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RS Grant

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Everything posted by RS Grant

  1. Yeah things are fine with me buddy, got rid of the M3 for a Hartge/Birds 335i... which was a massive mistake. The 335 lasted 6 months before I sold it, running a 540i as a stop gap at the moment as I've ordered a Golf R... but reaaaally trying to justify a Classic as a toy/track car!! How are you getting on mate?? Cheers, Grant
  2. Yup, the DBM with 6-speed... the new owner has gone a vastly different route with the car, which is a shame given that non-rotten classics are getting harder to find. But hey ho, it's his car I guess!! Good news on the car sale. Cheers, Grant
  3. Saw your car on PH earlier mate, pretty much an ideal spec'd classic and very similar to my last MY00 actually. But it's outside my grasp at the moment.. however if you fancy chopping a chunk off the price, let me know. Cheers, Grant
  4. Does Gav still work at Grieves, semi-off topic I guess... so apologies. Cheers, Grant
  5. 7 years to reply... that's more late than I've ever been JC, haha. Cheers, Grant
  6. Have just seen on the news that Chris Groves and his son Connor died in a car accident on Saturday... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-25703054 Chris owned a Catalunya with white raceline wheels back in the day.. participated in a few runs and even when he sold his Impreza, would always be happy to see you and make time to chat at Knockhill/Shows etc. I'm really shocked by this news, my thoughts are with his family just now. Cheers, Grant
  7. It's a bloody nice car mate. After driving the car back this afternoon... the temptation to buy another Impreza is growing stronger with each page of Pistonheads/Autotrader that I look at!! Cheers, Grant
  8. Hi Neil,

    Noticed you knew someone that wanted a car with MOT in a deal with his Impreza Turbo 2000... do you know if he's still got the car?? I'd love a wee project Scoob to work away on and have my old runaround Focus which I could do a deal on if he was interested. :)

  9. Me too, absolutely sh!te update so far IMO. Cheers, Grant
  10. That should nip on. Cheers, Grant
  11. Regardless of the motive (judging by recent posts..), thanks for supplying the link Jac, its saved in my favorites now. Best of luck Andy!! Cheers, Grant
  12. It'll do for now... haha, those ???'s will have to disappear at some point though. 6.5/10, I awarded an extra 0.5 for adopting a list style, like me. Cheers, Grant
  13. Nice, very nice... time to change the signature Lewis. Cheers, Grant
  14. I really like Hawkeyes, that one looks brilliant base for some subtle upgrades from the Oobster School of Modification. Get it purr-chased Andy!! Greig, what was the unedited version... you can't leave it there!! Cheers, Grant
  15. It doesn't require one Greig, but for the sake of a few quid, a bit of my time and to be 100% for the future, I decided to fit one anyway. Cheers, Grant
  16. Never used to be available on the Hawkeye STi mate... but then it was over 3 years ago that I had mine done by Andy, so it could have changed since then!! Cheers, Grant
  17. Door handles and mirrors came colour coded from factory on MY00 and were un-painted black plastic on MY99 cars.. thats the only difference visually, apart from the alloy wheel design (5-spoke MY99 and 6-spoke MY00) obviously. Looks a tidy car, would definitely appeal to a wider audience with the standard body bits fitted and IMO its probably a 3k car to the right person. What have you replaced it with Ally?? Cheers, Grant
  18. Personally, I'd rather go for the 550cc and over-do the spec slightly rather than running the 440cc that bit closer to their safe operating limit... but thats a personal thing, also, depending how much further you go power-wise you could retain the 550cc where you would almost certainly need to upgrade from the 440cc in the future. I'm running a VF34 on my car Joe, it spools pretty quickly and is always on the money when making progress... I seriously rate my car the way it is and I am really wary of upping the power too much more because it could potentially spoil what a great back road car it is. Haha, yea I think the 95RON map could feel a wee bit flat after rolling around on the high boost map!! Cheers, Grant
  19. He'll need injectors, the MY97/98 UK Turbos came with 380cc injectors as standard. I would also definitely upgrade the intercooler Joe, minimum an STi V5/6/P1 item but more likely an STi 7/8/9 TMIC which are proven to far more than your current power goal. The standard one on there will start to struggle to keep ACTs in order once you wind the boost up on a bigger turbo and I wouldn't bother going FMIC at the moment, thats something to consider once you forge the engine and go for higher power later on. To keep things on topic, I'm making 338/322 on my UK Turbo and it seems more than happy to deal with that... and has been for about 7-8k miles since its had the upgrades done. Cheers, Grant
  20. Brilliant result, really clever spec too. Cheers, Grant
  21. I did just under 90 miles from full to petrol light appearing on my old Hawkeye STi running 355/390... but that was on a Knockhill Track Day. Normal driving would yield about 170 from a tank, which is still absolutely sh!te IMO. My current car will do 220-230 around the town and normal pottering around, it will do 200 absolutely minimum after using it for spirited driving and then on a run it will do about 300-320 without much hassle. I got over 350 miles after I picked it up and sat on the motorway on the way home at c80mph with a couple of 120+ blasts against an RS6. Cheers, Grant
  22. If I was going to mod a UK Turbo from standard spec then thats pretty much exactly what I'd have fitted too. It will be an amazing road car once mapped up mate. Cheers, Grant
  23. Hi buddy, yeah that was me that you raced... had gearchange issues on our run!! Whats the spec of your car? Sounded like its got headers cause there wasnt much burble? Cheers, Grant
  24. Its a tasty sounding long block you've got there matey, what turbo are you going to be strapping to this G-to-the-Mac-Fizzle?? Cheers, Grant
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