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Everything posted by karps

  1. GROUP 1- usual pace- WILKY 1. Wilky 2. WUZ (looking to play with Wilky!) GROUP 2- middle of the road pace- THE SQUIRREL 1. The Squirrel 2. scoobykev 3. RubyTheScooby 4. Paddy247 5. Jc scoob 6. st3ph3n 7. karps GROUP 3- Family Group, relaxed pace- CORSA (TBC) OR GUMBALL 1. Gumball or Davie Corsa 2. Ed-209 3. WRXMANIA 4. PaulC555 + Wife and Little un.... GROUP 4 - See you there, Close to the Lecht than Perth 1. Catherine and Ken Ross Im not quite miss daisy yet
  2. I gave up when i got to the tower as i had to pick up the missus from the hotel. Still took me about 3 hours to get to there though.
  3. Cheers i thought it made the car just a wee bit different
  4. front end
  5. cheers Al
  6. Nobody else for tommorows trip???
  7. some pics from last year for the newbies
  8. bttt This coming Saturday everyone. any more? Glasgow (bothwell services) around 8 am 1. Karps 2. Irish Al & Baby No 2 3. gr555(poss) Gretna. 1.
  9. the ultimate car quiz
  10. newage waver here even at sports, and pedestrians eh dougster
  11. Is the photoshoot at Glenshee or Lecht? Glenshee has massive parking and its only an hour ish drive from perth but im not organising this
  12. bttt Glasgow (bothwell services) around 8 am 1. Karps 2. Irish Al & Baby No 2 Gretna. 1.
  13. I think i'm going now but gonna make a day of it with the wife so will be leaving Glasgow early morning, probably around 8 am so if anyone wants to tag along or meet up, at say, Gretna services stick your name down. Glasgow (bothwell services) 1. Karps Gretna. 1.
  14. Saturday 15th October. Not sure if im going yet, just wanted to see if anyone else was interested in going. Maybe head down in the morning and make a day of it?
  15. Blackpool Big One
  16. Chris you'll have to remember to bring a jerrycan 1. Gumball 2. RS Grant 3. Andywrx 4. st3ph3n 5. Pedals 6. Ac!D 7. Jcscoob 8. Craig Mac 9. WRC No 1 10. Paddy 11. WRXMANIA 12. Billyboy and Jean and Ally 13. CORSA. 14.TheSquirrel555 and co-pilot 15. FAI17 16. G6RAY 17. Marc29 18. Fee & Adam (if he's ever in the country) 19. Karps
  17. DIY my boot
  18. How about somewhere around Perth as its in the middle (ish) of Scotland then do the Highland run again
  19. 10.00 am ASDA Robroyston is fine with me
  20. vote done. Do you want me for page 3 of the calander
  21. J TUNER 1ST Visit To Crail Sunday 18th September A brand new mag and its first visit to Scotland's Drag Strip. Scary from FAST CAR fame and Tricky will be here to shoot you and your Jap motors at play on the 1/4 mile,drift track and on the grass show and Shine display area. We will be running as normal ,but with special classes for different makes and models of Jap cars. There will be a show and shine as well ,but for all makes and models as well as prizes up grabs on the drift track. Anyone going ??
  22. ok how many of you thought it was for real then lol
  23. order up yours now cheap petrol
  24. I've been missed off the list 1. GUMBALL ..............04 STI WR BLUE 2. WRXMANIA ...........03 WRX SILVER 3. DOUGSTER ...........98 Civic 1.5 v-tec 4 CORSA.................. 04 STI WR BLUE 5 5COOBY................ 03 CORSA 1.2 6 jc scoob ................99 UK GREEN 7 mrs jcscoob...........00UK WAGON 8 Billyboy..................55 sti9 wif PPP 9 Spince...................02 WRX Silver 10 DanTerzo............Wr Blue terzo 11 GordyNo1...........WR1 12 seevers ..............01 Bugeye 13 andywrx ............04 WRX Blue 14 st3ph3n ............. 05 WRX Black 15 Fai17...................03 STI8 WR BLUE 16 scientific steve.....98 Type R Whit 17 Oobster...............03 WRX Blobeye 18 HIGGY..................02 WRX mica Black wabtm 19 TheSquirrel555....95 WRX STI in Red 20 Neofox .............97 WRX STI in White 21. Playsatan2........99 WRX Type R in Black 22. Wilky...................95 STI RA in Rocket Sled white. 23. ANDYJDMSTI........03 JDM STI / Blue 24. PaulC555.............97 STi3 Import in 555 blue. 25. TrickyB.................98 STi4 Type R in silver. 26. tino .................. 01 WRX 27. 2559B ................ 99 RB5 WR sport 28. WUZ....................00 Sti6 RA V-Limited 29. Clutdav................05 STi9 - Crystal Grey + Tek3 30. Ferryscoob...........93 WRX in Red. (seems like i have the oldest car here) 31. coulty..................95 Sti2 in white 32. Weeb.................93 wrx 33. rossyboy.............93 wrx 34. pedals................93 wrx in black 35. Mako..................05 WRX in white 36. Coulster.............99 UK Champagne 37. Rice Rocket.........01 Bugeye Silver Bling machine!!! 38. JohnS..................02 STi Type UK in WR Blue 39. Power Junkie.......99 Wrx Sti Type R (Cool Grey) 40. cupraderv.............97 UKwagon silver 41. Karps....................03 STI8 WR blue stickered up sorted
  25. Noel here. never had a scooby before and thought i would have a look at a few second hand ones. Ended up buying myself a brand spanker STI8 03 plate 2 years ago and still love all the attention i get. Gettin some added bling to the engine bay very shortly 1. GUMBALL ..............04 STI WR BLUE 2. WRXMANIA ...........03 WRX SILVER 3. DOUGSTER ...........98 Civic 1.5 v-tec 4 CORSA.................. 04 STI WR BLUE 5 5COOBY................ 03 CORSA 1.2 6 jc scoob ................99 UK GREEN 7 mrs jcscoob...........00UK WAGON 8 Billyboy..................55 sti9 wif PPP 9 Spince...................02 WRX Silver 10 DanTerzo............Wr Blue terzo 11 GordyNo1...........WR1 12 seevers ..............01 Bugeye 13 andywrx ............04 WRX Blue 14 st3ph3n ............. 05 WRX Black 15 Fai17...................03 STI8 WR BLUE 16 karps...................03 STI8 WR BLUE stickered up
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