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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. John how do you know you popped a ring/piston on my first turbo engine in my other car i popped a piston and ring as you can see well mullered and this was only on 7psi of boost, and it smoked like it was on 100 a day on the strongest cuban cigars ended up getting this forged made custom pistons complete with gapless rings from the states designed to suit my engine and drop compression down to 7:1 for my sprint car
  2. i'll donate a bottle of french bacardi which is 55% proof
  3. why not get some one to check your car out properly and go from there
  4. you might be cheaper getting the running issues sorted out than swapping cars
  5. what is your running issues, deal with them first as ealer might not want a trade in if major problems
  6. ........... a big pile of cash to drop the impreza engine into it
  7. i was in stirling twice today but was in the ford works van so it wasnae me
  8. just needs the scoop fitted now and a bigger pea shooter out the back and his mods are done
  9. i did say around 8 secs, so close enough not bad for an old car and 8 valve technology
  10. not bad for a 17 year old ford and a overweight driver just pity my clutch now slips anything over 19psi of boost as found out at alford
  11. so are tickets on sale for this, or do we play for car documents, winner takes losers car
  12. clockwise 94.32 secs done on 4th aug 2007 anticlockwise 87.05 done on 26th may 2007
  13. atleast i dont get blown away in the wind or do yopu have really heavy boots on
  14. last year i was stupid enough to go against the rocket and according to the sprint times i am around 8 secs slower than the rocket for 3 laps of kames
  15. i dont see any takers againt the stevenson's rocket
  16. RAF Machrihanish been down runway in works van, nice and smooth most of the buildings are not used anymore, no mod on base but run by a parent company of amec
  17. come on acid spill the beans
  18. or anywhere in central scotland either
  19. why not make it involve a track like alford or kames or some other small track that can challange handling and speed
  20. maybe thats why he was looking tired at peters
  21. 1.Kebab Nemisis 2.Mrs Kebab Nemisis 3.Cusco Kid 4.Mrs Cusco Kid 5. Mr Gus the Bus 6. Terzo Neil
  22. sounded like chinese new year on drugs mad and mental
  23. got the new evo mag thro the post today and the write up is in it, by heck it's ugly and underpowered compared to the new evo 10 as stated in first line subaru must be on a mission with emergency facelift for it all ready
  24. looks like manufactoring fault, i would contact the tyre maker
  25. pity it wasnt for a version 4 terzo my98 car
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