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How did it all start for you ??

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Mum and Dad took me to the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Granite City rally in 1998 (or 99) and Subaru had a stand there,My dad asked the guy if I could sit in the rally car (think it was a replica rather than the real McRae) Managed to get into it and thats how it all started.[:o]


Then it got even better the DADDY of all Scoobs  [:D] and it was brand new !!!! [:D] [:P]



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And so the story begins

My Lovely 1.6


And the latest




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About 98/99 my dad decided to get himself a MY98 Jap WRX, remember not long having passed my test and he gives me a shot of it to go down the shops!  We take the scenic route home and I'm driving really cautiously as it's a massive car (I'd been used to nothing bigger than a Fiesta or Ka!) and coming down to the by-pass roundabout he goes "Are you going to drive this thing or what??"!

So, foot down off the roundabout and away we went!  Can still remember the brutal acceleration that that thing had! 

And now 8 years later I have one of my own!!

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We spent a very wet & horrible weekend at santa pod a few years ago and none of the cars could even move around the site apart from the scoobs which were flying around as if they were on the track, we looked at our poor little calibra sitting in the middle of a pool of mud and decided the next car would have to be a scoob - they were just soooooooo impressive! We've never looked back since - what an amazing car [:o]

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8 or 9 years ago i was saving up for a new Ford Cosworth but by the time i had the money they had stoped making them.

My dad sold his car and asked me what car he should buy, i suggested test driving a scobby. That was it within 10 mins he said im buying this. (Cataluya No.70 which he still owns)

Few weeks later dad gave me a loan of it for a day, went to my local dealer next day and bought a new 2000 AWD and i must say this was the best car i've ever driven my previous car was a mark 5 RS2000 which held the road better than the scoob but not as much power.

However i think my current 07 WRX waggon will be the last scooby i'll buy (well maybe a JDM from litchfelds) as i think that Subaru  are chasing the mass market in the USA rather that satifying petrol heads.
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well was taken in a blast in a rapid sti ra have always wanted one but was forced to buy a vr6 as the insurance was a joke but one on the way soon

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To be totally honest i was a Ford man throu and throu, although right from the age of around 18 years young, a long long long time ago i might add, the Subaru Impreza was also in the back of my mind. Then finally around 2 years i took the plunge and purchased my first Subaru ....never looked back since and most likely never will, unless of course i become old and sensible ...

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That was me that organised the display stand that day (yes I can be seen in the background of pic 3, along with Miles Atkinson, another local owner who I'm still in touch with who help get everything set-up on the day). It was an SIDC stand, with my own car on the stand at the time, plus Colin Tinto's 22B, and the rally replica car supplied by Bob at Town and County [:o]

It doesn't seem that long agao, but it must be nearly 9 years now!


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Always been into bikes rather than cars i suppose....


I have always turned my head when i've head the familiar sound of a scoob and said that i would get one some day....I have always thought that they just look amazing with the vent on bonnet that just says " Move over and let me through " in a polite sort of way....[:o]


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First key memory is aroudn 1994-> 1995 (14-15years old) when I was following rallying on the telly and I remember seeing a photo of the WRC spec on the cover of a mag.  COuldn't stop drooling!  Always wanted an Impreza ever since! Love the car through and through! Closest I ever got to and Impreza was my brother when he bought a WRX in 2001 when the bugeye first came out, remember thinking WoW! I really gotta get myself one of these. For the past two years he kept saying he'd sell me his WRX which I kept waiting and waiting for but he nenver replaced it with a newer model.  Sadly it took until Nov Last year to save enough cash to buy my own one and I'm luvin every minute of it! (Sadly my brother traded in his WRX for an RB320 earlier this year *drool*)

These cars are top notch! Maybe the classics are more hardcore (I've never actually drive one [:P]) but the bugeye is so easy to drive. I honestly expected to have to restle with the darn thing but that's not the case!  Gives really good feedback to what was goign on. 

Love it love it LOVE IT!!!  Trying to persuade my folks to buy a Forester at the moment [:o]

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Through my following of every rally in the country when I was younger.

Taken to my first Rally by my folks when I was only 2 months old[:o] A stage of the then Scottish Rally (which used to last a week[:(]) Ah the gid old days! in Torlundy Forest outside Fort William.

When the old Legacys started in the early 90's they just looked and sounded awesome (and so different to everything else in rallying @ the time) and  always said I would own a Scoob. 

Bought my First Impreza in 1997 and loved it to bits. Only sold it as I was moving house and couldnt have both[:P]

Have had two Forester Turbo's, a Legacy twin Turbo, the blobeye 300 and now the 555.

Will always have Subaru's from now on. Next plan is to get another forester (sti if I can) once the Mrs Saab bites the dust. I'll be keeping the 555 longterm.


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Guy I worked with had a Classic Scoob, took me out in it and that was it. I wanted one! Was going to get one in 2001, but it was just at the time Subaru came out with the bugeye and I hated it so went with a Mitsu Galant instead. Along came the blobeye which still wasn't as sexy as the classic look, but a lot better, IMO so I took the plunge. Totally fell in love with the car.

Hated the hawkeye when it first appeared on the scene, but I was in Ian Grieves having the blobeye serviced, saw a hawkeye in black and thought it looked well smart in the flesh. That was it. Now the very happy owner of an 07 black hawkeye and not stopped smiling since I got it [:P] However, this will probably be my last as I'm not at all impressed with the route Subaru are going down. [:o]

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I spose it kinda started with watching Jimmy and Colin take part in Rally GB in the Legacy, always been a car fan and thought it weird that these funny jap things were actually good at rallying. Watched Rallying ever since and after Colin won the championship it kinda stuck in the back o my mind. It helped that my dad was a Ford man through and through, I had to buy something different when I grew up [:P]

First reasonably quick car was a Honda prelude, then a renault 16v..... after having this I said to the missus I need another jap car that has 4WD and a turbo. Really wanted a skyline but I couldnt afford them so thats when I remembered all those years ago watching Colin and dad in the legacy, remembering colin win the championship in the scoob I thought hey why not.

Several thousand pounds later, huge hole in the ozone and a fair ole smile on my face Im a scoob man............... the new skyline is coming though so.............................................................................. [:o]


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Watched a Top Gear with the Evo against a Scooby...............................mrs arranged to go and look at a couple - had a choice of a Black Bug Eye or a DBM Classic - Classic won hands down - have now got a Jap WRX to go with the DBM - Totally hooked

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Was never much of a car man or even a rally fan. My first car was a 1.2 corsa and my second was a 1 litre micra.

A year ago a friend at work bought a 04 STI type UK and just before he left there he gave me a shot. I fell in love.


I imediatly started wondering if i could ever have a car like that. A week later and I was signing away the next 3 years of my wages at S&S and bought my MY00 classic.

Was i rash? yes. would I have done that if I knew what i know now about the cars. hell no. However I still don't regret it.


I'm hooked on them now and spend as much time as I can learning as much about them as possible. Hell maybe one day i'll know them as well as I know pc's.

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