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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. 1. Pele - Side windows/windscreen 2. Granby - Kent Scoobies side stickers 3. Loony Toon - side windows/front and rear 4. T123VOR- Kent Scoobies side windows 5. Baser999 - Kent Scoobies side windows 6. Dunks - Kent Scoobies side stickers 7. Daniel - Kent Scoobies side stickers 8. Q Dog - Kent Scoobie side stickers 9. Shiralee - Kent Scoobies side windows 10. VickyK- Kent Scoobies side windows (if no more than 10 quid) 11. Monty - Kent Scoobies side stickers x 3 (like the ones granby displayed ) 12. Dalthegooner - Kent Scoobies side stickers x 2 (The same as Granby's ones)
  2. Unbelieveable - four consecutive posts on the same thread just to get to your 5000 posts - you are officially confirmed as being very sad and a serious w h o r e []
  3. Looking crisp Jock [H][Y]
  4. Nice one Dean. Thats good news [Y]
  5. i said a few home trues barry someone didn't like it so deleted it. so much for freedom of speech ey! Reading between the lines I thought that might be the case but thought I'd ask - shame really since I hought this was supposed to be an open forum for its members [] ROFFPMSL Whatever gave you that idea Barry [:^)]
  6. FPMSL []
  7. At least half of them must be trying to get people interested in the France [sn][sn] trip []
  8. Thats ok mate. Its what you come to expect from supporters of inferior teams [] I'll take champions league football over a sticker anytime [][][]
  9. No mate. Never saw him again, ******* ****** if you ask me [:@] I've got a driver training day on the 11th and then Castle Combe on the 18th. No money left for France [sn][sn] as well.
  10. Night
  11. PMSL [] I seem to remember having the same experience following Barry to Norwich [][]
  12. PMSL [] Must be the time of the month [][][]
  13. Theres xtreme scoobies in Essex. I've heard nothing but good things. Or you can PM Deano666 on here, he's a mobile mechanic, and have it done at home.
  14. Hold on lads i think we've done something wrong as we've made someone feel very welcome [] [] Must be 'cause Markies in Germany [][][][]
  15. PMSL [] I'll get the door for you Barry [][][]
  16. I second that [Y] FPMSL []
  17. Looks good Mark [H] Another couple of years and you might start tinkering with the engine as well []
  18. Hello Vicky and welcome to the madhouse []
  19. Shouldn't be any problems mate [Y] (Famous last words [])
  20. Welcome to Kent Scoobies Mog [] As Barry said, post your question on its own thread and you will probably get a better response.
  21. This months meet is at The Wharf from 7.30pm onwards, hopefully the weather will stay fine and we'll be able to have a drink outside [Y] all newcomers are welcome as well as the usual suspects [] and i'm sure Markie will be there to tell us all about the WRC Germany trip [H] Please add your name to the list.... 1. Granby 2.mickyw 3 Dalthegooner (Work permitting)
  22. Apparently the jobs in hand [] and won't they prove to be useful little stocking fillers along with the t-shirts at xmas [] Christmas of what year????? []
  23. Hello Rob and welcome to the nuthouse []
  24. Thats bollox mate [] I'm glad you got the second c*nts numberplate! W*nkers like that really p*ss me off. Think they don't have to stop because they 'only knocked off your wing mirror' WA*KERS [8o|]
  25. Thats bollox mate [:@] I can't believe your bad luck! Maybe you should change mechanic, hopefully it will change your luck as well []
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