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Everything posted by MS S6CUB

  1. The force is not with that numptie - he is out in rain washing the car!!
  2. where is it as the clicky isnt working!
  3. sheep , goats, gay bar loiterers - whats going on in this place? ROFLMFAO
  4. What's happening here boys? I go out for one night and I come back to bitching and a scoobie with a for sale sign - makes me want to stay in and that's never a good thing
  5. << are we still talking about the DVD?? >> I hope so because either of us will be giving you it across the table in brewsters
  6. U know by asking me you will get it Andy Ask Swig and u will still b waiting next year!!
  7. Matt and Mrs Matt - I hope you are ready for this mammoth bbq session
  8. Autoglum bug and tar remover (the one in blue writing) removes it all no bother, then a layer of polish and hey presto bling bling!
  9. You are too right Brian - GB on lawyers
  10. I force him to go for peace and quiet and full control of the Sky box for a few hours
  11. Wheres the best place to get the above products?
  12. Had a fab day - as always with you guys It was great to meet new faces - Allie (HISOOB's lovely wife), Vixter, Spooks and Rosie (now you can put a face to the msn warrior SMA01 and his mate - I promise I never touched your car.... Wee Andy - cheers for the black eye and stab wounds Carole - do not bring alcohol for me again, ok do but please make sure I behave, lol... SIDC stand looked great - althought the mondeo club did give us a run for our money and yes Swiggi's car was shiny, it gets more love than me (looking for sympathy here) Must say though - the Ferraris were hot Think I'd even sell Swiggi for one of those bad boys.... Finally - note to self - must take 'sensible' shoes next time...
  13. Will it be the big pole I saw today?
  14. Watch out for the flying buckfast bottles heading your way
  15. of course - any others want one?
  16. It's gonna be a good weekend!! Some of the Scottish Scoobies clothing will be ready and modelled - hopefully we won't need the waterproofs like last weekend though and I bet the burgers wont be as good as Matts!
  17. You mean like this Chris? CAMO VODKA JACKASS
  18. Flashing, eh - that's the spirit of the GUMBALL baby Welcome
  19. Another great day out with the Scooby boys Females were seriously outnumbered though - think I need to get some more women involved It was good matching more faces to avatars though, and nice to meet you Bing ! Roll on Knockhill
  20. not me Del - no "swigging" needed - I get high on Optimax fumes
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