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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooo i'm in Wigan on a 2 day training course
  2. it's a speedboat needed for the track by the looks of it
  3. the old base at macrhanish near campletown has a 2.25mile runway, still maintained to this day
  4. i wanted to be rich but that never happened
  5. Jesus i won't let them push a pram let alone drive a car
  6. atleast you have 4 pots on yours i have the standard 2 pots on the front as subaru supplied
  7. you should have 4 pots already being a 99 car
  8. cheers was offered a my99 ppp ecu also got an offer of a P1 ecu is that a 3 plug job
  9. will a my99 pp ecu fit a my98 car ?
  10. any road where there is no police on it, trying to get you with radar guns and bloomin speed camera's or unmarked motors
  11. just read it so sorry to die at such a young age heart goes out to family and close friends of the poor man
  12. link for video disnae work
  13. was in disguise as driven works van going opposite direction
  14. spotted you today clydeside expressway roundabout about midday heading towards the city centre
  15. 1. Higgy and Nikki 2. st3ph3n 3.imy 4.Marty. 5.Gus 6.Russ & Jackie 7.Dale(thefastone) & Nici 8.Harvey and Dawn. 9.G.T. 10.bigbadboab 11.STi_Bandit & April 12.coulty & shona 13. andywrx 14. Spooks and Mrs Spooks 15. Des & Maz 16. Ally-b 17. TheSquirrel 18. Terzo Neil
  16. me as well in the paisley area
  17. cheers works now
  18. disnae download codec error
  19. that was up with my other car oil out the turbo it was knackered bearing away that much play felt like stirring soup
  20. maybe cam cover gasket leaking slightly onto hot exhaust
  21. it looks like a bit of black tarmac to me going up and down
  22. the sierra or the scoob ? sierra yes it made 243bhp at 13psi, now running 17psi with wild cams and larger turbo scoob........ nope
  23. i have fedrels all round came with car good tyre cant complain
  24. was out in other car today after sorting out boost pipes and exhaust
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