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Everything posted by karps

  1. good to see such a big turnout and meet some new faces.
  2. bttt in case anyones forgotten
  3. looks like you all had a top day. roll on march
  4. I had a rattle in my sti8 from the rear drivers side took it back to dealer and got the strut changed, problem cured thats both my rear struts been changed now
  5. same happened to me spooks but i claimed a new battery from Subaru on warranty
  6. just got it from wh smiths and woo hoo im in it (2pics) wullie,claire,chrissy,matt,me havin a blether. a few more peeps in pic 2. thats 2 glossy mags iv been in this month (fame at last lol)
  7. 1. keap scooby 2. Karps
  8. congratulations guys, we might see some more activity happenin in scotland now
  9. welcome boabster, i think ul find it a bit busier in here than on Sn
  10. correct me if im wrong but, isnt this meet in the hillington industrial estate at the pub accross from Makro????
  11. got there and back no problem . good to see so many on such a miserable night and good to put more faces to names
  12. Looks like this will be a good one. count me in 1. Scoobay 2. Stevo 3. WRXMANIA 4. Rice Rocket 5. Billyboy 6. Big Andy 7. Malky 8. The Squirrel 555 9. Dougster 10. Swiggi 11. Bladerider 12. Dopey 13. 14. corsa 15.WRC No 1 - and the mad burd and her dog ???? 16. Gordon - 2004 wrx 17. grasshopper 18. Karps
  13. never thought id see myself in a glossy magazine lol
  14. cheers Grant, thats satisfied my curiosity
  15. on my STI 8 under the dash at the right of the steering behind the fusebox there are 2 green plugs 1 with a red wire and 1 with a green/white wire. Now they look as if they should be plugged in to each other and their not, but i have never disconnected them so WTF are they for??? (remembering that im not that tech minded) i dont want to connect them together and find that i blow somethin up. Anybody enlighten me???
  16. happy new year everyone
  17. 1. The Squirrel 555 ................................ Either 2. robinh20mrv....................the oil gods permiting! 3. Playsatan2......................Either 4. kart_man........................Probably either, but Saturday better. 5. JohnnyR6........................Sunday bloody sunday (queue music) 6. SCOOBAY......Either,neither,possibly,probably,don't know,maybe,not sure,undecided,yes,no,eh,????????? 7. Grovit.............................Either 8. Kenny............................Either 9. Sti-04!! ..........................Either (if i am welcome or are you all scared of some mitsi meat) 10. Karps..........................sunday
  18. that u out skiving again today matt? sorry couldnt stop was late for an appointment noel
  19. i thought we did really well for a trial run now we know what were doing, next year will be at least twice as big
  20. well done us next year bigger and better
  21. last reminder people 12-1230 at ASDA Robroyston which is the first exit off the m80 heading north. then to my hoose ( wifes making homemade soup and sarnies for all ) off to yorkhill around 1.30 arrive about 2 pm if we take our time. heres to a good day and a big THANK YOU to everyone for all the effort.
  22. 1. billyboy 2. WRCNo1 3. SCOOBAY 4. KARPS 5. Scooby Santa,Andrew Jnr & Malky 6. Stiks ( possibly with little helpers - spending the cash at Toys'r'us tomorrow !!) cu at Asda R/royston 12.15 7. Stevo-Sti 8. The Squirrel 9. Devlin
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