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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Perhaps we should have a vote on what goes on them [][][]
  2. I only hope they didn't kill themselves mate..........Paralysed from the neck down would be fine [Y]
  3. Just so long as its not Rio's sample your testing [][]
  4. I'm hoping that the insurance process will be speeded up. So far its been an absolute nightmare with the insurance firm (IMHO) trying to pull a fast one but Gary (Moley_wrx) has been an absolute star and has been untold help in sorting them out. I can't recommend him (Keith Michaels insurance) enough [Y]
  5. Tell me about it [:'(]
  6. Cars been found!! Got in from work today to find a letter on the mat from a firm in Birmingham saying they've recovered it on behalf of West Midlands police. Only downside is that its fu*ked. The bloke I spoke to from the recovery firm said that he didn't think it's driveable as it has front end damage. After a few questions I get out of them that the damage is so severe that its popped the front windscreen. Need to get in touch with the insurance company tomorrow to get it recovered. All I'm hoping now is that its damaged to badly to repair (I don't think I've got too many worries there!) as I don't want it back after repairs.
  7. Ten minutes is a bit much []..................they'd be paralysed after two [Y][6]
  8. Welcome back to the fold []
  9. PMSL [] You're so right Barry. I feel guilty about trying to make it hard for them now. Next time I'll leave the door open with the keys in the ignition for them...........and a fu*king car bomb when they turn the engine over!
  10. What do you mean sound like [][]
  11. Every cloud has a silver lining as they say. Good luck in Manchester, all the best [Y]
  12. I just hope that one day I meet the thieving scum, or any twocer scum for that matter. Hanging upside down while bleeding to death from your cut off bell end would help balance the fair scales a little [:@][6]
  13. But the deliveries were only supposed to goto Manchester [][]
  14. Not found and not likely to be. Am getting over my mourning period and starting to look for my next baby.
  15. Thats sh*t news mate [N] Glad your ok thats the main thing.
  16. Nice photos [H] Not sure about the music taste though [][][]
  17. # We heard thr first time [][]
  18. Yep. You're all a bunch of wh*res [A] [][][]
  19. Very smart [H][Y]
  20. I'll tell her. If you see a woman waving madly in a crusty car you'll know who it is [] [+o(][][][]
  21. Shes driving a Mazda 626 Sue. She said you'll know who she is as she'll be the one in the slow car in front that can't go round corners [][][] I still look out of the window for it every time I get up [:$]
  22. ...or at least she feels that way. She borrowed the daughters car to goto work in and got blanked by every scooby she passed. Can anyone tell me where to get a My other car was a scooby sticker so she can get some waves []
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