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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. if the judge had his impreza nicked by this wee sh!t and i am sure he wouldn't be let off so lightly just pity you can't hold him till the troops come to teach him a lesson, cos that would cost you your job, would gladly break every finger he has to make sure he couldnt hold anything for a long while
  2. fancy cleaning mines for me, cannae be bothered just now
  3. all set, box programmed to record to hd drive
  4. maybe we can take him for a spin like by the ankles and a tow rope, will gladly do it as got t owbar on the back of the scooby, that'll should cure him permantly
  5. my old classic also has headlight washers and hid lights but the 1 thing i really miss is in cols freezing weather is a heated windscreen as last 3 cars have had them
  6. the children phoning in their christmas wish list since found santa's number thro google on the web
  7. what about costco ?
  8. finally got my hid headlights fitted, can truely see where i am going now instead of 2 candles in goldfish bowls at the front of the car, a blind man with a guide dog could see better than standard subaru headlights :icon_rendeer:
  9. i donated my prize to marky ts's wee boy have fun building it
  10. offer him 3000 pounds due to twisted panels and different shades of blue
  11. 1. Kebab Nemisis 2. Mrs Kebab Nemisis 3. Cusco Kid 4. Mrs Cusco Kid 5. Mr Gus the Bus 6. Terzo Neil - CONFIRMED 7. Ed-209 8. young-buck27 9. mrs young-buck27(and her bump) 10. whitelightning 11. mrs whitelightning 12. Playsatan 13. Mrs Playsatan 14. JohnnyR6 15. Mrs JohnnyR6 16. Coulty 17. Coultette 18. Squiggle 19. uRaBu5 20. Mrs uRaBu5 21. jimser 22. G.Mac 23. Dougie C 24. marky.t.s 25. scary mary 26. st3ph3n 27. Nicola 28. teocalli 29. Mrs teocalli 30. Des 31. Maz 32. Ally-b 33. GaryD 34. Lesley 35. Mr scoobymark 36. Mrs scoobymark 37. Master scoobymark 38. STI Pretender 39. Mrs STI Pretender - Mandy 40. Richie (work shifts allowing) 41. Mr Greersport 42. Mrs Greersport 43. Mr Meercat 44. Mrs Meercat 45. Thefastone 46. Thefastone's Nici 47. Andy - CONFIRMED 48. mctwistuk 49. scoobygav 50. oobster 51 Mrs oobster 51.5. (&bump) 52.NKWRX 53.Irish Al 54.Irish Al Otherhalf 55.Scoobaroo and other Quarter (If Shifts and space allow) Reserve List. - Not quite full yet! 1. JohnS (very much depends on the date, so won't deprive anyone of a confirmed slot) + possibly my wife. 2. James M 3. lostboy 4. mrs lost
  12. my98 terzo managed 343 miles on 49 litres and the fuel light didnt come on
  13. he has a damn quick car, was at alford in october at the same sprint event by heck he's a good driver
  14. you passed me the other week towing a car trailer
  15. yes it was a good day still had all the cats in place with no engine mods, according to sheet it made 198.6 bhp with 205lb.ft hey graeme at least i am keeping mines and can gain 30bhp if i take all the cats out yours just made it on the rollers, nearly slid right off, could get over the first set atleast mines doesnt weigh over 2 tonnes
  16. paul whats the address for hyptertech and could you the form as my printer aint working too well
  17. Secondly we have a Valet and some minor paint correction from our very own Blue Dragon and his company Proshine. I have a voucher that will allow the winner to arrange a suitable time to have there car professionally valeted. There is no time limit on this so if you wanted to you can get it done next year or any time for that matter. I will start the bidding for this at £50 and i'll raise it to 70 notes as mines needs a damn good cleam
  18. 1)PaulC555 2)GaryD NEWAGE STI 3)Terzo Neil (terzo or sierra xr4x4 dohc turbo with fmic/ stage 2 T3 turbo and mbe ecu) 4)superstar_tradesman Classic V3 Sti 555 5)young-buck27 (hawkeye sti) 6)st3ph3n - if it's no broken! 7)rallye 6 8)tommytcut 9)Des 10)Z1000 if its after 22nd october 11)JAC - Newage sti or Audi quatrro 12) Higgy 13) Scoobymark - Newage Sti 14) jk0474 15) A Marshall. ( through superstar_tradesman) Classic Terzo 3 16) Fai17 Newage STI with FMIC 17) B9RY C 18) Coulty 19) FrazA 20) stuarted (Classic P1 (FMIC)) 21) euan_r (classic) 22) ewan (gto) 23) jim dbm
  19. dont need another driver, will have to tow it any how with the scooby
  20. mines is ready as well (takes about 6ltrs to fill to max), but got a slipping clutch above 17psi of boost, slips like a bugger at 21psi tho do i run the scooby instead ?
  21. it was also on sale on ebay, went for over 10 grand
  22. mobile leather sofa do the right thing and keep the bloomin sti
  23. all depends on what folk are willing to pay as well, if overpriced could have it for a wee while could sell some mods and put it back to standard might sell better
  24. amen brother need to keep an eye on the menu's now
  25. the piston ring land is the grooves in the piston, so any bits of metal that has come of the piston could be trapped in the rings causing massive grooves all around the bore as the bits can move in the ring me personally would not even start the engine or attempt to drive it anywhere, get the offending side dismantled for a bore inspection, if badly damaged, you could be looking an 1 half of a block to be renewed
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