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Everything posted by MS S6CUB

  1. Ahhh prezzies, dont tell me~ is it a bus pass!!?????? The Swigg......Didnt see it was the younger half that was logged on lol
  2. She's gonna set that big dog on you when she reads that
  3. 1. chris p 2. playsatan2 3. 2559B 4. Swiggi and the pest (me) We'll meet the convoy at Kincardine Bridge...
  4. In my best Marilyn Monore voice ............. "Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday The Swiggmeister... Happy Birtthday to youuuuu......" Just wanted to tell the troops The Swigg is 25 today - lets all slag him about how old he is getting..!! Gayle
  5. wilky - you have too much time on your hands impressive tho - very witty..
  6. I'm online - msn must have their alcohol detection enabled G
  7. MSN is back up ... you drunk
  8. I know the guy in the white classic nice car....
  9. Tell Imy I am waiting and MSN is guffed!! I'll keep trying tho - pink cushions is my favourite subject G
  10. he's gone to bed in huff think we'd b best putting it on dvd and giving it out at meets and stuff... or i could post one out via letterbox, not t'internet pm me if u want one... g
  11. watch it boyo
  12. Hi Jodi - welcome Think we will have enough females to have our own meet soon - then we can talk about interesting things - like shoes and bags and eye candy Only kidding - of course we will talk about cars, eh!!! C'MOAN THE WUMMEN!!!!!!!!! (now edited )
  13. suppose we could drag ourselves to stirling 1 HI SOOB.....Jamie 2 SWIGGI & Gayle
  14. I'll send you my address - I'll take good care of her Gayle
  15. "anyone got pics (or even better - a video) of my car? Would love to see what it looks like from the outside when it's moving!" I've got some footage of you on motorway oobs - your rims make me green with envy .. I will try to post a few clips today.... if i figure out how to do it gayle
  16. too many miles to count and too much petrol to care.... specially on way home Day was great - who cares about optimax usage when you're smiling so much and I was just a co pilot!! Gayle
  17. bored tonight Ally
  18. LMFAO Jodie is not a dog - i'll be telling her u said that tho G
  19. No probs Come back anytime - as long as you bring your dog !! Gayle
  20. Grant,Imy,superb day,just had to say it again. Scoobys really do rule the road right enuff. Please do again soon(after 25th June) Thoroughly enjoyed myself. Del. p.s...i'm pi**ed now
  21. My first run of many I say - maybe next time i will drive..... yeah right you guys drive way too fast!!! Great day Grant and Imy - roll on the next one.. Gayle
  22. Video should be up soon - hanging out the car was worth it!! It's great Loads of footage - bit unsteady at times tho Gayle
  23. just Gayle will do fine... thanks Andy! I'll get you back.......
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