services was brilliant all the cars parked up, then to see the view going down the valley was unforgetable so proud to be a subaru owner

I would like to thank sidc for allowing me to be part of this, and for all there organisation, also to scouk for putting the stickers on my car :(

also would like to thank lordharding and the cumbrian scoobies for allowing me to join them in there convoy :driving:

Posted (edited)

Great day well put toghether by all involved and the weather for staying dry, would like to say thank you to all the scoobis that traveled the distance to attend this event to pay their respects to a truely great man.

Stewartyboy thats some nice pics you have there mate.

i guess i should also say thanks to strathclydes finest traffic plod for their help to make our drive to lanark stress free. :(:driving:

Edited by james666

Thanks Richie. Ive got 100 pictures more but they really are the best ones, even if a couple are lopsided (your suspension is great for handling, not for photos). Anyone feel free to pinch any. Im just uploading the video to youtube just now.


What a great turnout for a great man. Grant you did yourself and the club proud today, Imy phoned me to say she was at the roundabout when i was just starting the hawkeyes away, and the view i got going through the valley was subarus as far as the eye could see.

well done to one and all


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