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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Oh dear, someones gone all serious.........come on Dal m8, lighten up, you got a new baby - sleepless nights getting to you...all that sitting around with a gun, your finger poised to press the button on that mains grid alarm I wasn't getting all serious [] Honest [:$]
  2. Helping old people is always a good thing. I was at the hole in the wall the other day getting xsome money and an old dear asked me if I'd check her balance. Well I always like to help old timers but her balance wasn't very good as it only took a little push and she fell over []
  3. I've decided to keep the high powered push bike out for the station run Sue. Waking the new baby up in the morning for a five mile round trip doesn't do her any good so I've decided not to. Plus I'm trying to get rid of my gut so I can see my feet again [][][]
  4. Thanks people [] The wifes out in it now for the first time. No doubt she'll be driving around looking for other Scoobies as they'll wave back at her now []
  5. Referee's were told before the tournament that in order for divers to be booked the refs needed to be 110% sure that it was a dive and hence they just let too much of it go. As for the two refs. Don't expect to see it any time soon its just another thing that Sepp Blatter says when he opens his mouth before engaging his brain.
  6. Thanks for the kind words people [] I'm still grinning [] She weighed about the standard weight j-k but we've not decided on a name yet. Probably something original like Scooby [] Parents and baby are both doing fine Barry. Baby wasn't too impressed with being clamped so she couldn't move last night but she'll get used to it [] Not decided on a christening date yet Dean. I'll let you know as soon as I get one off of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury [] I've been toying with either a national grid alarm or a plastic explosive one Barry [] I dare say that she'll be out and about soon pouting and looking all sexy Mark []
  7. In your dreams Markie [] When we gonna see yours on a rolling road [*-)] you never know the bhp may get upto 3 figures before it goes BANG [:$] PMSL []
  8. They're quality figures Ian [Y] You must be well pleased with that [H]
  9. That looks pretty smart [Y]
  10. Option 3. Let down all four of the offending vehicles tyres [][Y]
  11. Missed it as I was otherwise engaged. But I'm sooooooo glad []
  12. I'm starting a "Ban Ian from washing his car cos he always makes it rain pertition" Please sign below:- [][][] pmsl where do i sign [] i'm quite happy to stop washing my car as long as someone else does it, are you volunteering Daniel [] I'll volunteer Daniel [] And I'll second it []
  13. LMFAO Yours certainly looks better two foot shorter than ours [][][]
  14. After a 600 mile round trip to places never heard of we are the proud parents of a bouncing Type R [][][][][][][][][][] I'll post some more piccys once she's had a nice bath and scrub up [][][][][]
  15. Watch this space []
  16. Silver classic with black graphics on the roundabout by Waitrose in Dartford at just gone six this evening [Y] I was on my high powered push bike riding home from the station
  17. Very nice. I like the vents in the wing [Y][H]
  18. I'm not tall enough to see you over a 6 foot fence mate []
  19. I'm looking at the minute Tony. Theres a couple I'm interested in so hopefully it won't be too long. By the way, whos Daz [:^)] Dal aint short for Darren mate []
  20. Does the lead not pull out of the stereo and the plug fit directly into the stereo?
  21. I'd like a car to put a sticker on please [][]
  22. L like the look of the dump valve [Y] Very nice [H] I used Autoglym engine and machine cleaner with a half inch paint brush to agitate it and a steam cleaner to wash it off when I started cleaning my engine bay. Worked very well IMHO.
  23. FFS you have no luck Tony. Hope its not too bad and gets sorted soon [:@]
  24. Why would you go on Sunday when the rallyday is on Saturday [8-)] PMSL Doh! [][]
  25. PMSFL [] I was shocked when I thought you had got rid of the scoob as there had been no mention of it. Glad it was a wid up. Nice one [Y]
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