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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Good Evening [] Hope you had a day as good as mine (Arsenal won the footy [][H] (Had one or two to celecrate [])
  2. I can bring the Sat Nav and lead the way if you want (Any wrong turns or misdirections are definately the sat navs fault though, not mine! [])
  3. 1. Shiralee plus one and the kids!! PAID 2. wedmonds 3. Loony Toon 4 . Pele 5.Rossyboy - me my brother and my mate, Paid 6. yogibear tbc 7. Dalthegooner - Paid 8. T123VOR - Tickets bought me and my mate 9. STiBen 10. CarbonScooby - Tickets bought 11. XBX (andy) - Tickets bought yesterday 12.raduv- tickets bought
  4. That looks nice mate [H] The lights are definately a good move and the wheels are crisp [Y]
  5. Welcome to Kent Scoobies Ray []
  6. Sorry I didn't make it today people [] We've got a handover at work and its been manic all week making sure things get finished in time!!
  7. Happy belated Birthday Ian. Hope you had a good one [Y][]
  8. with your t shirts[] PMSL []
  9. Quality pics mate, some good ones there [Y][H]
  10. Nice one Jon and Arron [Y]
  11. You can host it free on vidilife j-k. Not sure the maximum file size though [:$]
  12. He looks well cute [][H]
  13. Colour coded IMHO.
  14. No worrieds mate. You can see it from the A229 easily so you should find it no problem []
  15. Check here Trevor. Its a map from Shell showing the exact position.
  16. The Shell station is on the A229 (The red bit)
  17. FPMSL [] Ian will be in his element []
  18. PMSL [] You'll have the hippy brigade after you now Barry [] But i couldn't agree more. They should all be scrapped [Y][][]
  19. Well lets get a list going then [] 1. daisy 2. Markie 3. STiBen 4. Granby 5. Dalthegooner
  20. I'm working mate. Won't be homew till about twoish so wouldn't be able to get there till about half three at the earliest.
  21. Another glorious day. Lets just hope they keep on coming [Y][H]
  22. Cheers Tony. All I can say is GET ONE!!! You won't be disappointed. I absolutely love it, after my first baby I didn't think it could get much better but trust me it can! [][H][][H]
  23. Good luck guys. Hope everything goes well for you [Y]
  24. If its gonna be replacing optimax then hopefully the price will be comparable. Although considering the rip off prices that BP are charging for their 102 ron juice then I suspect you might be right Barry [:@]
  25. Check out scoobyworld and they should have what you're after.
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