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Everything posted by karps

  1. billy i will try and make it along but i will be late again (some of us have to work ya know)
  2. try first alternative
  3. any more for tomorrow's meet ? 1. karps 2. billyboy 3. rice rocket
  4. Carl dont know if this would suit you as its not in scotland 205
  5. Bothwell services 7am for 7.15. Meet up with billyboy en route and get to scotch corner for the big convoy leaving at 10am
  6. congrats billy i'l see you sunday
  7. this Sunday 7.00am at bothwell services for the trip down 1. Karps +family 2. billyboy+ family (meeting on m74 somewhere) Is this all thats meeting up???
  8. For those still going, how about a meet up at Bothwell services on the M74 at 7am, leaving at 7.15 for a leisurely drive down to meet up with the Scotch Corner convoy which is leaving at 10am. Theres usually around 100 scoobs leave from there to the NBO so it should quite a sight. 1. Karps
  9. CENTRAL REGION HI SOOB----Perth aarongr - stirling Wilky----- Stirling, but soon Texas Sti-Zlv Matt Dunblane rallye 6 - stirling area. Weeb - Falkirk sheep - Kincardine GLASGOW Dougster keap scooby micra_wrc...........Glasgow TheSquirrel555...Paisley Gumball..............Glasgow S Swiggi-------------Glasgow W Mrs S6CUB..........Glasgow W Bing....................Glasgow W CORSA................Glasgow S ANDYJDMSTI.......Glasgow WRC No 1............Paisley scoobiemadburd ..Paisley ~ ~ Cal ~ ~.........Glasgow W Playsatan.............Glasgow E Karps...................Bishopbriggs Chrissy................Bishopbriggs AYRSHIRE Scoobay TAYSIDE AND ANGUS Technopete jc scoob.........wellbank scoobykev.....Dundee/Forfar EDINBURGH AND LOTHIANS Spooks ImprezaPete ScoobyAndy WRXMANIA (Brian) Neofox (Ian) Road Warrior (John) HIGHLANDS AND ABERDEENSHIRE jools ~ ~ Cal ~ ~.........Aberdeen S Miss Scooby - Highlands Gee Wr1 - Highlands Powerjunkie, Aberdeen Carl, Turriff
  10. Q. how do you give a guy a complex?? A. all leave when he arrives at a meet only kidding, sorry i missed most of you tonight but someone has to keep the youth of today occupied
  11. here are some updates for the NBO in case any newbies dont know what its all about NBO update Are we having a Scottish Scoobies clubstand?????
  12. all the best for the future, may it be long and happy Noel and family
  13. good pics sheep, even though im in a couple
  14. not sure dave havent heard him for a while cmon people this is a good family day out and a chance for scottish scoobies to make their mark 1. Sti-04 2. Swiggi 3. P3dro 4. Karps (hopefully) 5. Billyboy 6. SCOOBAY 7. Johnny50 8. TheSquirrel555 + micra_wrc 9. ANDYJDMSTI 10. WEEB + ma chick 11. GUMBALL 12. Rice Rocket + Rice Rockette 13.CORSA
  15. pics pics pics where are they all?
  16. so where are the rest of the pics of the run ? surely someone took some more.
  17. bttt for another great day out
  18. thanks Grant, imy, and others for a fantastic day, even though i did get a wee bit lost and ended up on a road with 3" of snow, but hey thats the highlands for ya lol. Wilky, ron jeremy? ha i taught him everything he knows great to meet all the new faces and roll on the next one
  19. found the cassette? found the box? found the 2 rings? found the battery? you need all these before you get the film lol
  20. dougster tells the truth, i have managed to get out ( smug smile)
  21. the more the merrier m8, your added to the list 1. ANDYJDMSTI 2. Swiggi + S6CUB 3. TheSquirrel + micra_wrc 4. sti-zlv 5. JOHNNYR6 6. madmonk 7. Corsa 8. fai 17 + wife + 2 kids 9. Playsatan 10. rallye 6 11. Weeb 12. ScoobyAndy 13. gr555 14. CHRISP GUMBALL3000 15. Pedro 16. sheep 17. Grant 18. Jambo (without the kids) 19. ImprezaPete 20. Higgy 21. Karps 22. Krakann 23. Johnny 24. kartman 25. Dad 26. jimmymc 27. Paddy247 28. sKunk 29. Seevers 30. Gee WR1 31. Miss Scooby 32. Spooks 33. SCOTTIESCOOB 34. Lordharding 35. Don Mega 36. Si,s Scoob 37. scoobykev 38. Dorikin aka Nyle; in his nice shiny GT4 WRC 39. Keevster (Paul) 40. Rice Rocket + Rice Rockette 41. P1ggm(gordo) 42. Marc29 43. The Admiral 44. Wilky 45. coulty + coultette (PART OF THE UNHINGED GROUP) 46. Stingy 47. Campbell 48. eastfifetyke
  22. hmmm i could fit a few more speakers on one of them
  23. Glad you had the sense to make it the week AFTER the Marvellous May one Congratulations and hope you have a great day
  24. bttt for all the newbies 1. Sti-04 2. Swiggi 3. P3dro 4. Karps (hopefully) 5. Billyboy 6. SCOOBAY 7. Johnny50 8. TheSquirrel555 + micra_wrc 9. ANDYJDMSTI 10. 2559B + pink pepper 11. WEEB + ma chick NBO3 details
  25. 1. Swiggi 2. Mrs S6CUB 3. WRC No 1 4. Scoobymadburd 5. TheSquirrel555 6. micra_wrc 7. WRXMANIA and Mrs Mania 8. CHRIS-GUMBALL3000 9. Cal 10 .Fai + 3 hungry mouths 11 Marc29 12. ANDYJDMSTI 12.5 Karps + Chrissy mmmmmmm burgersssssssssssss
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